Salvage lasers shouldnt be weapons?!

    Jun 26, 2013
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    I\'m glad the salvaging lasers are fixed.

    you realize that antimatter is in fact way more dangerous than plasma? (total annihilation and stuff)

    just sayan
    Aug 1, 2013
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    Personally I think Salavage Cannons should be perfectly as viable makeshift weapons.

    Disallowing them as weapons would be like not letting me use a diamond shovel in Minecraft as a weapon.

    Though like any make shift weapon they shouldn\'t be without penalty. I would make them completely useless against shields and have them take a hit to \"mining speed\" against still functioning ships (As in core not overheating.) The idea is that a starter mining craft isn\'t totally defenceless in the face of small raiding craft yet realistically has no chance agaunst dreadnaught class vessels.

    Then again who doesn\'t want to see a \"Miner\'s Strike\" of medium salvage craft take down an oppressive Government Capital Ship?
    Aug 5, 2013
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    The problem is that they are insta hit like a rail gun and deal constant damage, no need to lead like a AMC.

    I think the whole way mining works should be looked at as a part of the needed resource overhall.
    Jun 30, 2013
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    At the scale of combat in Starmade the railgun would be hitscan like mining lasers or for some unfeasable reason as slow as a missile.
    Aug 1, 2013
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    Railguns do not insta-hit.

    Very fast, perhaps, but their projectiles are still subject to gravity and other forces.

    Salvage beams are more like a...laser beam.
    Aug 1, 2013
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    I do not think that salvage beams should work on a ship - except as it stands, if core is overheating.

    Otherwise you would have massive banks of salvage beams on capital ships, with nearby AMC cannons to take down shields - then switch to salvage and rip a huge hole in the side of a ship.

    A large enough salvage cannon will salvage multiple blocks in a row inside a second or two.
    Aug 1, 2013
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    i would want to see a seperated beam-weapon, lower damage per hit but continuous and more energy needy.
    salvage beams as a weapon are just...meh
    as Riftmaster said, a long bank of salvage beams would rip anything apart.
    Apr 25, 2013
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    Otherwise you would have massive banks of salvage beams on capital ships, with nearby AMC cannons to take down shields - then switch to salvage and rip a huge hole in the side of a ship.

    Ambiguous statement. You cannot do this in StarMade. You have to overheat the core first, then salvage.
    Jun 20, 2013
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    What people meant by using salvage cannons as weapons is that people were attacking unmanned ships and slurping them up while their pilots were offline. Even with a faction module on the ship, it did nothing to stop some enterprising salvage pilot from pulling up to an undocked ship and peeling it apart block by block to pawn off at the nearest shop. THAT is how salvage cannons were weaponized. If the core didn\'t have an active AI or a player in it, it was mining ship fodder.

    Now, in order to even do any of that, you have to overheat the ship\'s core. This means blasting a hole in the ship to get at it most of the time, cutting through shields, hull, and anything else in the way, then hammering the ship core til it breaks. You end up tearing apart the big Money Spider you\'re trying to salvage in order to salvage it in the first place. Very messy. Plus if you\'re trying to loot a faction base of any undocked ships, someone\'s gonna hear you firing that massive AMC minigun you\'re using to break your prospective victim\'s shields. Quite possible for you to suddenly get attacked, and then YOUR ship ends up as derelict salvage. It\'s no longer nearly as simple or low-risk-high-reward, anymore. And right now it\'s the only fix Schema can offer.