Several Shipyard Problems

    Jun 9, 2014
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen

    I used the Shipyard a long time without any Problems, but a week ago I Upgraded my Shipyard to something Huge.

    My Station now has two Shipyards with each 800x400x400. 50 Blocks between the Arches.

    Since this upgrade I have many Problems with them:

    1. Client Crash on "Create new Design"
    Crash Report:

    [2016-04-20 21:24:02] [CLIENT][PlayerInput] successfully deactivated$ShipyardCommandType$1$1@587c9e2
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[testo](668); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_testo (8, 8, 8) Ship Core(1)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_-Loki- Base (-146, -135, -224) Shipyard Core Anchor(679)]
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[testo](668); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_testo (8, 8, 8) Ship Core(1)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_-Loki- Base (-146, -135, -224) Shipyard Core Anchor(679)]
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[testo](668); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_testo (8, 8, 8) Ship Core(1)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_-Loki- Base (-146, -135, -224) Shipyard Core Anchor(679)]
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[testo](668); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_testo (8, 8, 8) Ship Core(1)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_-Loki- Base (-146, -135, -224) Shipyard Core Anchor(679)]
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[testo](668); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_testo (8, 8, 8) Ship Core(1)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_-Loki- Base (-146, -135, -224) Shipyard Core Anchor(679)]
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[testo](668); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_testo (8, 8, 8) Ship Core(1)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_-Loki- Base (-146, -135, -224) Shipyard Core Anchor(679)]
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(4) EXECUTING RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[testo](668): (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_testo (8, 8, 8) Ship Core(1)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_-Loki- Base (-146, -135, -224) Shipyard Core Anchor(679)]
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] [RAIL][CONNECT] Client(4) Ship[testo](668) DOCKING PROCEDURE SUCCESSFUL
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(4) SUCCESSFULLY EXECUTED RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[testo](668): (ConnectRequest): [Ship[testo](668) (8, 8, 8) Ship Core(1)] -> [Ship[testo](668) (-146, -135, -224) Shipyard Core Anchor(679)]
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] [RAIL] Client(4) RECREATING RAIL FROM ROOT: SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_-Loki- Base(513)]
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] [RAIL] Client(4) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_-Loki- Base(513)]
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] [RAIL] Client(4) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Lift](500)
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] [RAIL] Client(4) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_Turret Base MK II-30](506)
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] [RAIL] Client(4) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_Turret AMC MK II-30](510)
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] [RAIL] Client(4) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_Turret Base MK II-40](518)
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] [RAIL] Client(4) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_Turret AMC MK II-40](490)
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] [RAIL] Client(4) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_D Weasel MK I-0](508)
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] [RAIL] Client(4) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_D Weasel MK I-1](517)
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] [RAIL] Client(4) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_D_14608203151961](514)
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] [RAIL] Client(4) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_Turret Base MK II-20](521)
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] [RAIL] Client(4) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_Turret AMC MK II-20](505)
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] [RAIL] Client(4) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_Turret Base MK I-10](522)
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] [RAIL] Client(4) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_Turret AMC MK II-10](519)
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] [RAIL] Client(4) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Galactica_ExploCannon_1-0rl00](666)
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] [RAIL] Client(4) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[testo](668)
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] [RAIL] Client(4) recreateRootObjectPhysics() added physics for SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_-Loki- Base(513)]
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] [RAIL] Child #0: obfuscated.YM@84522f57([CubesShape|CLI SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_-Loki- Base(513)]])
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] [RAIL] Child #1: obfuscated.YM@853d0b92([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Lift](500)])
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] [RAIL] Child #2: obfuscated.YM@acee3a36([CubesShape|CLI Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_Turret Base MK II-30](506)])
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] [RAIL] Child #3: obfuscated.YM@9b2ff28b([CubesShape|CLI Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_Turret AMC MK II-30](510)])
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] [RAIL] Child #4: obfuscated.YM@1ace2163([CubesShape|CLI Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_Turret Base MK II-40](518)])
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] [RAIL] Child #5: obfuscated.YM@41d503ae([CubesShape|CLI Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_Turret AMC MK II-40](490)])
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] [RAIL] Child #6: obfuscated.YM@131850ef([CubesShape|CLI Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_D Weasel MK I-0](508)])
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] [RAIL] Child #7: obfuscated.YM@fe6951ec([CubesShape|CLI Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_D Weasel MK I-1](517)])
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] [RAIL] Child #8: obfuscated.YM@5ae28f99([CubesShape|CLI Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_D_14608203151961](514)])
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] [RAIL] Child #9: obfuscated.YM@95c3509([CubesShape|CLI Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_Turret Base MK II-20](521)])
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] [RAIL] Child #10: obfuscated.YM@be39bc51([CubesShape|CLI Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_Turret AMC MK II-20](505)])
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] [RAIL] Child #11: obfuscated.YM@bcfa995c([CubesShape|CLI Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_Turret Base MK I-10](522)])
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] [RAIL] Child #12: obfuscated.YM@4e090a81([CubesShape|CLI Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_Turret AMC MK II-10](519)])
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] [RAIL] Child #13: obfuscated.YM@4353e9cd([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Galactica_ExploCannon_1-0rl00](666)])
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] [RAIL] Child #14: obfuscated.YM@2ac6b3c5([CubesShape|CLI Ship[testo](668)])
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] [RAIL] Client(4) RECREATING RAIL FROM ROOT DONE: SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_-Loki- Base(513)]; DOCKED AND EXECUTED: false; DOCKED OR DIRTY: false
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] java.lang.NullPointerException
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] at
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] at obfuscated.ED.isActive(SourceFile:595)
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] at obfuscated.ayl.b_(SourceFile:63)
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] at obfuscated.ayo.b_(SourceFile:65)
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] at obfuscated.awI.b_(SourceFile:36)
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] at obfuscated.awI.b_(SourceFile:36)
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] at obfuscated.ayu.b_(SourceFile:55)
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] at obfuscated.axV.b_(SourceFile:173)
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] at obfuscated.axZ.b_(SourceFile:71)
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] at obfuscated.Ed.b_(SourceFile:310)
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] at obfuscated.DS.c(SourceFile:1059)
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] at obfuscated.DD.b_(SourceFile:190)
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] at obfuscated.mZ.b_(SourceFile:256)
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] at obfuscated.mW.b_(SourceFile:162)
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] at obfuscated.hL.e(SourceFile:863)
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] at
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] at obfuscated.avo.e(SourceFile:782)
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] at obfuscated.avo.a(SourceFile:1167)
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] at obfuscated.C.h(SourceFile:2846)
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] at
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] at Source)

