Recognized by Council Resources Overhaul

    Aug 17, 2013
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    Lots of interesting ideas.

    Differing storage mechanisms are a great way to impose a tech limit---resources from orphan worlds should need refrigerated storage (Read: Left in a box exposed to the vacuum of space, in a shaded area on the ship) for solid/liquid/gas, because they only form once a planet has been ejected from its star and cast into the interstellar refrigerator. This requires different resources, each of which requires heated/cooled/solid/liquid/gas/pressurized/near-vacuum/biologically suitable/biologically unsuitable etc. storage.
    I like the idea of seeing specialised ships and promoting alternative playstyles. Cryo-storage is a neat concept, but again. Storage for the sake of making people build more, spent more time building or harvesting other materials seems unnecessary. It doesn’t promote alternative ways of playing it just makes more work involved in harvesting resources.

    Perhaps as I mentioned before a method of refinement. So something would work thusly.

    Red Dust Stored in Tanks -> Multi Block Refinery -> Dust Cannisters

    Cyan Gas Stored in Cryo-tanks -> Multi Block Refinery -> Gas Cannisters

    This could still allow for solo players to effectively integrate refineries into their resource gathering, meaning their ships would not require special storage. On the other hand it still promotes alternative strategies as factions could have a well-protected central refinery and ship in the unrefined resources from multiple places using specialised cargo ships.

    To get an economy, introduce fuels and their (Sometimes rare) ores and (Rare, especially for higher-tier systems) building materials.
    Economy will not depend on whether fuel is in the game or not, it will depend on whether Economy is in the game or not. Fuel will only mean players have to build another system into their ships, but this already has its own thread as you have linked, so we will keep this to resources.

    Also: A new type of asteroid. Game-breakingly rare, insanely hard to mine and store....universe-sundering to's the antimatter rock.

    Touch it yourself, touch it with your ship; and you, your ship, your neighbor's ship, the best part of the entire freakin' system, and all the framerates in the server go away....because you just experienced e=mc2 at its full potential....and consumed, at first, one cubic meter of antimatter and matter. Which is more energy than humans have ever consumed, at a rough guess. Then the fragments of the atoms of your ship collided with the rest of the asteroid....detonating several hundred cubic meters of the most dangerous explosive in the universe. Dang, you made a mess. Good bye, sucker. Maybe you should've used the mining laser from a distance.
    A rare object that destroys player’s ships and everyone else in the vicinity if they touch it? No thanks.

    However, I feel that your system can further be improved, as I think there is a better alternative to making some rare resources absolutely nessesary for producing, say, jump drives.

    What I am proposing is making Tertiary (not Secondary) resources favourable rather than strictly needed.

    For instance, assume we want to produse module A, which requires 100 White Metal and 100 Yellow Gems. There, however, will be an alternative recipe, which requires 100 White Metal, 1 Cyan Gas and 5 Yellow Gems.

    The goal is to make production a lot cheaper if given some rare resource, although one item of that resource can (and should) be far more expensive than one item of a common one. This will keep the need for rare resources, but in a less intrusive way.
    Having alternative crafting recipes defeats the point of having a tiered system entirely.

    If the low tier crafting recipe has its resource requirements inflated to encourage people to find the alternative resources. Then players simply won’t bother with it in the first place, it becomes defunct.
    If it’s not that expensive. Then why would I as a player spend my time upgrading my ship and exploring to find the higher level resource?

    Big strip miners are going to be able to cover the costs of the lower tier recipe. So all it would do is encourage even more strip mining to cater the inflated recipe. The only difference the inflation will make is how much longer I have to mine and how large my strip miner has to be.

    The whole point of tiered resources with alternative collection methods is to encourage alternative gameplay other than strip mining and put in place the foundations of an economy. Not only that but create a stop-gap of progression that isn’t difficult, but breaks up the gameplay of simply mining constantly.

