Bug Shypyard bug ?

    Jun 28, 2013
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    I have finaly been able to make the Hyperion blueprint with my shipyard, been obliged to do many thing 1rst of all had to delete most of the old modules for docking since if u load your blue print to disign of old models, all the turrets spawn for real..... that were attached to it :s and are not holograms.... weardly, part of my ressources have been used in the process :s friend of mine have tryed this also and didn't take his ressources at all, since he didn't put anything yet to built. and still it spawned the turrets.

    other big anoying part is that for my flagship after being modified (removed all turrets and and fighters it had + getting rid of most of the old modules), (I just wanted to finaly fly it after all theses days collecting all the differents modules she needed)
    I pressed undock in the shipyard computer, approched the ship, and there it starts moving like its bumping arround....like crazy..... haven't even done anything yet.
    so I guess the anchor module was getting stuck withing the blocks but were generating a collision of some sort.

    result : got kind of teleported like 5km away.....
    when I got back the ship had mostly disapeard cut in a huge 3peaces slice, leaving just the middle section of the ship, sending the pix as attachment.

    hope u can fix these crazy bugs getting annoyed to always ask the admin of server for help...
    best regards.

    (ps : sorry for the bad english been a while)


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    Customer Experience Manager
    Aug 15, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Schine
    • Wired for Logic
    This looks like some corruption in the blueprint itself,
    did you get it from community content, or was it a custom version you made?

    - Andy