    2. Client Crash on "Create Design from Blueprint"
    3. Loading and Unloading of Designs. Stuck and won't complete until Server restart.

    I tested, to build a smaller Shipyard at the same Station, but the same errors occure.

    I need to know, if the Shipyard is too big, the Gaps between the Arches, or the Fact that there are 2 huge Shipyards to continue use them.

    Would be great if someone can Help.

    THX Byte

    P.S. Maybe i can add logs of the other Problems later
    Mar 31, 2016
    Reaction score

    I used the Shipyard a long time without any Problems, but a week ago I Upgraded my Shipyard to something Huge.

    My Station now has two Shipyards with each 800x400x400. 50 Blocks between the Arches.

    Since this upgrade I have many Problems with them:

    1. Client Crash on "Create new Design"
    Crash Report:

    [2016-04-20 21:24:02] [CLIENT][PlayerInput] successfully deactivated$ShipyardCommandType$1$1@587c9e2
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[testo](668); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_testo (8, 8, 8) Ship Core(1)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_-Loki- Base (-146, -135, -224) Shipyard Core Anchor(679)]
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[testo](668); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_testo (8, 8, 8) Ship Core(1)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_-Loki- Base (-146, -135, -224) Shipyard Core Anchor(679)]
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[testo](668); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_testo (8, 8, 8) Ship Core(1)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_-Loki- Base (-146, -135, -224) Shipyard Core Anchor(679)]
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[testo](668); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_testo (8, 8, 8) Ship Core(1)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_-Loki- Base (-146, -135, -224) Shipyard Core Anchor(679)]
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[testo](668); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_testo (8, 8, 8) Ship Core(1)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_-Loki- Base (-146, -135, -224) Shipyard Core Anchor(679)]
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[testo](668); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_testo (8, 8, 8) Ship Core(1)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_-Loki- Base (-146, -135, -224) Shipyard Core Anchor(679)]
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(4) EXECUTING RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[testo](668): (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_testo (8, 8, 8) Ship Core(1)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_-Loki- Base (-146, -135, -224) Shipyard Core Anchor(679)]
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] [RAIL][CONNECT] Client(4) Ship[testo](668) DOCKING PROCEDURE SUCCESSFUL
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(4) SUCCESSFULLY EXECUTED RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[testo](668): (ConnectRequest): [Ship[testo](668) (8, 8, 8) Ship Core(1)] -> [Ship[testo](668) (-146, -135, -224) Shipyard Core Anchor(679)]
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] [RAIL] Client(4) RECREATING RAIL FROM ROOT: SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_-Loki- Base(513)]
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] [RAIL] Client(4) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_-Loki- Base(513)]
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] [RAIL] Client(4) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Lift](500)
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] [RAIL] Client(4) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_Turret Base MK II-30](506)
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] [RAIL] Client(4) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_Turret AMC MK II-30](510)
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] [RAIL] Client(4) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_Turret Base MK II-40](518)
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] [RAIL] Client(4) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_Turret AMC MK II-40](490)
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] [RAIL] Client(4) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_D Weasel MK I-0](508)
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] [RAIL] Client(4) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_D Weasel MK I-1](517)
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] [RAIL] Client(4) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_D_14608203151961](514)
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] [RAIL] Client(4) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_Turret Base MK II-20](521)
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] [RAIL] Client(4) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_Turret AMC MK II-20](505)
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] [RAIL] Client(4) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_Turret Base MK I-10](522)
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] [RAIL] Client(4) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_Turret AMC MK II-10](519)