    Another way of making rare resources less criticaly needed but still interesting is making stuff that are not vital, but very much desired by a player. Theese can be things like more advanced AI modules, weapons that dublicate existing ones in means of mechanics but are better in terms of efficency and/or have some special properties (think unusual bonuses/specialisations (like having 5% bonus agains shields if using Grey Foam in Antimatter Cannon's recipe)). Theese can also be some completely different, posed as 'advanced'/'elite' tech things (think semi-random useful enhancements, like being able to disable enemy AI for some time, or to put up a temporal invurnerable bubble shield around the ship). Again, it must not be OP. Just unique and useful. I hope I will be correctly understood.
    Having higher level versions of current modules has already been discussed in a few threads. I am all for the idea providing they are separate modules. For the same reasons as above, if you provide a tier based system. People are going to aim for the higher tier providing it is clearly superior. Meaning people will usually rush or skim though the lower tier in order to reach the higher tier as soon as possible. Which begs the question what is the point of having the lower tier, if it’s only there as a stop-gap for people who haven’t got the resources yet, you’re adding one feature that renders another feature defunct.

    The idea is, the lower tier modules allow you to make a basic ship with a few varying modules. It’s only when you want fancy non-standard weaponry, scanners, warp jumps and other more complex systems do you need the advanced resources.

    The aim here is to introduce some 'artifact-like' tech (this type of tech often presents in sci-fi univerces of games and movies), which is useful, powerful, quite expensive, very rare but totally worth the search for the sources.
    Artefact resources isn’t a bad idea. I like the idea of having a resource that is not requires for progression. Something purely decorative or monetary. It would add another layer for a potential economy. Allowing players to go off in search of these artefact resources for the fame, glory and money.

    I also suggest resource refining process to be not only different for each type of resource and multi-staged, but also to be upgradable, requiring more and more power, machines, stages and space (structures* become complex and large with higher tiers) , but also maybe the usage of less rare resources (in order to enable or speed up and/or make more efficient the process of refining).

    Higher tiers have greater demands, but also greater speeds and outcomes if to speak about speed and/or amount of output.
    This could work if refinement was a part of resource collection. Is solo players just want to get the job done, they could make a small few block refinery. If factions want to import all their resources and make the most out of it, they can have one well protected refining station.

    I especially like the first idea, because it means that you can make a whatever-you-want, but it's going to be expensive beyond reasonable if you lack a "special" ingredient that is fairly rare.
    You can already make whatever you want. It just takes the strip mining of several planets. Are you suggesting that it would be better if you could build everything you wanted from just strip mining 2 planets for longer?

    This works ESPECIALLY well if you take this resource and limit it to a region of x number of systems within a galaxy. Say that only one arm of a galaxy contains the material you need to make the production of armor efficient. The faction that controls that space is going to get a lot of trade from the faction that controls the efficient material for whatever else; let's say thrusters. These two cooperate nicely because, separate, they can't make dreadnoughts, but together they can make dreadnoughts.
    This certainly makes the augmentation idea a lot more appealing to me, but an arm of the galaxy is colossal. And the idea that you have factions with monopoly over a resource that makes their ships better seems like an unfair advantage to steamroll across other players.

    You could argue that another faction may have access to an equally powerful resource, but what about the solo player that just got stomped on because he isn’t in the faction and doesn’t have access to either?

    The more likely occurrence is you’re going to have factions with their fingers in all the pies (special resources) to make the best ships. I like the idea, because it gives you something to aim for. Creating warp-gates and stations across the galaxy in order to create a network of resources that allow you to be bigger and better.

    But, again. This is prey impractical for a solo player, or even a collection of smaller players.
    One, because they have to travel across the galaxy to upgrade their ship and are unlikely to have the resources to make multiple stations, refineries and warp gates.
    Two, because anybody that has even one of these resources is already at an advantage over other players.
    Feb 25, 2016
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    Not necessarily. I said "arm", and that region is a bit too big...but this dynamic would fundamentally change how factions interact.

    Besides being a very interesting concept, it'd encourage trade, because otherwise the factions that are denied the resources are going to band together (Most likely) to destroy the "overlord" faction, or leave the galaxy and come back later.....with more resources.

    The idea is a general proposal, kindly don't shoot ideas down just because of specifics. It doesn't have to be an entire arm, or just one system/sector/cubic meter, it can be any number of small, but significant enough to approach inexhaustible for most small to medium factions, groups spread throughout a galaxy. The problem is, it has to be limited, because otherwise everyone does as they do now. Which is settle in your own little corner of the galaxy, with your own plentiful stocks of everything, and build titans galore.
    Aug 17, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen
    Not necessarily. I said "arm", and that region is a bit too big...but this dynamic would fundamentally change how factions interact.

    Besides being a very interesting concept, it'd encourage trade, because otherwise the factions that are denied the resources are going to band together (Most likely) to destroy the "overlord" faction, or leave the galaxy and come back later.....with more resources.

    The idea is a general proposal, kindly don't shoot ideas down just because of specifics. It doesn't have to be an entire arm, or just one system/sector/cubic meter, it can be any number of small, but significant enough to approach inexhaustible for most small to medium factions, groups spread throughout a galaxy. The problem is, it has to be limited, because otherwise everyone does as they do now. Which is settle in your own little corner of the galaxy, with your own plentiful stocks of everything, and build titans galore.
    I'm not shooting your idea down because an arm is a large thing. I disagree with the idea in general because it unbalances game-play based on who finds what resources first.

    As I said, I do like the idea of encouraging factions to spread out to access more resources. I just don't think resources that apply augmentation effects are a good way to do that.
    Aug 17, 2014
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    Having alternative crafting recipes defeats the point of having a tiered system entirely.

    If the low tier crafting recipe has its resource requirements inflated to encourage people to find the alternative resources. Then players simply won’t bother with it in the first place, it becomes defunct.
    If it’s not that expensive. Then why would I as a player spend my time upgrading my ship and exploring to find the higher level resource?
    I am gradually starting to agree with you. Yes, in Starmade universe the size of miner ship and, thus, the speed of resource collection is not in any way limited, as of now.
    There however is another solution: what if you can not use salvage cannons/another harvesting ship equipment to get resources from planets at all (still able on asteroids), and resourses are extracted from a planetside not by breaking blocks, but by building a structure that constantly generates an amount of some resource over time? (in a very similar to Red Dust gathering manner) (think Spore -- EA's PC game)
    /* Notes:
    1) there can be set limits for each type of resouce for each planet independingly;
    2) structural properties of a gathering structure can affect not only the amount of gathered over time (still limited to some value (think Power Cap)) but also the power efficiency, if desired (rendering it impossible to build just a few blocks, stimulating larger setups);
    3) structures can be of different type and theme, requiring easy setups for small and unefficient output, and complex large setups for greater outcomes and more efficient power usage (it is more like 'possible' than 'more efficient').

    Is solo players just want to get the job done, they could make a small few block refinery. If factions want to import all their resources and make the most out of it, they can have one well protected refining station.
    As can be understood from my notes above, I totally agree.

    Artefact resources isn’t a bad idea. I like the idea of having a resource that is not requires for progression. Something purely decorative or monetary. It would add another layer for a potential economy. Allowing players to go off in search of these artefact resources for the fame, glory and money.
    Please clarify: do you mean that some resource should not be used at all, or rather can be used to make some useful, but no a 'must have' and not OP equipment? Because what I meant is the latter of those two.

    Having higher level versions of current modules has already been discussed in a few threads. I am all for the idea providing they are separate modules. For the same reasons as above, if you provide a tier based system. People are going to aim for the higher tier providing it is clearly superior.
    I have to admit, I always do the same. This is why higher tier, if present, should either require more rare resources (artefact, maybe?), or contain different modules than the lower tier has. Different weapons, different systems, different effects. They are not better nor they are OP. They are just different, having some other type of effects, advantages and weaknesses. And also maybe somewhat tricky to use for an unexperienced player.

    Some final notes:
    1) Having constant supply from a source rather than constant amount can improve some things:
    1. no more ugly stripped planets (also, you dont need to respawn destroyed planets no more);
    2. factions can actually fight for planets instead of just completely harvesting them, then leaving;
    3. finally something to build planetside for;
    4. unequal distribution of planets with certain resource can trigger intence faction wars;
    5. asteroids are once again useful: get in, mine it down, get out -- no building, no machines, no setups;
    6. no more fast strip-mining problem: resource generation can be capped per planet;
    7. issue with limited resources solved: no worries that one day there will be none left. want larger generation? go conquire some sectors!

    2) If adjust planet spawning mechanic, some planets with excessively large resource cap can become quite important. Moreover, as they can not just 'disappear" due to harvesting now, they will form long-term trade lines, production chains and supply planning. Which is great from my point of view.

    3) Special 'artefact' resources mentioned above can remain the only finite ones. (Especially effective if they are used in the way I proposed earlier)


    Identifies as a T-34
    Nov 16, 2013
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    This is a very good idea. I suspect that a few things about it need to be tweaked, but it is a solid foundation, and one that has 100% of my support. The terrible crafting and resource system is one of the things that keeps me from playing in survival mode. Its just "wander around until you find the right color of mystery-matter. A color based crafting system makes no sense, and it is very hard to learn.

    Why should a cannon computer be made of totally different materials than a beam computer? You don't make a gaming PC and a laptop out of different elements. Materials have certain properties that make them useful for certain things. This would also fix the massive ballache that is crafting a certain color of hull. Why should I have to go halfway around the galaxy to find a blue metal just to make blue armor planting? WHY CANT I JUST PAINT IT!
    Feb 25, 2016
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    I really like the idea of mining operations on planets being permanent setups that constantly extract resources much slower than the Salvage Death Stars that run around out there, but that provide more over time and, even better, provide something to fight over. Especially if resources get as diversified as we're talking about in this thread.
    Aug 17, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen
    There however is another solution: what if you can not use salvage cannons/another harvesting ship equipment to get resources from planets at all (still able on asteroids), and resourses are extracted from a planetside not by breaking blocks, but by building a structure that constantly generates an amount of some resource over time? (in a very similar to Red Dust gathering manner) (think Spore -- EA's PC game)
    This is precisely my thinking and I have already touched on it many times in this thread. I am not really bothered how the alternate methods are put in place, just that there are alternative methods to strip mining. Surface Structures were an initial suggestion, whether they are multi-block structures is arbitrary, people will eventually exploit it even with limits in place. The fact is the player has been forced to build upon a planet and will now wish to protect this planet, rather than strip it and leave.

    Please clarify: do you mean that some resource should not be used at all, or rather can be used to make some useful, but no a 'must have' and not OP equipment? Because what I meant is the latter of those two.
    3) Special 'artefact' resources mentioned above can remain the only finite ones. (Especially effective if they are used in the way I proposed earlier)
    I am talking about ANY equipment that has a function. Any super-rare resource that gives an advantage of any kind is a bad idea in my opinion, however minor the advantage.

    On the flip side. Say it does provide an advantage and you get stomped by someone that has a big ship or has just invested more time into weapons. You lose your ship and whatever rare blocks you had on it. Which arguably is fair game.

    Unless the effect was purely aesthetic, or monetary. I cannot see this being a good idea.

    This is a very good idea. I suspect that a few things about it need to be tweaked, but it is a solid foundation, and one that has 100% of my support. The terrible crafting and resource system is one of the things that keeps me from playing in survival mode. Its just "wander around until you find the right color of mystery-matter. A color based crafting system makes no sense, and it is very hard to learn.
    I think colours are very easily recognisable, so that part I agree with. Having three different resources of the same colour used in arbitrary ways seems dumb. It is very hard to learn mainly because they are used for things seemingly sporadically. Even just a diverse texture and name change would help!

    Why should I have to go halfway around the galaxy to find a blue metal just to make blue armor planting? WHY CANT I JUST PAINT IT!
    I absolutely agree with this. The fact that in some far distant future, people are still crushing up different coloured rocks to make paint for their ships is baffling.

    I really like the idea of mining operations on planets being permanent setups that constantly extract resources much slower than the Salvage Death Stars that run around out there, but that provide more over time and, even better, provide something to fight over. Especially if resources get as diversified as we're talking about in this thread.
    That’s what we’re aiming for; some tasty alternatives. I like strip mining as a concept and it should still be entirely viable for people that want to do it, but just for low level resources. There’s no reason to settle on a planet currently which is why vents is something I suggested.

    I have changed that now however, Red Dust can now be harvested from space and gas giants. Whereas Cyan gas requires the planet structures. Mainly because Red Dust is a mid-tier element and people are likely to strip planets when other people have built on it. Whereas Cyan gas is more valuable and gives a greater incentive to be protected.
    Aug 21, 2013
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    This proposed system is supposed to be clear, easily identifiable, and memorable whilst also being far more trade and newbie friendly. With rarity being more applicable and directly relating to its use in the crafting tree, which would also be overhauled. The secondary principle is to make a giant mining strip ship viable but require augmentation and alternative strategy later on in progression.

    It may well just be me, but I find it easier to think:
    "I need to make an advanced computer, therefore I will probably needs lots of that resource that is used for advanced electronics"
    "I need to make something yellow, so let me try to remember which yellow mineral is most likely to be the one I want"

    Regardless of whether you personally find it easy or not. The current system is not newbie friendly and deters a lot of players. Most people don't even make anything themselves due to the unnecessary complexity and instead just mine and sell to shops in order to buy the items they need.

    This system can still work based on the temperature distribution system the asteroids currently run on.

    Planets are potentially due to become more varied later on. This system works on the idea there are more planets to distribute the resources. I will list a few potentials, but just know this thread is not about what planets there could potentially be later on in the game, but more about the distribution of crafting materials. So these are just examples.

    Ice (Frozen Desolate Rock)
    Dust (Dry Flat Desert)
    Arid (Dry Rocky Canyons)
    Magma (Mostly Rock & Lava)

    Alien (Purple weirdness)
    Ocean (Liquid Water with Ocean Floor, potentially lovely tropical beaches)
    Terran (Earth Like)
    Winter (Snowy & Icy)

    Orphan Planet (Cold lost planet with no orbit)
    Machine Planet (Dead Planet of mechanical design)
    Molten Planet (An ocean of lava dangerously close to the sun)

    Scanners can also play a part. Showing you what resources are available on a planet as well as if your ship is capable of holding/salvaging these resources. Purely an example, this could be done a lot better than below.

    Storage Methods
    Unique storage methods are required for certain resources. It needs to be made abundantly clear is a player can or cannot hold something before they mine it, or that they are required to do something different.

    The requirements of each resource need to be made available to the player from the get-go.

    Conventional: The currently way cargo is managed. Stacks of items that can be clicked and dragged in an inventory.
    Fluid: Tanks exclusively for gases and liquids. No other items can be stored in here.
    Inventory Augmentation
    Dry: Dry storage requires that the inventory be augmented with dehumidifier blocks . The ratio determines the percentage of slots that are effected. Consumes small amounts of power.
    Cryo: Cryo storage requires that the inventory be augmented with cryostasis blocks. The ratio determines the percentage of slots that are effected. Consumes power.
    Heat: Heat storage requires that the inventory be augmented with heater blocks. The ratio determines the percentage of slots that are effected. Consumes power.

    The reason for adding alternative storage methods is to once again to diversify play styles. In may cases players may find it easier to refine at the point of origin allowing them to stick to conventional cargo.

    Larger factions may find it easier to have one central refinery they ship resources to using specialized carriers.

    It would also allow drones to have more diverse tasks, creating cargo routes and drop off points etc etc.

    Generated stations and ships also have a wider scope. Derelict gas refinery? Dust mining ships? The world suddenly has more diversity, or at least the excuse to be so.
    The arrow "-~->" determines when a resource can be refined. Refining a resource as a number of advantages.

    First of all the refinery is an expansion of the current capsule refinery. A multi-block system that takes refine-able materials and processes them. The size and blocks used in the refinery determine the amount it can refine and store, the speed it processes, and the amount of refined items received from one raw resource.

    The second advantage is items will always be converted to an items using conventional storage. Very few players are going to want to operate a ship with multiple types of storage for unique resources. So it's up to them if they create a small refinery for each point of harvest.
    Farming is presented as a optional method of resource gathering. As some of the materials are self-propagating, players can gather these by allowing them to grow in a pre-built structure. The potential for blocks to assist with this strategy would once more promote alternative play styles. For example, Green Fibers plants could be planted and kept alive outside their usual habitat by using UV lights and sprinklers. Pink Slime and Grey Foam could benefit from auto-harvesters, that activate either intermittently or once they detect growth.
    List of materials is as follows. The spawn location of a resource is mainly just to demonstrate how placement effects gameplay. For example White Metal will be more accessible, so if you require both Brown Ore & White Metal you head to a Magma Planet.

    These names and colors of the resources themselves could easily be changed to fit the environment better, right now they are made to be memorable.

    The flavor text is to give an idea of the type of crafting recipes they would be used in.

    Primary Materials

    Black Mineral
    Found: Dust, Arid, Orphan
    Storage: Conventional
    Mostly used in conjunction with other materials as an insulating and bonding agent.

    White Metal
    Found: Dust, Arid, Terran
    Storage: Conventional
    Used to make basic hulls and other objects that require structural integrity.

    Brown Ore -~->
    Brown Ceramic
    Found: Magma, Molten
    Storage: Conventional
    This is a base resource that can be refined. This is to encourage less planet harvesting as resources can be duplicated. It introduces refining as a concept early on.
    Used for refinement into other materials to create conductive and electrical equipment.

    Blue Crystals
    Found: Ice, Winter
    Storage: Conventional
    Primarily used in power generation technology but also glass and lenses.

    These four materials make up the basics. They allow people to craft basic hulls and get a ship up and running from scratch if they wished. They call all be strip mined, but require a visit to at least three planets. Things like shields and more advanced systems are not available using these materials.

    Secondary Materials
    These can still be on the common planets, but require a different strategy to simply strip mining the place dry. The aim is to create a small, but noticeable jump in the way resources are collected. Factions and players need to think and strategize around resources rather than simply stripping planets.

    Most of these(Where mentioned) from this point require an upgraded version of the Salvage Computer, the Mining Computer. The idea is, this computer is made using resources from this tier that still require the basic Salvage Computer, such as Yellow Gems.
    The Mining Computer uses a LOT more energy for little more performance. If you have power coming out the wazoo it may not be an issue, but small starting ships may need to have a separate smaller mining laser specifically for these more troublesome resources. AKA encouraging different play-styles. To clarify, I am not out to remove strip mining, just make it more difficult to make a one-ship-winner.

    I am not entirely happy with the
    Mining Computer. I don't believe in adding tiered/upgraded versions of systems is the answer to strip mining as a strategy. In order for a system like this to work, the system needs to differ enough to present itself as an alternative strategy entirely.

    Pink Sime -~->
    Pink Rubber
    Found: Alien
    Storage: Fluid -~-> Conventional
    Requires Mining Computer or the received resource is “Dried Pink Slime”.
    Used in decorative objects for its prismatic properties.

    Red Dust -~->
    Red Capsules
    Found: Dust, Arid, Terran
    Storage: Conventional Dry -~-> Conventional
    This can be mined from a planets atmosphere or potentially gas giants. Orbiting Mining Stations can be set up to collect this resource constantly. .
    Used to enhance hull into more robust forms (armor).

    Orange Fluid -~->
    Orange Bottles
    Found: Magma, Molten
    Storage: Fluid Heat -~-> Conventional
    Requires Mining Computer or the received resource is “Orange rock slurry”. This fluid is generated by volcanic vents. As a result pools will regenerate over time, allowing the resource to be left to regenerate or allowing collection to be automated.
    Orange fluid is highly volatile and thus used in more advanced weapon systems.

    Yellow Gems
    Found: Terran, Ocean
    Storage: Conventional
    Can be mined conventionally using a matter cannon, but is deposited on the rarer planets.
    Used for their wavelength inducing properties, such as scanners, stealth and jamming devices as well as force fields.

    Green Fibers
    Found: Terran
    Storage: Conventional
    Requires Mining Computer or the received resource is “Shrivelled Dead Fibres”.
    It’s mainly used in medical applications and respawners.

    Tertiary Resources
    Purple Pearls
    Found: Orphan
    Storage: Conventional
    Conventionally Mineable but only available on orphan planets.
    Used in warp technology.

    Cyan Gas -~->
    Cyan Canisters
    Found: Orphan
    Storage: Fluid Cryo -~-> Conventional
    Can only be filtered from the atmosphere. Surface structures need to be set up in order to generate this resource over time, which can then be collected either manually, by drone or by way of a specialized module. Planetary bases are more plausible as well as requiring to protect them due to it being a high tier resource.
    Cyan Gas is used in fancy-pants systems which are not in the game yet.

    Grey Foam -~->
    Grey Aerofoam
    Found: Machine
    Storage: Conventional Dry -~-> Conventional
    Self propagating, much like the pink slime, allowing it to be farmed, slower than the pink slime. Requires Mining Computer or the received resource is “Grey Slush”
    Used in repair systems and self building objects such as the shipyard and more advanced armor.

    Quaternary Resources

    These extremely rare are high value resources to acquire. The aim is to create some form of end-game in terms of resources. Something valuable to fight over, steal, protect, explore and find, but still giving a use that is not an unfair advantage. These may change the visual style of a weapon, shield or thruster. Alternatively it may craft into a few rare decorative objects.

    They would be in very hostile or dangerous areas. Close to suns, black holes, patrolled by large powerful pirates or hostile factions. People going after these resources would have to be prepared for that specific resource.

    A few examples:
    You may need more than one ship or a small armada to take on a large number of hostile forces. Or you may choose to cloak on a small ship and get in close.
    If a resource is very close to the sun, you may need some form of protection directed towards that.
    If a resource is close to a black hole, you may need to consider your thrust capability, a big ship may be more likely to get pulled in.

    This is also purely aesthetic, but I love the idea of having NPC ships tailored to one specific resource hauling. For example: You see a NPC hauling ship with massive fluid containers and know it's made for hauling either Gas or Liquid. Given this knowledge the world could be come a lot more interesting. Pirates or players could target high value convoys. etc etc.

    I think new and old players should be thinking "I need to make X, so I need the resource that relates to X based on what the game has taught me"
    Rather than 24 resources in 3 types and 8 different colors all with very difficult to remember names and spawn points.
    I like the idea of specialized containers for raw ores and crystals.

    I agree that the current crafting recipes are difficult to remember - I have to consult the wikis constantly (I don't play that often). I don't see how this suggestion actually makes the recipes any easier. All it does is replace the ores with different ores, and the miner with a different miner.

    Which components are considered intermediate blocks? Which are considered advanced? The hull is obvious, but what about the weapons, effects, and factories? I have Grey Foam, now what can I make with it?

    If the problem is that the recipes are not intuitive, then what we need is a better UI.

    How about a factory that, when you select the block you want to produce, automatically tells you what ores are needed? It is silly that factory UI is just a chest with a drop down menu.

    How about a new menu tab that just lists recipes? I select a block, it shows me the blocks that are used to make it, and the components that are needed for them, and so on right down to the ores.
    Feb 25, 2016
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    Really good idea for UI innovation. Hopefully we start seeing better UI....right now this is approaching Dwarf Fortress levels of complexity and a learning curve not unlike DF's...except for the fact that at least in this game you have another, similar, unmentionable game to base your experience off of for this, while DF is's DF.

    Try it if you enjoy causing massive suffering or a challenge.

    Mostly if you enjoy the challenge.

    Because the suffering's easy.

    The challenge is to prevent the suffering---you know what, this isn't the DF forum. Ah well. It was inevitable.
    Whoops. DF reference.


    Convicted Lancake Abuser
    Apr 14, 2013
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    • Thinking Positive Gold
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    • Legacy Citizen 11
    I mostly like this suggestion, but... it has a MAJOR FLAW in that not all the resources are regenerating. Passive resource gain from planets is something I'd really like to see, and seems to be planned as well.

    I also have a problem with jump drive materials only being found on a rare planet. That's a massive "fuck you" to new players.

    Why should I have to go halfway around the galaxy to find a blue metal just to make blue armor planting? WHY CANT I JUST PAINT IT!
    Uh... you do realize that you haven't needed a blue metal to make a blue armor block in a while, right? You can't de-paint things yet, but armor has a specific resource (fertikeen) for all colors of them now.
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