Welcome to our first bi-weekly Q&A!
We are no longer accepting questions or votes (likes priotising the question), see you at the next Q&A
Ask any question about StarMade or its development, and we'll try out best to answer it in a forum answer thread posted every two weeks (provided it's not a secret
). Depending on how many questions are asked, we may have to move questions from this session to be answered in subsequent sessions (or, skipped).
We will prioritise questions which have more likes, so make sure to like if you want an existing question answered!
Please ensure that your question has not been asked previously
Keep responses on this thread to: posting questions, notifying an author of a question that it has already been posted, and expanding on already asked questions.
We are no longer accepting questions or votes (likes priotising the question), see you at the next Q&A
Ask any question about StarMade or its development, and we'll try out best to answer it in a forum answer thread posted every two weeks (provided it's not a secret
We will prioritise questions which have more likes, so make sure to like if you want an existing question answered!
Please ensure that your question has not been asked previously