[RP] Fall of an Empire

    Oct 19, 2013
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    Fall of an Empire is a public roleplay server set in the universe of Solinia in a sector of space previously unknown to the major races of the solinia universe. Most ships and stations in this sector are expansionist vessels sent by the major races Meropian (blue) and Eusebian (green) two warring good aligned human like factions as well as a third enemy to both known as the Asurans (red).

    You may pick any side or play as a neutral/unaligned rogue or trader. The server and the economy has been adjusted and speed set to 110. Shops are less rare and pirate station loot has been slightly reduced and may be further adjusted.

    The server is a quad core dedicated server hosted in France so this server is primarily serving european communities.


    Greetings, I am Chronicler Unit X3202-B. It is my task to provide historical information on the glorious rule of Emperor Caeneus of Odyssia, Capital of the planet Virumaa. What would you like to know today? [History] [Enemies] [Where am I]


    Very well. The Eusebians trace their history back to the Planet of Solinia which they fled over 400 years ago aboard city-ship THE ARK with their brothers-in-blood, the Meropians. After 150 years travelling space they finally found a planet to inhabit that they named Vesper. A new capital was established called Phaeton that continued to be ruled by the Meropian bloodline who had aided in the Eusebians escape centuries before.

    All was going well until the last of the Meropian Royalty died and the vile Eurystheus seized the throne. During this time the Eusebians rebelled and saught autonomy from the militant Emperor. Escape was achieved but with most of our kin lost through major wars such as the Battle of Acolans Pass. The Eusebians never gave up the fight and were able to hold onto many distant areas of Vesper and establish the capital city of Telamon, our oldest and greatest port city where our glorious leader Caeneus was crowned Emperor of the Eusebian Empire.

    Emperor Caeneus had hoped to broker peace, now we had used our strength to achieve autonomy, but the bloodthristy Emperor would never forgive our rebellion and launched a massive naval assault on our capital in a war that would be known as the Battle of the Vile Sea.

    During this time our Emperor, Caeneus, was poisoned by Meropian Assassins and we were forced to evacuate Vesper all together. Taking THE ARK and our sickened emperor with us we saught a cure and new homeworld for years but it seemed like both objectives were out of our reach. Fearing the worst for our emperor he was placed into stasis and with the aid of new technology were able to continue communication with him by interfacing his thoughts with THE ARKs on board Artificial Intelligeance.

    We crossed space for almost 100 years before discovering the planet Virumaa where we established the new capital of Odyssia in honour of our great journey. Our empire was finally free to expand and grow without the influences of the Meropians until around the year 380 AR when the Meropian forces finally encounted us in deep space during the Battle of the Lonely Star. This would be a fight the Meropians would never forget, with technology on our side that we had aquired from THE ARK and the brilliance of our near immortal leader in statis, the Meropians took heavy losses and were forced to retreat.

    Now it is the year 397, there have been other skirmishes since the Battle of the Lonely Star but none as glorious. We do our best to stay far from the Meropians as possible and they know now to stay out of our space. Peace seems to be a possibility perhaps through the assistance of the Neutral SOL Trade Federation but the future is never clear.


    The Eusabian navy encounters two major enemies in deep space - mainly the Meropians led by Empress Xiu Catereus the II on the ice planet of Cryswind and The Asurans led by Hiran Asura, the God Lord of Solinia and puppet of Kali.

    Pirates are also a problem for the Eusebian trade fleets and civilian vessels. Most believe they despise us due to our ever expanding empire. Admitedly before entering this region of space the Eusebian Empire was not aware of their presense to broker trade agreements on resource gathering - had they made themselves open to discussion these acts of war could have been avoided.

    [Where am I]

    You are on the SOL Station 501, a SOL Trading Federation outpost comprised of defected Eusebian and Meropian neutrals.


    Colour: Green

    Leader: Emperor Caeneus

    Home World: Virumaa

    Capital: Odyssia

    Historiographer Markus Nerian

    Greetings and welcome to the Athenaeum Network Gateway, I am Markus Nerian, Historiographer and Grand Sage of the Meropian Librarium. Are you here to share knowledge or to be taught our [History] [Enemies] or [Information about your location?]


    An unusual request, considering the history of our people is taught during the younglings mandatory conscription cycle. But, very well, I will repeat what you should already know, meroei.

    The Meropian Empire has stood strong for thousands of years and held the grandest of Capitals to grace the lands of Solinia and our home Halcron. From the Royal halls of the Capital of Tsiyon our people rose to great power after our freedom from our creators, the Proto Humans. We established trade edicts with many of the races of Solinia and explored the four corners of the world and were the first to fight back during the early days of the return of Hiran Asura. Alas, the Gods were not on our side, an asteroid struck the planet and left our vast armies across the world in disarray and gave the Asurans the upper hand and many of our people were lost.

    Following the annihilation of our people at the hands of the Defiler, Hiran Asura, our forces inevitably initiated a tactical to the planet of Vesper using appropriated Jin Technology which we used to constract a great Ark. After many years crossing the cosmos and arriving at Vesper we began construction of a new capital - Our years of experience in empire building, coupled with our superior industrial and economic know-how, our civilization burned once again to produce a second grand capital, Phaeton. This city would eclipse even Tsiyon in it's architectural beauty and city wide logistical efficiency ushering in the Age of Rebirth.

    It is pleasing to Historiographers such as myself to know that the last of the original Meropian Royalty lived to see the completion of Phaeton. I imagine they gazed over that glowing city with pride and hope for our future for some 40 years later the last of the bloodline would come to an end and our people would carve a new path in the universe.

    After many years of debate and planning, our people, who had lived under the Meropian Royal Bloodline for centuries, were unable to find any closely related potentials to take the throne and our civilization seemed unlikely to be ruled well by a council. It was during this time that the great military leader, Eurstheus, who had held martial control over Phaeton during the time, stepped forward as ruler of the Empire. The Meropians were overwhelmingly in support but the Eusebians refused, hoping instead to see a Eusebian sit in the Meropian throne. Riots took place and Eurstheus tried to keep the protests as peaceful as possible but the Eusebian Rebellion was building. 10 years later Eusebian uproar would result in the capture of a military facility held within the valley known as Acolans Pass where THE ARK, an ancient vessel, was stored.

    Eurystheus was quick to respond and dispatched a large force to Acolan to seize back the facility and regain order in the region. With the Meropian Army in perfect co-ordination, they struck the Eusebian's disparate and leaderless force and exiled them from the facility far beyond the pass. Though THE ARK had been stolen the threat was annihalated and not much was heard of Eusebians for some time - Eursytheus's success in the Battle of Acolan's Pass only further confirmed him as rightful successor to the throne and he was formely crowned Emperor of the Meropian Empire in 211 AR during a lavish ceremony along the public squares of Phaeton.

    As the Empire expanded on Vesper, some 35 years had passed, increasing reports of Eusebian forces building on the borders began to spread among the populace. Even more worrying was news that the Eusebians had crowned a man named Caeneus as Ruler and he planned to strike Phaeton by navy through the Vile Sea. Eurystheus was furious the Eusebians had the gaul to return after he had allowed them flee with their lives at Acolan.

    To show his people they would not be put in any danger by this ragtag group of Rebels, Emperor Eursytheus personally launched an attack with his Navy along the Vile Sea and struck at the heart of the Eusebian territory, their capital Telamon. With Telamon rocked by heavy bombardment and all Eusebian forces focusing on the ocean - his Elite Knights made their way through the streets and assasinated the ruler in his Palace, putting an end to the Eusebian uprising for good. Emperor Eurystheus once again returned victorious and the Eusebians were permanently eradicated from Vesper.

    Eurystheus would rule for another decade and eventually sucumb to old age, leaving his son Catreus heir to the throne. The people mourned his death and Catreus did little early on to earn equal admiration as his father. Troubled that the Meropian people would not respect him he decided to forge a new Legacy that would seperate him, in the mind of the people, from the memory of his father. And so after much planning and the combination of the greatest minds of Vesper, he developed a fleet to spread the empire to the stars for the first time since they had left Solinia. The Empire flourished as it spanned the galaxy and Emperor Catreus moved the Meropian Capital to the Ice Planet of Cryswind symbolising a new period in Meropian History. The New Capital would be named Meropia which shined with a Cryswind blue crystal hue, a sight unlike anything seen in history. For all his efforts Emperor Catreus had been as successful as his father and forged a true galactic empire, he was celeberated on all Meropian planets on his eventual death in the year 360 AR.

    In honour of his name his daughter, Lady Xiu Catreus II took his throne in 360 AR and became the first female Emperor of the Meropian Empire. Though she was young she was adored by her subjects and maintained order and continual expansion in the universe. All would be peaceful until the greatest of threats would return to haunt her 15 years into her rule.

    It was 375 AR when reports first came in of the attack by The Asurans on the old capital on Phaeton. Emperor Catreus II had studied the tactics of her grandfather ever since a child but no military training could prepare her for what was to come. A massive fleet engaged in a galactic war in the orbit of Phaeton and all Meropians forces were destroyed. The enemy, under the command of a creature named Zasamaal crushed what resistance the Meropians made and Emperor Catreus II, in fear the approaching fleet would follow the remaining forces in the sector to the new capital on Cryswind, ordered all communication and control of the navy in the area be ceased. The abandoned fleets were totally annihilated and the remaining fleets of Cryswind seriously diminished but it seemed the Emperors plan was successful and no further attacks from Zasamaal and his Asuran Forces were heard of again.

    Emperor Catreus II would never be the same again following the Last Days of Phaeton and fearing the inevitable began drafting the population and rebuilding the fleets that had been lost. She expanded into distant sectors should the worst occur again. It was during this period of expansion, with the fleet diminished, that the Meropians once again encountered the Eusebians. Still rebuilding from the previous war the Meropians were annihalated on sight by the rebel Eusebians and the Meropian Navy suffered a further blow to it's forces. Not seeking a war on two fronts Emperor Xiu Catreus II knew that her people would not stand for anything less than submission of the Eusebian forces. However she knew that her fleet could not fight the Eusebians and be open to attack from the Asurans.

    In secret she funneled money to exile traders comprised of both Eusebian and Meropians and assisted in the creation of a neutral fleet known as the SOL Trade Federation. Using this vast network, and her secret influence, she kept diplomatic distance to the organisation but also used it as a mechanism for espionage and technology transfer. Eusebian forces and Meropian alike both benefited from the Trade Federation acting as an intermediary. Though there were still territory disputes she was able to use her many spies to keep her currently diminished fleet out of major wars while she rebuilt the army and prepared for war with either the Asurans or Eusebians. It would only be a matter of time before the superior planning and economic power of the Meropians would allow her people to surpass both forces and return once again to Phaeton to strike back and reclaim her grandfathers home.

    It has been 7 years sice the SOL Trade Federation was formed and the knowledge of the Emperess's involvement in its creation came to light. The people admired her political and tactical prowess over what could have been a far worse period of history. The navy has almost returned to it's full strength and the Empire continues to expand. Though many sanctions took place following the discovery of the Empresses manipulation of the Trade Federation, order is once again returning and the future looks to be on the side of the Meropians.


    Our greatest enemies are assuredly Hiran and his Asuran forces which we plan to attack when we retake our old homeworld of Phaeton. We are also experiencing several territory wars from the armies of Eusebians who still seem to hold a grudge on events that took place so many years ago. However under the rule of Empress Xiu Catreus II we are sure to achieve victory and put an end to the Eusebians once and for all.

    Several ships have also suffered attacks from hostile pirates in sectors we have designated as priority salvage zones; planets full of resources that we can completely disintigrate and such (Mainly to fuel our ever expanding industry). It is unlikely these pirates will hold up much of a resistance and once their homeworlds have been eradicated they will inevitably accept defeat and join the fold and experience true life under the care of our Empress.

    [Information about your location?]

    You are currently situated in SOL Trading Federation Station 501, a neutral station in an area of space we are interested in expanding to. We suggest you begin construction of resource gathering outposts immediately and continue to report back to Chryswind on your innevitable success in expanding our fleet in the sector.


    Colour: Blue

    Leader: Emperess Xiu Catreas II

    Home World: Cryswind

    Capital: Meropia

    The server requires you roleplay all chat. If you wish to speak out of character please preceed your chat messages with OOC or (( or you may be blacklisted.

    Popular prefixes for chat include [Radio] [Local] etc but feel free to be creative when emoting

    No griefing is allowed on this server this includes ship stealing or combat with enemies. You are required to discuss potential story events involving attacks and thefts with the person at hand out of character or out of game. For example you may discuss about a potential war between your faction and an enemy and then both agree and the war can begin for a set time.

    The server requires you authenticate with your uplink ID

    This server requires you speak in english in character but you may speak any language in ooc if you wish

    Hands Off!

    This is a hands off admin server - we make regular backups but we do not get involved in politics. Respect the rules and each other and have fun!

    Player Name: Full_Name (this is your in game name with no spaces & one underscore - IE: John_Smith)

    Universe Faction: (Eusebian, Meropian, Neutral)

    Faction Clan: (this is your private teams faction - ie what you would set in game)

    Race: (this should always be human)

    Profession: (miner, psychologist, runner, builder, military commander, pilot, trader etc)

    Background: (your characters background)

    Server address: play.fallofanempire.com:4242
    Jan 27, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 5
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    Player Name: Taryn_Kerian

    Universe Faction: Neutral.

    Faction Clan: Private Mercenary - Works for who pays the most.

    Race: Human

    Profession: Scientist/Shipwright/Engineer/Mercenary.

    Background: Taryn was born among the hulks of derellect battleships, having grown up with a mother who escaped from slavery. Taryn soon gained and affliation with machines and what some would call, Machine Empathy. At the age of 12, pirates boarded the space hulk she had grown up on and killed her mother, leaving Taryn alone for years and years untill she was 22, and was picked up by a passing trade vessel, leaving her where she is now.
    Feb 12, 2014
    Reaction score
    Player Name: Wyndelwar

    Universe Faction: Neutral

    Faction Clan: Melodikarmum

    Race: Human

    Profession: Metaphysicist

    Background: Wyndelwar comes from a long line of failed experiments from a genetical research facility.
    After somehow escaping what it later belives was Asuran scientists, it found ancient ruins of ships and spacevessels of a civilisation now gone.
    Wyndelwar took some of their ships and on his journey he found some bits of information within their ships.
    They had been looking for something.
    His body is is scarred, broken, but his mind is tirelessly and fanatictly looking for the answers of the Melodikarmum, to him one of the greatest question in the world.
    Cautious and skittish, but enjoys trading with others, Wyndelwar makes his way through the sectors.
    Feb 22, 2014
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    • Legacy Citizen

    Player Name: Fabian

    Universe Faction: Neutral

    Faction Clan: in a faction dont remeber name

    Race: Humanoid

    Profession: Pilot and previous trader

    Background: Born on earth living there for the longest duration. Then one day Fabian got the oppertunity to work for a trading corp. Fabian worked there for a long time traveling between planets trading with all kinds of planets. After 10 years of working for the trading company they got attacked by pirates and had to shut down after loosing 70% of their workers. Earth had lots of ruined ships after the attack and this is what got Fabian started building a ship of his own. The contacts he made during his time in the trading company helped him build and taught him the basics on how to build.

    If there is one thing Fabian wants its to travel to the distant stars. And nothing is going to stand in his way, not even pirates or bandits. [Log: 1, Before the travel]

    Reilly Reese

    #1 Top Forum Poster & Raiben Jackpot Winner
    Oct 13, 2013
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    Player Name: Full_Name (Thadius_Faran)

    Universe Faction: (My own AKA Nuetral)

    Faction Clan: (Caldera Empire)

    Race: (Human)

    Profession: (Leader, Space Engineer, Tactician)

    Background: (Thadius Faran comes from a Meropia family thats stature is high.He has attended The Meropia Military College and was a personal assistant to their most respected General. However his ambitions and idealogy lead him to attempt to create his own nation. With a Ship and a small group of people he left for unknown space.

    Reason for coming: Ever since EoH fell I have needed a new roleplay server. I am working on tn44\'s RP server project but that wont be playable for a while since he wants some features implemented before he opens up buisness.
    Nov 29, 2013
    Reaction score
    have you not seen Tectum Clementia?

    oh wait, no nevermind. You\'re one of those people who is too busy rollplaying about things from other universe\'s lore than to consider server lore.
    Jan 27, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 5
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    Tectum\'s a bit extreme on limits.

    It\'s annoying and restricts gameplay.
    Jul 30, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen
    • Community Content - Bronze 1
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    Player Name: Full_Name (this is your in game name) Elfania-Colle

    Universe Faction: (please see the list above or type neutral) neutral

    Faction Clan: (this is your private teams faction - ie what you would set in game) The IMP Federation a industrial faction that makes smooth ships

    Race: (this should always be human) Human

    Profession: (miner, builder, military commander, pilot, trader etc) Builder/pilot/Commader (I love doing all three)

    Background: (your characters background) Elfania-Colle Started out in an upper class family she had food when she needed it and always something to do. Around the time she was 18 Her Mom and Dad died in a horrible accident that happend during a rutine test flight of the HEX-01. Elfania-Colle also called \"Elf\" was put in charge of \"The IMP Federation\" Manufacturing and designing new ships to keep up in pace with the rest of the galaxy. Elfania-Colle Teamed up with a few of her friends and built a warpgate to a new sector sadly the warpgate blew up after the initial warp. And Elfania-Colle Is left to build back up from the ashes

    In best regard -The IMP Federation
    Jan 27, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 5
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    Mixxit has entrusted me to handle whitelist apps.

    EDIT: whitelist apps

    Please wait for a PM from me or Mixxit.

    I am around from 3:00 EST to 9:00 EST on weekdays.
    Jun 25, 2013
    Reaction score
    Player Name: Gareth_Kurusuki

    Universe Faction: Neutral

    Faction Clan: The Order Of Chaos

    Race: Human

    Profession: Commander

    Background: Known as \"The Broken\" because of the Broken sword that swings at his hip. it is said that he travels through the universe, a broken man looking to rebuild his crushed Faction. The Order of Chaos, a wonderfully twisted faction of mentally twisted maniacs and ruthless, bloodthirsty gremlins. And he, he was the Lord of chaos, such a fitting title, owner of the most feared faction to roam the unknown. But a great rupture ran through the faction, breaking the hierarchy and crippling the system. The Eusebian Empire crushed most of the younger fledgling generals and tortured the rest, crushing the last of the strength the faction had. And Gareth fled, hiding among the stars trying to lose himself. He crashed on the surface of a distant planet, His ship torn to pieces. He was rescued by a young woman, who told him that there was an outpost that he could find to start again. When he found the rescources and finally finished a decent enough ship to fly away, he left the girl with a kiss of thanks and left, never to see her again. He finally, in the battered chassis of a tiny flier, made it to the station, the ship exploding mere seconds after disembarking. Now, stranded on this odd station, with what money he still had left, he waits for his chance to strike out on his own.
    Oct 19, 2013
    Reaction score
    can you please give us the actual player name so i can whitelist it! thanks :)
    Aug 20, 2013
    Reaction score
    Player Name: Captain_N-Dova

    Character Name: Nex Dova

    Universe Faction: Neutral

    Faction Clan: The Rejin Knights

    Race: Wolf Neko (if this ok)

    Profession: Military Pilot, Trader, FreeLance Miner.

    Background: Nex Dova was an elite fighter pilot that comes from a earth like planet name Rejin which is inhabited by a diverse and very intelligence race of animal-human hybrid known as Nekos well until the planet was destroyed by massive battle between Eusebian and Meropian. Now years later, Nex is living his life as a Free-Lance Miner and Trader while makeing plans in the shadows of the two major factions to slowly recruit and build resources to bring them down together. (I hope this is good?)
    Oct 19, 2013
    Reaction score
    Player Name: Captain N-Dova A.K.A Nex Dova

    Can you change this to an appropriately formatted name? It should have no spaces in it - Ie: Nex_Dova