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] [RAIL] Client(4) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Galactica_ExploCannon_1-0rl00](666)
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] [RAIL] Client(4) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[testo](668)
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] [RAIL] Client(4) recreateRootObjectPhysics() added physics for SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_-Loki- Base(513)]
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] [RAIL] Child #0: obfuscated.YM@84522f57([CubesShape|CLI SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_-Loki- Base(513)]])
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] [RAIL] Child #1: obfuscated.YM@853d0b92([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Lift](500)])
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] [RAIL] Child #2: obfuscated.YM@acee3a36([CubesShape|CLI Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_Turret Base MK II-30](506)])
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] [RAIL] Child #3: obfuscated.YM@9b2ff28b([CubesShape|CLI Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_Turret AMC MK II-30](510)])
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] [RAIL] Child #4: obfuscated.YM@1ace2163([CubesShape|CLI Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_Turret Base MK II-40](518)])
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] [RAIL] Child #5: obfuscated.YM@41d503ae([CubesShape|CLI Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_Turret AMC MK II-40](490)])
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] [RAIL] Child #6: obfuscated.YM@131850ef([CubesShape|CLI Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_D Weasel MK I-0](508)])
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] [RAIL] Child #7: obfuscated.YM@fe6951ec([CubesShape|CLI Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_D Weasel MK I-1](517)])
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] [RAIL] Child #8: obfuscated.YM@5ae28f99([CubesShape|CLI Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_D_14608203151961](514)])
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] [RAIL] Child #9: obfuscated.YM@95c3509([CubesShape|CLI Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_Turret Base MK II-20](521)])
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] [RAIL] Child #10: obfuscated.YM@be39bc51([CubesShape|CLI Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_Turret AMC MK II-20](505)])
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] [RAIL] Child #11: obfuscated.YM@bcfa995c([CubesShape|CLI Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_Turret Base MK I-10](522)])
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] [RAIL] Child #12: obfuscated.YM@4e090a81([CubesShape|CLI Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_Turret AMC MK II-10](519)])
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] [RAIL] Child #13: obfuscated.YM@4353e9cd([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Galactica_ExploCannon_1-0rl00](666)])
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] [RAIL] Child #14: obfuscated.YM@2ac6b3c5([CubesShape|CLI Ship[testo](668)])
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] [RAIL] Client(4) RECREATING RAIL FROM ROOT DONE: SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_-Loki- Base(513)]; DOCKED AND EXECUTED: false; DOCKED OR DIRTY: false
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] java.lang.NullPointerException
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] at
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] at obfuscated.ED.isActive(SourceFile:595)
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] at obfuscated.ayl.b_(SourceFile:63)
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] at obfuscated.ayo.b_(SourceFile:65)
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] at obfuscated.awI.b_(SourceFile:36)
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] at obfuscated.awI.b_(SourceFile:36)
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] at obfuscated.ayu.b_(SourceFile:55)
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] at obfuscated.axV.b_(SourceFile:173)
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] at obfuscated.axZ.b_(SourceFile:71)
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] at obfuscated.Ed.b_(SourceFile:310)
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] at obfuscated.DS.c(SourceFile:1059)
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] at obfuscated.DD.b_(SourceFile:190)
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] at obfuscated.mZ.b_(SourceFile:256)
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] at obfuscated.mW.b_(SourceFile:162)
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] at obfuscated.hL.e(SourceFile:863)
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] at
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] at obfuscated.avo.e(SourceFile:782)
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] at obfuscated.avo.a(SourceFile:1167)
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] at obfuscated.C.h(SourceFile:2846)
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] at
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] at Source)

