Reduce Confusion: GUI


    Oct 30, 2015
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    Starmade has so many modes of interaction and such a powerful inventory system that is needs better visual cues to make it clear what your current status is. I suggest the following to help clarify the GUI:

    -When 'filter blocks' is active please make it bright & highlighted. ( "where did my stuff go? )
    -Personal inventory and the Auxiliary inventory ('use as personal inventory') each need their own distinct indicator. Perhaps a backpack icon for personal and a storage box for Aux. This will make it clear what is current. Color differentiation would also help. (currently if very hard to see all the small buttons and details)
    -Scroll bar defaults to the top position. I can find the top or bottom of a scroll bar instantly, what I need is for the tab to stay where I left it previously so I can continue working the list (when manufacturing etc.)
    -Scaleable text where ever possible. I am older and my eyes are bad.
    -When dropping a stack; the target area is smaller than the visual size of the slot ruining the drop. ('do it again')
    -Allow a display to be slaved to a factory or a storage block (that it shares a face with) so it shows the name of the block it is linked to. (the texture of the storage/factory block remains unaffected).
    -I have ships with multiple rail dockers. Please make them nameable like the inner ship remote.

    Thanks for the making the greatest game is the history of great games. Lukwan
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