So I am not sure if this has been suggested before or not, though I have searched a bit, and didn't find anything. My idea would be for there to be ship class license system for various ship sizes and functions that will need to be purchased from the Trade Guild for credits in order to make your ship legit. They wouldn't be required to build the ship, however, ships without license would be considered Pirates and shot out of the sky by the trade stations and bounty hunters. They could just avoid TG controlled areas with their ships that lack the proper paper work but once trade routes begin any TG trade ship on random routes that scan a nearby ship without a license can contact the ship and notify the pilot that the authorities are inbound to their current location. The license could be placed in the core and the status of the license could be revealed by scanning a ship. I think this would create an effective credit sink that would help reduce gigantism, by making the massive ships not only take resources but credits as well. It will also stimulate the economy because people will have to earn the credits needed to get the credentials their ships need to operate in galactic civilization. Its just a thought but I can see how people would not like this.
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