Sector control!

    Jun 20, 2013
    Reaction score
    Hi there!

    Heres a suggestion.

    Sector control! Factions, Pirates, etc. would be able to control sectors and they would be shown on the sector map [P] as different tinted colors (Ex. Pirate controlled sector = red). This would promote a more intresting adventure and would allow factions to mean more in the game.

    "What about the new players that don't want to be in a crazy battle?!"

    I figured that you could not control a sector around the starting sectors (Ex. 5 sectors away from the starter spawn radius) or make it so it's rare for pirate sectors to show up or very expensive to have a sector under control by faction. I don't know :)

    I thought this would be a nice idea to make the universe more intresting to go around. -Asman


    Something new just popped up in my brain!

    Sector take over, either through war, treaty, bribes, or COMPLETE DESTRUCTION!

    Having a sector wouldn't grant protection (or it could add a armor or sheild bonus to the faction that owns it, that would be cool) but a controlled sector can be used as a base or spawnpoint for the faction.

    OR A WARP for the faction! faction owned sectors could be used as a warp zone to other faction owned sectors. so it would still include normal space travel that wouldn't be neglected since you couldn't warp to a unowned sector, but you could travel around your sectors with ease!
    Jun 24, 2013
    Reaction score
    Safezone needed for spawn @@ geting salvaged when building my ship half way when i was starting out

    +1 for this idea maybe make it like the Factions plugin in minecraft
    Jun 20, 2013
    Reaction score
    I totally agree with you, i think they should make it so people can\'t mess with other\'s people ships in the starting sector unless they allow it.

    As for the factions plugin in minecraft, the idea sorta like that minus \'complete protection\' on ships

    Idk about all the mechanics, it\'s just an idea
    Jun 22, 2013
    Reaction score
    I agree with sectors thing starmade is getting boring for me and this might be a thing that could add some more depth to the gameplay
    Jun 21, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Good idea - I think it falls under the AI simulation and world behavior. However, I would mention that the current system already has nearby hostile stations dispatching enemy fleets to neighboring players and factions. In all honesty, I don\'t think a sovereignty system is necessary, as sovereignty already goes to the person that has the biggest/most guns in a sector.
    Jun 20, 2013
    Reaction score
    But, the current system isn\'t that noticable to the adverage joe seeking adventure, of course they can see the large pirate stations floating about but they could still make a base there and call it home without anybody else caring. And if you were a large ship with super guns, your next challenge would be to take down major enemy sectors witch would also have large ships with superguns adding alittle more adventure to the game.