Since we're moving into player and NPC interactions with ships, the next logical step is player, NPC, and ship interaction with the universe and with other factions. The first problem to tackle there, probably, is the current invulnerability of homebases. Many suggestions exist to deal with this, some involving using faction points for protection, some involving massive buffs to homebase stats, and even one recent one suggesting voluntary mutual vulnerability for faction wars. Personally, I find that the only satisfying and effective solution is a combination of new features that work together to create a more interesting, immersive, and - arguably - realistic system, while still mitigating most of the risk of griefing. (Unless you count spies as griefing...)
- First and foremost, there needs to be a way to have faction-chosen AI defense ships automatically spawn when a base is attacked. The easiest way to make this work would probably be just to require putting the blueprints into a "beacon" block, but this just seems inelegant immersion-wise. A more abstracted solution involving paying faction points for ship block value or mass is another possibility, but could lead to exploits involving enemy farming if not implemented carefully.
- Second, maps need to change. The current "find everything everywhere all of the time instantly" map? That's gotta go. You should have to, you know, go out there, explore, and scan for things, including enemy bases, asteroid belts, planets, wormhole routes, warpgate routes... (In fact, wormholes and warpgates shouldn't show their routes until you have either come within visible range of both ends or scanned both ends within scanning range.) A feature where players could share the locations of discoveries with others via a "Map" metaitem for a definable map area would be nice, as would an option to auto-share discoveries with your faction. Additionally, it'd even be possible to have levels of clearance for information within your faction, so that top-secret facilities aren't known to recruits and random pilots who don't need to know they exist.
This system also would help set the stage for giving more added celestial bodies and phenomena meaning and play value, seeing as it wouldn't be possible to instantly find every special feature on the map.
- Third, all stations need a base shield capacity, and a very large buff to the effectiveness of shield caps and generator blocks when placed on stations. Otherwise, half the time all those NPC/AI reinforcements won't mean anything because the enemy came in a ship big enough to squish your base like a bug and leave with all the loot.
If implemented properly, this would also make boarding the preferred method of capturing stations.
- Faction point-based protection could become a thing, but I dunno how to balance this. And one way or another, there would need to be a better (but still grief-proof) way to drain enemy faction points for this to work...
- If planets finally get a revamp and become more useful and better-looking, similar accommodations can be made regarding them, shielding, and protection. Also, shield pools can become global, rather than per-segments, if a segment-based planet system remains.