
    Jun 22, 2012
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 3
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Hi, I'm really intrested in the game and wish to learn more about it. My problem is saving. Is there a save feature, cause whenever I start the game, it seems to start a new one. I use StarMade-Starter.1.jar to launch the game. Is this right? I don't have the ships I made when I played previously, but when I make a new ship of the same name, "Nexus", it says one already exists. I noticed a Nexus ship file in the StarMade Folder. How do I access all my stuff? Also, I used the harvesting beam, but I don't think I got anything from the asteroid, so how does that work. Otherwise, the game is great. It's the game I have been searching for, and I hope to get my friends to play it.


    Cat God
    Feb 17, 2012
    Reaction score
    • Schine
    thanks for playing the game:

    Hmm, the game should normally revert to the old game. There might be a bug though that corrupts the save state when the game is ending. You should do a database reset to clean up, so you can name your ships everything again. You can prevent that bug from happening though if you fly to another sector, and wait 10 seconds before ending the game.

    There is also a more convenient method to save ships:
    you can either save them, when you are inside it and near a shop. Bring up the shop with B, select the catalog tab, and press save. This will save the ship on the server and will be there even when you reset of delete your database. (Only important for multiplayer: If you play multiplayer and want to save the ship at your computer instead of the server, press save locally).

    To load a ship, you have to have the amount of credits, that ship costs (the legit way). The faster way is to use the admin command (type in chat)

    /load_ship nameISavedItAs anyNewNameForMyShip

    There is also

    /save_ship nameIwantToSaveItAs
    if you want to save the ship while not in rangeof a shop.

    You can also access your ship data in the start up client menu. When you press "open ship manager", it will bring up a list of all currently saved ships. From there you can also export your ships, or import ships you have downloaded here. You can also upload your own ship to this side with one click. To do that you can to uplink first: Press "Uplink" in the top bar of the start up client menu.

    To harvest, you have to shoot at one element for a longer period of time. That time decreases however if you make a bigger group of harvesting elements.

    I hope I was able to help,
    - schema