Ship size

    May 25, 2018
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    Just a quick question.

    What is the largest size ship u have ever heard of, built, or seen?

    Plz comment the largest ship size.
    Mar 6, 2015
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    I attempted to build a ship that was I want to say 3km in length 800mx600m, it was prior to update 1.4? I want to say, and the server I was on, even with a dedicated server it couldn't really handle it. One of the moderators who I befriended prior to that was like, man stop please, the server cannot take it. So it was removed unceremoniously. I have like one photo of the front of it when I was just making the shell. I had started making it with black hull, kinda hard to see, and the idea was that if they ever allowed for ramming collisions it would do a unsc infinity. I also tried to make a home base the size of a sector, I attached that as well, didn't turn out too well either, I wish they would solve that chunk loading issue. Looking back I must of lost many of my old screenshots, I had uploaded a lot to photo bucket, but lost them all when they went pay to use.
    As for ships that are large and work, maximum safe and usable size Is anywhere within 500m-500m-500m, you can get away with one extreme to like 800m in a direction but its not really recommended. The game, and servers just really cannot handle it. I know someone will attempt to prove me wrong because there always has to be that guy, but realistically, what I quoted is "pretty close" to accurate.


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    May 25, 2018
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    Yaaa.... The the largest on the chart is in the 1km range, but I do know there are ppl who build bigger ones
    Jan 31, 2015
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    People definitely build over 1km in a dimension, but not often.

    Just out of curiosity, why? Is your goal to one-up the biggest one-upsman in "going large," or are you trying to figure out the practical build size ceiling, or something?
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    Jun 11, 2016
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    Chris (Starmade employee) talks about 1.5km is the biggest he thinks Starmade is ever able to handle. The first model he shows is 40% of 1.6km long. timestamp:

    He also notes that he cant show the entire actual ship of 1.6km at once, and it has 19 million blocks. timestamp:

    Right now his Star Destroyer model import is the biggest ship I have seen in Starmade, that has a fully enclosed hull and can thus qualify as ship. Projects, scetches and meshes don't really apply as ship imo, as the hull isn't finished and has many open holes. I mean if there is only a wireframe, the pc ofcourse can load the ship without framerate issues.

    I hope this answers your question from a technical perspective:
    TL,DR: It seems to be possible to go bigger than 1.5km but only if you don't have interiour! If the ship has interiour it definitely has to be smaller than 1.5km to not lag a high end pc, even 1km could bring problems.
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    May 25, 2018
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    People definitely build over 1km in a dimension, but not often.

    Just out of curiosity, why? Is your goal to one-up the biggest one-upsman in "going large," or are you trying to figure out the practical build size ceiling, or something?
    Well, I definitely hope to one-up ppl. But also it figure out the upper size of current titans and to hopefully see images in regards to the build process.

    also to figure out what size of an alpha weapon will be crippling to a hull the size of those ships.
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    Mar 23, 2018
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    I'd advice the use of many outputs for a high alpha. I mean, you do get diminishing return that really affect your DPH (damage per hit) in 2 ways: For too big a weapon group and for too many numbers of groups for the same weapon. Some do alleviate the diminishing returns for multiple groups by using multiple weapon computers triggered by logic, but aiming with those is hell. Especially since a ship big enough to contain and power up weapons that big that diminishing returns are really cruel (talking about tens of thousands total modules, in primary+secondary+tertiary here) has very low turning rates. Such a ship aims easier by strafing and backpedaling to keep its target in front of it instead of turning.

    But always mind the game possibilities in weapon outputs too.

    Missile: If you shoot one missile salvo every 45 seconds, pretty rarely your opponent will shoot at the same time as you, forcing the game to compute trajectories for both your and his missiles. Game limit is 2000 missiles simultaneously. So if you plan to just 1 on 1 titans, you can have up to 1000 missile outputs (your turrets included). If you plan to participate in battles, simply divide 2000 by the number of ships you think will participate.