    2. Client Crash on "Create Design from Blueprint"
    3. Loading and Unloading of Designs. Stuck and won't complete until Server restart.

    I tested, to build a smaller Shipyard at the same Station, but the same errors occure.

    I need to know, if the Shipyard is too big, the Gaps between the Arches, or the Fact that there are 2 huge Shipyards to continue use them.

    Would be great if someone can Help.

    THX Byte

    P.S. Maybe i can add logs of the other Problems later
    I've got a similar issue on my LAN server, if you play with blueprints at all you can get this annoying NullPointerException, on a server it crashes the client, I guess on SP that's both client and server. Try to avoid playing with blueprints. Also, default distance between Shipyard arms should be 10m (in Config settings), but I'm not absolutely sure on that (or if you've fiddled with it or not).
    I'd go down to one shipyard, it may take awhile to build a large fleet of superships but that may reduce the issues. Remove the computer to do it, that's fastest to replace it if you still get glitched. Also ... if you're loading designs that big, try not doing it on a low-power computer, that could be an issue. Or, I might say, it is an issue. It's basically spawning a ship, but with different properties and tied to something.

    Other than that, Idk. Ask a server maintenance guy, jeez, not just some random forum-wanderer.
    Sep 5, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Tester
    • Legacy Citizen

    I used the Shipyard a long time without any Problems, but a week ago I Upgraded my Shipyard to something Huge.

    My Station now has two Shipyards with each 800x400x400. 50 Blocks between the Arches.

    Since this upgrade I have many Problems with them:

    1. Client Crash on "Create new Design"
    Crash Report:

    [2016-04-20 21:24:02] [CLIENT][PlayerInput] successfully deactivated$ShipyardCommandType$1$1@587c9e2
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[testo](668); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_testo (8, 8, 8) Ship Core(1)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_-Loki- Base (-146, -135, -224) Shipyard Core Anchor(679)]
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[testo](668); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_testo (8, 8, 8) Ship Core(1)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_-Loki- Base (-146, -135, -224) Shipyard Core Anchor(679)]
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[testo](668); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_testo (8, 8, 8) Ship Core(1)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_-Loki- Base (-146, -135, -224) Shipyard Core Anchor(679)]
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[testo](668); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_testo (8, 8, 8) Ship Core(1)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_-Loki- Base (-146, -135, -224) Shipyard Core Anchor(679)]
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[testo](668); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_testo (8, 8, 8) Ship Core(1)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_-Loki- Base (-146, -135, -224) Shipyard Core Anchor(679)]
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] [CLIENT][RAIL] handleRailRequestConnectClient() removed physics for Ship[testo](668); (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_testo (8, 8, 8) Ship Core(1)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_-Loki- Base (-146, -135, -224) Shipyard Core Anchor(679)]
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(4) EXECUTING RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[testo](668): (ConnectRequest): [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SHIP_testo (8, 8, 8) Ship Core(1)] -> [UNLOADED: ENTITY_SPACESTATION_-Loki- Base (-146, -135, -224) Shipyard Core Anchor(679)]
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] [RAIL][CONNECT] Client(4) Ship[testo](668) DOCKING PROCEDURE SUCCESSFUL
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] [RAIL][UPDATE] Client(4) SUCCESSFULLY EXECUTED RAIL REQUEST ON: Ship[testo](668): (ConnectRequest): [Ship[testo](668) (8, 8, 8) Ship Core(1)] -> [Ship[testo](668) (-146, -135, -224) Shipyard Core Anchor(679)]
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] [RAIL] Client(4) RECREATING RAIL FROM ROOT: SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_-Loki- Base(513)]
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] [RAIL] Client(4) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_-Loki- Base(513)]
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] [RAIL] Client(4) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Lift](500)
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] [RAIL] Client(4) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_Turret Base MK II-30](506)
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] [RAIL] Client(4) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_Turret AMC MK II-30](510)
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] [RAIL] Client(4) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_Turret Base MK II-40](518)
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] [RAIL] Client(4) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_Turret AMC MK II-40](490)
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] [RAIL] Client(4) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_D Weasel MK I-0](508)
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] [RAIL] Client(4) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_D Weasel MK I-1](517)
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] [RAIL] Client(4) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_D_14608203151961](514)
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] [RAIL] Client(4) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_Turret Base MK II-20](521)
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] [RAIL] Client(4) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_Turret AMC MK II-20](505)
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] [RAIL] Client(4) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_Turret Base MK I-10](522)
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] [RAIL] Client(4) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_Turret AMC MK II-10](519)
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] [RAIL] Client(4) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[Galactica_ExploCannon_1-0rl00](666)
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] [RAIL] Client(4) removeObjectPhysicsRecusively() removed physics for Ship[testo](668)
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] [RAIL] Client(4) recreateRootObjectPhysics() added physics for SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_-Loki- Base(513)]
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] [RAIL] Child #0: obfuscated.YM@84522f57([CubesShape|CLI SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_-Loki- Base(513)]])
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] [RAIL] Child #1: obfuscated.YM@853d0b92([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Lift](500)])
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] [RAIL] Child #2: obfuscated.YM@acee3a36([CubesShape|CLI Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_Turret Base MK II-30](506)])
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] [RAIL] Child #3: obfuscated.YM@9b2ff28b([CubesShape|CLI Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_Turret AMC MK II-30](510)])
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] [RAIL] Child #4: obfuscated.YM@1ace2163([CubesShape|CLI Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_Turret Base MK II-40](518)])
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] [RAIL] Child #5: obfuscated.YM@41d503ae([CubesShape|CLI Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_Turret AMC MK II-40](490)])
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] [RAIL] Child #6: obfuscated.YM@131850ef([CubesShape|CLI Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_D Weasel MK I-0](508)])
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] [RAIL] Child #7: obfuscated.YM@fe6951ec([CubesShape|CLI Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_D Weasel MK I-1](517)])
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] [RAIL] Child #8: obfuscated.YM@5ae28f99([CubesShape|CLI Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_D_14608203151961](514)])
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] [RAIL] Child #9: obfuscated.YM@95c3509([CubesShape|CLI Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_Turret Base MK II-20](521)])
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] [RAIL] Child #10: obfuscated.YM@be39bc51([CubesShape|CLI Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_Turret AMC MK II-20](505)])
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] [RAIL] Child #11: obfuscated.YM@bcfa995c([CubesShape|CLI Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_Turret Base MK I-10](522)])
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] [RAIL] Child #12: obfuscated.YM@4e090a81([CubesShape|CLI Ship[ENTITY_SHIP_Turret AMC MK II-10](519)])
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] [RAIL] Child #13: obfuscated.YM@4353e9cd([CubesShape|CLI Ship[Galactica_ExploCannon_1-0rl00](666)])
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] [RAIL] Child #14: obfuscated.YM@2ac6b3c5([CubesShape|CLI Ship[testo](668)])
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] [RAIL] Client(4) RECREATING RAIL FROM ROOT DONE: SpaceStation[ENTITY_SPACESTATION_-Loki- Base(513)]; DOCKED AND EXECUTED: false; DOCKED OR DIRTY: false
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] java.lang.NullPointerException
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] at
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] at obfuscated.ED.isActive(SourceFile:595)
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] at obfuscated.ayl.b_(SourceFile:63)
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] at obfuscated.ayo.b_(SourceFile:65)
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] at obfuscated.awI.b_(SourceFile:36)
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] at obfuscated.awI.b_(SourceFile:36)
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] at obfuscated.ayu.b_(SourceFile:55)
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] at obfuscated.axV.b_(SourceFile:173)
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] at obfuscated.axZ.b_(SourceFile:71)
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] at obfuscated.Ed.b_(SourceFile:310)
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] at obfuscated.DS.c(SourceFile:1059)
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] at obfuscated.DD.b_(SourceFile:190)
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] at obfuscated.mZ.b_(SourceFile:256)
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] at obfuscated.mW.b_(SourceFile:162)
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] at obfuscated.hL.e(SourceFile:863)
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] at
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] at obfuscated.avo.e(SourceFile:782)
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] at obfuscated.avo.a(SourceFile:1167)
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] at obfuscated.C.h(SourceFile:2846)
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] at
    [2016-04-20 21:24:04] at Source)

