Planned Server Admin Wishlist: Block Config options

    May 6, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 5
    I know that Schema is working tirelessly to fix the bugs in the game, and add new features. I just wanted to take a second to say thanks, and wish for some things that are (maybe) a bit easier to implement.

    Give the modding community access to more aspects of the blocks. With access to a few variables, we can create new blocks for our servers, and tweak the way existing ones work. These are things that (I think) are already in the code, they just need to tie into the block configuration files.

    1 Mass. I would LOVE to be able to start creating blocks that are heavier or lighter than others.
    2. Door. Blocks that disappear or reappear when activated.
    3. Bomb. Blocks that explode when damaged or activated.
    4. Power Generation/storage
    5. Energy Generation/Storage
    6. Needs to be a 2d ring to function (like the warpgate, other shapes a plus)
    7. Clearer definitions in the block behavior config. If everything could be put in terms of units, then we could know more clearly WHAT we are changing. You know this, but the Block Behavior config file is not well documented, and not all variables are accessible.

    Ideally, we could access a certain weapons combination, like "Cannon + Cannon" and adjust the base value and multiplier for range, power consumption, and damage, and have the potential for extra effects included, potentially with modifiers for these as well.

    We could also make excellent use of a system for updating the player's texture files automatically, so that we can add and share custom textures as a part of the server.

    It may be that I don't know what I am asking for, but I don't imagine it as nearly as much work as adding additional features. With full (and comprehensible) access to the key block and balance features, the various server owners can help test new ideas and game-play mechanics.
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    Aug 28, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Top Forum Contributor
    • Legacy Citizen
    door is currently a thing in the config.
    Adjusting the weapons can be done as well in blockbehaviorconfig.xml
    very much not sure about making things totally customizable


    Nov 10, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 4
    • Railman Gold
    • Thinking Positive
    Adjusting the weapons can be done as well in blockbehaviorconfig.xml
    Yes, but what are all the values? Everything carries a "Linear" tag, are there other tags? There are a few things in the configs that are customizable, but not fully explained. With what we are given, we can tweak the weapons, but if we were given all of the information, one would potentially redesign the weapons. Apparently you can make it so weapons have effects built in (Like Ion or Punch) with the config, and some have managed to get weapons to curve, but nothing is every documented in the config, all that is there is Cal's scribbles as to what this exact number/value does.
    May 6, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 5
    Additionally, not all config values are in units, some are multiplyers, or exponents. I just want to see it all laid out clearly and fully customizable.
    Jan 1, 2013
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    This comes down to Schema's code implementations, I understand the frustrations in the blockbehavior config and the lack of notes as to what value does what, but how the values are used is in the code, your only seeing a config that ties into that, so the 1 to -1 scales (which are a multiplier of -100% to 100%) are used so that the code need not add extra math to convert from a standard format used in the config. We have discussed improving the notations, as well as working on third party programs that allow more intuitive customization of the configs, and this is one of the areas where, if there is a willing player, we encourage you to experiment with making a 3rd party program/gui for editing those. As otherwise the wait for an official one might be long in coming.

    As for the other requested control features in the block config (and the built in block editor) mass is a control that is planned, and the doors are a function that you are able to now edit. Setting other in game mechanics to work with new/custom blocks is something that will likely come in time, but I'm not honestly sure how long it will be, we have discussed the need for further controls here, but it is pulling schema from other parts of the code to do so unfortunately.

    In short, these are all planned, but the timeline might be a ways off.
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