
    Jun 19, 2013
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    Ok, so imagine you either don't have enough money, or want a more RP style ship-building process.

    You make a large station, with yard-arm modules (for the construction process, the more there are the quicker construction is) several endpoint modules (to define the boundaries of the ship yard, some ships need a larger yard then others) a ship-builder module (the controller block of the frame, linking to a chest it can take items from to use in the construction process, as well as linking to the yard-arms and the endpoint modules else they will not function, you open the the ship-builder and select the name of a blueprint either on the server catalog or in your personal catalog, this is the ship that shall be built)

    The idea with the 'I can't buy this D:' thing is that you can input the blueprint, then go minning over several hours, bringing back more resources, slowly building up the ship till fully, or operationaly complete!

    This will also give you something to do with all those resources you get from raiding pirate stations, other then selling them :D
    Jun 23, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen\'d need all the blocks in the ship\'s blueprint for it to be built.. Which means you have exactly all the ressources needed to buy it...

    I mean, -as far as I thought- wasn\'t ship price at shops the price of every single block in it summed up?
    If that\'s the case then.. if you are required to input all the elements needed for the ship to be built, you essentially have to money to do it.. But instead of selling all those blocks you\'d put in the chest, and buying the ship with that money, it would then take time to be built...

    While that is immersion-wise really neat and actually visually and tactically more interesting, I think it doesn\'t cover the \"not enough money\" one bit.

    I\'m not against the idea though, and I\'d love to see the ships slowly be built line per line the same way you can see it happen in Sins of a Solar Empire for instance.
    Jun 19, 2013
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    The idea with the \'I can\'t buy this D:\' thing is that you can input the blueprint, then go minning over several hours, bringing back more resources, slowly building up the ship till fully, or operationaly complete!

    I\'m adding that to the main post, but yes, the idea is that you can leave it half constructed whilst you go off and mine more resources ^_^
    Jun 25, 2013
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    For one thing, that would put a time restriction in that could be useful. Having an instant battleship isn\'t very realistic at all. Of course, we\'re carrying enough blocks to build a battleship, and that\'s not realistic either.

    On the other hand, I\'ve played another game where large ships can take as much as a real-life day to build, and what that ends up doing is forcing you to build ships before you need them, which leads to cluttered stations, etc. Of course with docking, it may be possible to cut the ship mostly out of the processing.

    I\'d like to see a shipyard for repairs as well. It\'s currently easier to buy another copy of your ship, then salvage all the blocks from the old ship, to essentially get credit for the remaining blocks.
    Jun 26, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen
    I like the idea but creating ships on ship yards would mean you would have to spawn on one and it may be tedious to just sit there and let your ship build so i think that you should find ship yards with NPC\'s on the ship yard which you could interact with this could also be explanded by putting ruined ships on abandoned ship yards, if this doesn\'t make sense then i will gladly try to re-write this and correct my mistakes.
    Jul 29, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen
    My idea goes almost the same way. The resumed version is:

    How it works:
    - Shipyard Block is now need to build a ship from Blueprints (BP).

    - BP must be purchased in catalog, and are actual items, like recipes, but blue!

    - BP in catalog use credits, and the price is somehow connected to ship mass, not ship mats!

    - Blueprints have all necessary materials for building in description

    - Shipyard block must be connected to a docking module, with enough space for it to be spawned

    - Shipyard block can be connected to plexstorage, if more space for mats are required

    - Shipyard block can also be connected to Factory imputs, allowing them to feed the Shipyard block with the needed materials.

    - Shipyard block uses BP like Recipes works in factories

    - Shipyard Block could have enhancers, speeding up the process.

    This solves a bunch of problems. Fisrt, makes no sense for me to just buy the Blueprint, and that\'s it. Making Blueprints somehow connected to Ship Mass is a way to sink money. The need for all the materials is key point to me, and make all this process a faction objective. Linking Shipyards with Factories is just a bonus, and it\'s a good way to have outputs working!

    The Ship building time must be 1block/per \"time\", defined by a default value and can be changed by admins in server.cfg.

    I\'m an EVE vet, and some of my ideas comes from EVE. It\'s a mature game, there\'s no shame on using some of it\'s ideas.

    One last thing. Shipyard in some HARDCORE mode must have their own space, and can\'t be set in Faction Home Base. You\'ll need to find a secret spot, add cloacking/jammers, turrets, and maybe a magnetic field, to defend it. Big capship should take hundreds of hours to build, making their defence an faction goal.
    Aug 7, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen
    This is one of the best ideas here and i really like the idea of finding abandoned ships not just in ship yards but also crashed on planets and stuff. i also think there should be more default blueprints that you can get from pirate stations and so that the pirates have more varity from the start. I think they should spawn randomly like shops but alot rarer.

    I also think it would be cool if blue prints were editable before building like if you wanted to change out one type of block for another; like switching AMCs for missiles and stuff like that.
    Jul 24, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen
    A ship yard would be great.

    I think it would also be a good place to add an upgraded building mode too. Features like making a selection of blocks then editing them as a section(copying and pasting, fill/replace, flip, rotate, etc), moving important blocks(core/computers/docks/etc), attaching turrets, or other things like that.
    Jul 31, 2013
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    I love this idea. But Blueprint prices should be set by the creator, and credits spent on said Blueprint should go to the creator/uploader. This way, people actually have incentive to design very nice ships/battle worthy ships, especially on servers that don\'t allow uploading of Blueprints.

    I also fully agree about needing to have the materials to put into the Shipwright block in order to build the ship. It completely destroys the entire point of the game if you can build a \"scrap cube\" to buy, scrap, build bigger, and repeat. Also, you shouldn\'t be able to die, respawn, instantly buy a 100k+ mass ship, and head back to battle.

    (On top of all this, weapons need a serious debuff and armor/healing need some tweaking, so ships aren\'t so fragile, but there are plenty of other topics for this.)
    Aug 2, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen
    I can see how this can be especially useful for repairs. Say you were in a fight and half your flagship has been blasted away. The money to buy a new one is enormous and you can\'t remember what the original layout was. You can dock your broken ship with the shipyard, load its blueprint and it\'ll repair any damaged blocks as well as fill in the rest of the ship.
    Jul 1, 2013
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    Nice idea. Automating the building of a ship blueprint, as well as being able to throw in blueprints from the catalog, would be a brilliant idea.

    It would be easy to build a cuboid for the ship to auto build in. You could then decorate the outside however you wanted.

    It would also be easy to cache the block locations in a file on server, and then have it just read and place blocks to save strain. Building in real time would be interesting. One block per tick.