    2. Client Crash on "Create Design from Blueprint"
    3. Loading and Unloading of Designs. Stuck and won't complete until Server restart.

    I tested, to build a smaller Shipyard at the same Station, but the same errors occure.

    I need to know, if the Shipyard is too big, the Gaps between the Arches, or the Fact that there are 2 huge Shipyards to continue use them.

    Would be great if someone can Help.

    THX Byte

    P.S. Maybe i can add logs of the other Problems later

    Could you upload blueprints of the ship you tried to make and the shipyard station?

    Hopefully your station is not crossing over any sector borders.

    Would it be possible for me to join and see the station in question as well as witness the behavior?
    Feb 16, 2014
    Reaction score
    You're not the only one with issues with shipyards. Last night I started to receive errors and client crashes when attempting to create design from blueprints. For the time being you should be able to fill up blueprints and use those to spawn ships. Maybe someday Schine will actually be able to fix the shipyard bugs.
    Jun 9, 2014
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen
    Could you upload blueprints of the ship you tried to make and the shipyard station?

    Hopefully your station is not crossing over any sector borders.

    Would it be possible for me to join and see the station in question as well as witness the behavior?
    I checked, an no , the stationen seem not to cross sectors.
    I uploaded the station blueprint, but no ship blueprint, because it happens with all of them.

    You also could yoin our Server. Wich timezone do you live in?


    Sep 5, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Tester
    • Legacy Citizen
    I checked, an no , the stationen seem not to cross sectors.
    I uploaded the station blueprint, but no ship blueprint, because it happens with all of them.

    You also could yoin our Server. Wich timezone do you live in?
    Yah message me your server address and I'll poke by to witness the behavior. I'm pacific time California.
    Apr 25, 2015
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    • Purchased!
    Happening to me too, client crash when trying to create new design or design from BP
    Apr 25, 2015
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    • Purchased!
    How large is your Shipyard ?
    550l x 200w x 150h

    BTW none of my shipyards on any server are near a sector border, I center my stations using the show all camera position trick

    I'll go in and unlink some arcs and see if that changes things.
    [DOUBLEPOST=1461343907,1461343303][/DOUBLEPOST]OK, went in and deleted the shipyard and the core anchor, replaced both, linked 2 arc making a 2 arc shipyard 200L x 150H x 50w, atempt to create new design crashed client so unless thats a "huge" shipyard something else is afoot with shipyards.

    Methinks it might be time for the cat god to spend a little quality time with shipyards.
    Apr 25, 2015
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    Yet another update, tested on multiple servers, same results except that in some cases the client crashed so hard it took a re-boot to get out of it.
    Jun 9, 2014
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    • Legacy Citizen
    Yeah, there must be something else goin on. Because every Shipyard at our station is buggy, doesn't matter which size.

    So i guess something inside the station isn't right and the shipyard can't handle it.
    I think we will create a new Station from scratch up and see how she is doing. We don't play in creative so there is some work to do
    Jan 14, 2016
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    • Community Content - Silver 1
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    • Legacy Citizen 8
    The specific bug in question was fixed in v0.197.51. I had this problem myself obviously and have tried both functions and can confirm that my shipyards are now working again.

    I have two. One small, around 15x15x15 for building my small drones and a much larger one that is on a similar scale to the one you have and I am planning a third!