Bug So the game runs flawless until someone pulls a trigger

    Dec 5, 2016
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    So the game runs flawless until someone pulls a trigger.

    I can build huge things, I can make doors open and close, I can pull in large ships with crap tons of docked entities. but the moment I pull the trigger with something with 1 gun cannon to a star destroyer full of cannons missiles, or beams it all freezes me up for a few seconds. (As seen below in a video at the moment where I am showing this happening)

    I can build for days (including this Victory class with no problem) but the moment i think about wanting to shoot something it all goes tits up and lags, or if Pirates show up and the turrets decide to do their job.

    anyone know how to fix this? I have already ran Steam's file checker, reinstalled the game, etc... it started happening a few weeks before the patch, I noticed I couldnt play on a server due to bad systematic lag, turns out on my side it was doing it as well. so it was not the server. all fine and dandy right until probably early june or late April.

    If you want a little more info here is another where I talk about it a bit more:
    Last edited:
    Apr 21, 2013
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    Turrets use collision checks to determine howfar they can turn. The reason ai controlled turrets tend to gimbal their shots is to reduce the number of collision calcs necessary.

    From what I can tell you are using a fairly large amount of turrets with manual control mode. Manual control does not gimbal, meaning every motion requires a collision check. Then when you throw the kinetic force imparted by firing cannon weapons, it makes the game borderline unplayable. More turrets has always been a source of poor performance, having all of them set to manual control makes it worse.
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    Reactions: Serene-Switch
    Sep 1, 2013
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    Thats known to me, but they are not on manual control. It just affects cannons so recoil might be the problem. Setting recoil to zero via config does not help thoug.