    Cannon: 8000 is the limit. But be very careful with cannon-cannon AMS. They can and will shoot 10 times per second. On default game settings, cannon projectiles go for 12.5x75=937.5 m/s with a range of 2 km. That means each cannon-cannon output can keep in the space about 21-22 projectiles at all times. Divide 8000 by 22, you get about 360 total cannon-cannon outputs possible simultaneously in a game. That means 180 on your ship if you only go 1vs1 or even less for larger battles.

    Beams: IDK, this have to be researched by someone else.

    Every time you disregard these game limitations you not only piss the hell out of server admins, but you also have a good chance of lagging yourself and getting killed by your own greed if one of your opponents have a better gaming rig than you and he lags less than you.

    The opposite advice here:

    My impression has long been that PvP players tend to build over 500m for PvP exactly because they tend to lag the game, not in spite of it. The lag doesn't bother turrets much, so a well-turreted shield tank often lag-cripples any pilot actions from other players, while retaining a good chance at success itself. This is one part of why ship size scales every time there are substantial performance improvements.

    EDIT: I should specify "not all PvP players by any means." Not trying to be absolute about it, it just seems a consistent pattern amongst some.
    Do as you fell it's right for you.
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    Jan 31, 2015
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    Yeah, and that is the exact opposite direction. Far from meant to be advice though - just an observation; I consider that technique to be exploiting lag.

    Every time you disregard these game limitations you not only piss the hell out of server admins, but you also have a good chance of lagging yourself and getting killed by your own greed if one of your opponents have a better gaming rig than you and he lags less than you.
    Schine, I think, should go ahead and take the hit and accept that processing power depends upon physics and therefore cannot be limitless so neither can their game. Setting a hard-cap on mass and size - even a very high one (e.g. 1km x 12m blocks or something) - would probably help the game be more stable and playable for everyone, but I understand the wishful thinking that fuels objections to the idea and gave up on hoping for limits long ago. Limits can always be raised as performance improves. A full 3% of players would be completely outraged because it would kill the eternally non-functional mega-titan they've been building for years. So whatever. It doesn't even make a huge difference in the end, but it might help. Eh.
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    Mar 23, 2018
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    I had to have plenty of free time to get to build different sizes, and it only happened recently. And when I finally did build ships with 6k mass turrets I decided I do not like them. I'm a fighter pilot, deriving little to no satisfaction if a turret does my job instead of me getting the enemy ship in the "cross-hairs" and "pulling the trigger". So 100 or less in every direction is a good size for me, up to 200 is maybe somehow acceptable, more is no fun even if I win...

    All because turning and aiming are so much nerfed in big ships in this game, so contrary to the real life ships. Hundreds or thousands of kilotons oil tankers turn on a dime due to strong side engines both on the front and back ends of the ship while small ships do not have this system and have a respectable turning radius....

    But about the ship sizes: To each his own.
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    Cake Build Server Official Button Presser
    Jun 30, 2013
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    Chris (Starmade employee) talks about 1.5km is the biggest he thinks Starmade is ever able to handle. The first model he shows is 40% of 1.6km long. timestamp:

    He also notes that he cant show the entire actual ship of 1.6km at once, and it has 19 million blocks. timestamp:

    Right now his Star Destroyer model import is the biggest ship I have seen in Starmade, that has a fully enclosed hull and can thus qualify as ship. Projects, scetches and meshes don't really apply as ship imo, as the hull isn't finished and has many open holes. I mean if there is only a wireframe, the pc ofcourse can load the ship without framerate issues.

    I hope this answers your question from a technical perspective:
    TL,DR: It seems to be possible to go bigger than 1.5km but only if you don't have interiour! If the ship has interiour it definitely has to be smaller than 1.5km to not lag a high end pc, even 1km could bring problems.
    iirc the engine can handle up to 8km right now, it gets very laggy but it is possible
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    Sep 18, 2014
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    iirc the engine can handle up to 8km right now, it gets very laggy but it is possible
    Engine is limitless however you used to have glitch past 8 km long last time someone tried and told about it. But i guess that with recent optimizations from the cat you could go further. Iirc Crusade started working on a 8 km ship a while ago.
    But hey, i'm not going to stop you from playing the "who's got the biggest" challenge. But no same admin would agree to let you even spawn this thing on his server.
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    Cake Build Server Official Button Presser
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    Engine is limitless however you used to have glitch past 8 km long last time someone tried and told about it. But i guess that with recent optimizations from the cat you could go further. Iirc Crusade started working on a 8 km ship a while ago.
    But hey, i'm not going to stop you from playing the "who's got the biggest" challenge. But no same admin would agree to let you even spawn this thing on his server.
    if the game starts breaking and glitching after 8km then I'd say it's pretty much the limit of the engine at the time :P

