SMSG - StarMade Skin Generator [Alpha]

    Jan 8, 2016
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    I recommend changing the layer options to be able to select any color for skin, hair, etc. As well as toggling glows for certain areas (if not all), and support for importing custom layers within in the applications format, meaning using a select small map that could be edited without worry of toddler syndrome (IE: drawing outside the lines) (or possibly in app drawing...?).

    Just a little constructive criticism I hope... Don't mean to ask too much, but I'd really like the premise to be able to reach its full potential.

    With those features added, it will be the top download, hands down.

    Reilly Reese

    #1 Top Forum Poster & Raiben Jackpot Winner
    Oct 13, 2013
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    I've been using this to help me get started in skinning.

    It would be nice if we could add our imports permanently.
    Jan 14, 2016
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    Came here through a link ona recent JaceMachine video on YouTube. Downloaded v1.3, created a skin, clicked the link to the files and it's all there. Wouldn't let me copy it to my game folder from there so I went in another way and the "GeneratedSkins" folder doesn't show up at all!

    I reran the generation and got an error but did manage to see the files again. Deleted them, regenerated the skin, all well and good but still invisible to any other folder view and I cannot copy it.

    I tried to zip the files up and make them portable but this zip file is equally invisible!

    If you know what is wrong or can offer a fix it would be fantastic!

    I am running Windows 10 but have tried a few times in compatability mode and running as an administrator without luck.
    Sep 30, 2019
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    The skin generator seems to not be working for me. Could you spruce it up and patch it up? :neko: