Resolution -Venator Class Cruiser

    Jun 27, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 4
    This SD is really nice, and you've done great work on the interior. Lots of detail, the Hangar and Command deck especially were rather well done. However, if i may ask, what is going on with the camera? It made it almost impossible to watch with the constant shake and what seemed to be stretching, contraction and rotation of the screen, and why was the screen limited to the smaller ratio when your UI clearly showed that it was closer along the lines of a 16:9 ratio monitor?

    Again, i commend you on your work on this ship, it truly is beautiful, but please record in such a way so that its not so difficult to follow. it would allow us to appreciate your work much more, as well as allowing us to more easily examine the details that you will have painstakingly put into this, and not miss out on your work.