Rotating "Hull" Turret Design (Need some help)

    Oct 18, 2015
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    //Resolved Issue\\ Thanks guys!

    Hey guys. I'm new to Starmade Forums (this being my first post), but I've been playing on and off for a while now.

    Recently I had the idea to have a skeleton-type ship frame with turrets making the actual body. My end-plan design is that there isn't hardly any actual hull (save bridge, propulsion, etc)(which can also be fit into a turret module with proper design)

    It's hard to explain, so I'll attach pictures and elaborate.
    Real quick, I'm going to say modules. They're my idea that I can detach an entire piece of my ship, switch to another piece with a different weapon/turret system (that I have pre-built somewhere), and swap it out without major overhauls.
    starmade-screenshot-0000.png starmade-screenshot-0004.png starmade-screenshot-0001.png

    In the first picture is my (unfinished) ship with two modules. I rotated it slightly to show where the hulls are different. When realigned via c (second/third pictures) you can see that the two pieces fit perfectly, allowing full range of motion.

    The turrets can twist back to face rear, while the modules can rotate counter/clockwise no problem. I should have a 360 by 360 firing solution at all times and nothing should be going wrong.

    Except the AI won't do its job. For some reason that I can't figure out, my turrets refuse to move more than the slightest bit to attack something. They still fire if I'm faced directly at the target, but if I fly below/above/around something they won't swivel around, they stay faced forward.

    Also, note that this is my first post, I didn't mean to put this in the wrong forum if I did.
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    Jan 1, 2015
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    It's very probably because your two swiveling guns each have a bobby AI and they are warring with one another over who controls their mutual base. I would suggest making each of those swiveling guns a regular turret, each with their own base and barrel. That way they won't be warring with one another over their shared base. I am 90% sure that will clear up your problem.
    Oct 18, 2015
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    That's the thing, though, is that each arm is on the same gun. Just the way I have it set up is that the axis modules are safely inside, while the bricks they're rotating are on the axis ( so there's no weirdness going on when it rotates ), but outside the ship. If I can figure out how to attach a blueprint I'd be more than happy to.

    I was using damage beams on it. Thinking that they might be the problem (not enough refire) I switch to a C-C build and still aren't having any luck.


    A picture from the chamber of the module. This the left core/docker is the module, while the AIBobby/Faction Mod/Core/Docker on the right are for the turrets

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    Who's idea was this?
    Sep 8, 2013
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    Mass enhancers required.
    Throw them on the main ship and turret base.
    Oct 18, 2015
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    Well hell, that did it.

    I honestly didn't know that turrets required mass enhancers, I'd always thought it was strictly for the rails.

    And, if anyone is wondering, the turrets are fully functional and looking marvelous. It was a seriously SWEET sight to see both hulls rotate, separately from the main hull, swivel their guns around, and start firing off shots. I think I just found a new design for all my ships. Maybe not entirely practical, but definitely sexy.
    Jul 6, 2013
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    The max rotation speed limit for any turret above 50mass is the same as long as you have enough mass enhancers to handle its mass. So a 5000 mass turret rotates as fast as a 50mass turret as long as the mass enhancers cover it.

    Note if its a heavy turret the turret base also needs enhancers to handle the barrel if its over 50mass.

    Maximum possible turret rotation rate I'm told was for a mass of 50 / 3.5 which came out to be around 14.28 mass and anything smaller, unless the config file has changed since then.