I know that Schema is working tirelessly to fix the bugs in the game, and add new features. I just wanted to take a second to say thanks, and wish for some things that are (maybe) a bit easier to implement.
Give the modding community access to more aspects of the blocks. With access to a few variables, we can create new blocks for our servers, and tweak the way existing ones work. These are things that (I think) are already in the code, they just need to tie into the block configuration files.
1 Mass. I would LOVE to be able to start creating blocks that are heavier or lighter than others.
2. Door. Blocks that disappear or reappear when activated.
3. Bomb. Blocks that explode when damaged or activated.
4. Power Generation/storage
5. Energy Generation/Storage
6. Needs to be a 2d ring to function (like the warpgate, other shapes a plus)
7. Clearer definitions in the block behavior config. If everything could be put in terms of units, then we could know more clearly WHAT we are changing. You know this, but the Block Behavior config file is not well documented, and not all variables are accessible.
Ideally, we could access a certain weapons combination, like "Cannon + Cannon" and adjust the base value and multiplier for range, power consumption, and damage, and have the potential for extra effects included, potentially with modifiers for these as well.
We could also make excellent use of a system for updating the player's texture files automatically, so that we can add and share custom textures as a part of the server.
It may be that I don't know what I am asking for, but I don't imagine it as nearly as much work as adding additional features. With full (and comprehensible) access to the key block and balance features, the various server owners can help test new ideas and game-play mechanics.
Give the modding community access to more aspects of the blocks. With access to a few variables, we can create new blocks for our servers, and tweak the way existing ones work. These are things that (I think) are already in the code, they just need to tie into the block configuration files.
1 Mass. I would LOVE to be able to start creating blocks that are heavier or lighter than others.
2. Door. Blocks that disappear or reappear when activated.
3. Bomb. Blocks that explode when damaged or activated.
4. Power Generation/storage
5. Energy Generation/Storage
6. Needs to be a 2d ring to function (like the warpgate, other shapes a plus)
7. Clearer definitions in the block behavior config. If everything could be put in terms of units, then we could know more clearly WHAT we are changing. You know this, but the Block Behavior config file is not well documented, and not all variables are accessible.
Ideally, we could access a certain weapons combination, like "Cannon + Cannon" and adjust the base value and multiplier for range, power consumption, and damage, and have the potential for extra effects included, potentially with modifiers for these as well.
We could also make excellent use of a system for updating the player's texture files automatically, so that we can add and share custom textures as a part of the server.
It may be that I don't know what I am asking for, but I don't imagine it as nearly as much work as adding additional features. With full (and comprehensible) access to the key block and balance features, the various server owners can help test new ideas and game-play mechanics.