    madman Captain

    Self-appointet Overlord of the Scaffold
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    Well, I definitely hope to one-up ppl. But also it figure out the upper size of current titans and to hopefully see images in regards to the build process.

    also to figure out what size of an alpha weapon will be crippling to a hull the size of those ships.
    Well here is a 2 km one:

    (I currently make detail works on thi9s one. So yes, its lag details currently.)

    I mostly build supersizers and from my experience I can say if you want to build detailed shipshells in an accepteble time than 1 to 3km is a good size. I personally wouldent build larger. If you want to build titans filled with systems than dont go over 1.5km. And ive you want actually use those titans in combat well then... my PC can handle a fight betwin a 1km titan and a pirate station... the most servers not.

    My advise: If you want to build a Titan cause you want to build a large (hopefully detailed) ship than do it.
    But dont build those ships with PvP or survival in mind, they simply to large for this.

    top to down
    Metalforce class ca.550m
    Valkyria class ca.1000m
    Shard class 666m
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    Jun 11, 2016
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    But dont build those ships with PvP or survival in mind, they simply to large for this.
    Listen to him.

    In my opinion if you go over 500k you get kicked from every server.

    So for pvp 500k is the limit.

    Most servers had 250k though. You need to look up on what server you want to play on, and then join plus ask, or read their rules. It's often written in the rules allready.

    madman Captain

    Self-appointet Overlord of the Scaffold
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    Listen to him.

    In my opinion if you go over 500k you get kicked from every server.

    So for pvp 500k is the limit.

    Most servers had 250k though. You need to look up on what server you want to play on, and then join plus ask, or read their rules. It's often written in the rules allready.
    What? A PvPler Agree with me? Damit... Neo! Who are you? I think the Matrix is broken again! Go fix it! :ROFLMAO:
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    Sep 18, 2014
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    if the game starts breaking and glitching after 8km then I'd say it's pretty much the limit of the engine at the time :P
    Yes and no, because a few optimization tricks can push further the limit in the blink of an eye. So that's not a hard limit, it can be halved or become twice this limit the next day if schema feels like it. One day maybe the game engine and computers will be strong enough for us to fly 8 km long ships the same way we use frigates now. Who knows ?


    I got N64 problems but a bitch ain't one
    Oct 18, 2013
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    There was a few >32km ships if you count non-connected non-loaded blocks.
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    Cake Build Server Official Button Presser
    Jun 30, 2013
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    Listen to him.

    In my opinion if you go over 500k you get kicked from every server.

    So for pvp 500k is the limit.

    Most servers had 250k though. You need to look up on what server you want to play on, and then join plus ask, or read their rules. It's often written in the rules allready.
    yeah well erh thats not exactly a hard limit thats just your estimated guess.
    It all really depends on the server and their rules.
    Some servers only allow for x amount of mass some dont have a limit.
    May 25, 2018
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    Interesting, thank you guys for your advice. Currently the giant I plan is not for pvp and is a testament of what I can create, I will only be spawning it on a server if optimizations ever reach there. And to keep currently planned changes in mind and to allow for further adaptation in the future, I have ended up deciding to just build the central part of the ship.

    The core area is gonna be 1-2km in length, and will contain areas that have tutorial exibits for newer players and for displaying uncommon usages of certain blocks to spur growth in creativity. The alpha strike weapons is part of the core area, but I am just gonna leave it as an empty shell untill I decide on a weapon after weapons 2.0 is a release build.

    The ships is just gonna act as a place to just chill as I drift around.

    But that is only if I ever finish building the core. After that, it's just a waiting game until I find the right server.
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