You are right platinum, this topic is old.
But you can only arrow-key-jump from turret to turret/docked whatever, if you are already sitting in either the mother\'s core or in one of the docked whatevers/turrets.
Feature adds diversity to possibilities in layouting weapon batteries (batteries usually mean larger ship), turret remote control stations for players other than the pilot of the ship, multicrewed ships, like in the good\'ol\'navy times, 2 guys a cannon and 20 for pulling ropes and 2 that know how to. But only not that exaggerated in our case. Target: multi-crewed ships with one player per big turret and autark weapon battery facing any way. Pilot, has actually no control of weapons, he just steers, where the cap\'n wants, cannon guys just aim and fire at target markers, when master says.
And: you wouldn\'t even be forced to apply this technique, if you don\'t want to build a multicrewed ship, rather a single player pod piloted eve-cruiser, then do so, no argument with that. I like both principles. That\'s why the bump