Rate Star Made's community, 1-10

    Rate Star made's community

    • 1

      Votes: 4 8.9%
    • 2

      Votes: 0 0.0%
    • 3

      Votes: 2 4.4%
    • 4

      Votes: 1 2.2%
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      Votes: 0 0.0%
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      Votes: 1 2.2%
    • 7

      Votes: 7 15.6%
    • 8

      Votes: 17 37.8%
    • 9

      Votes: 9 20.0%
    • 10

      Votes: 4 8.9%

    • Total voters
    Mar 9, 2014
    Reaction score
    • Arrrty Gold
    Why are you rating a community as if you're generalizing an entire person.

    Communities are practically composed of many different people: trolls, kids, assholes, noobs, metalheads, furries, nice and helpful people, yet you're still rating communities with numbers like they're supposed to represent one thing.

    If someone on the forums pisses you off, take it up with them. That's not to say communities have their fair share of their majority being twats like in CoD or WoW, but i'd like to share something I've always held true: a person does not represent a community, nor does a majority.

    Sure this may be true when it comes to a religion or a political party where people abide to an established doctrine or follow the same belief, but when you speak of a community that shares only an interest in something material or intrinsic such as say, a game, sometimes it's best to ignore the annoying, bigoted, arrogant child that comes in occasionally just to derail discussion or incite argument and let the others do what they actually came here to do, play the game.
    Jan 22, 2015
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    • Legacy Citizen
    • Community Content - Bronze 1
    Speaking as a newb, I would rate the community highly. I've found a number of threads that were helpful, as well as support from the community for the few questions that I've had. I don't support the notion of limiting new members from being able to ask questions, as this is a complex game with a steep learning curve. The wiki is somewhat helpful, but not completely, and not all threads address every issue that a new player might encounter. How else will the new players learn if there is no other source for their answer?
    Jun 20, 2013
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    • Video Genius
    • Legacy Citizen 4
    • Top Forum Contributor
    i give it a 1/10. just feel like it, because there are quite a few people i have to use the ignore button on this forum because they seem to have a habit of causing unnecessary friction on threads.
    Last edited:


    Precentor-Primus, pro-tempore
    Jul 13, 2014
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    • Legacy Citizen 4
    Why are you rating a community as if you're generalizing an entire person.
    I'm looking at the general community from the point of view of a new player, and my rating is my opinion on how many times out of ten a new player will receive a helpful response, versus negative or unhelpful responses. The negative responses that grate me the most are non-agree "tags" that people use to "disagree" with the poster, without providing helpful feedback. So the poster thinks they are tagged as "funny" or "informative", when in fact the tagger disagreed with them. (Fortunately, that looks like it is becoming less and less of a problem over time.) However, there are other things also, like sarcastic responses or meme pictures without additional helpful commentary. The less-offensive, but still unhelpful responses include those that say such a suggestion has been suggested before or that a comment has been made too many times to count, or that the devs are already looking into it... without providing any reference at all, that might help the poster not repeat that mistake.

    In summary, I believe a "noob" poster with a "noob" question will receive an average of 7 helpful responses versus 3 unhelpful responses, so I rate the community a 7.
    Sep 27, 2013
    Reaction score
    With the exception of the dramas coming up every 2nd month or so it is quite nice here.
    Apr 21, 2013
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    • Top Forum Contributor
    • Legacy Citizen 3
    • Councillor Gold
    Man, compared to the old site it's a 7/10. The old site was like internet mogadishu

    • Generally friendly attitude
    • Lack of IRL drama being dragged to the forums
    • Generally civil faction interaction
    • Circlejerking in general is a common theme
    • Dev hero worship (although this shit happens everywhere)
    • Certain mods can be incredibly overbearing at times
    Compared to other game forums I've been on (BL forums, Wargame forums, WT forums) I've had really good experiences here. I've never seen anyone banned just because, there is always a justifiable reason behind it. Which is nice.
    Jul 20, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Community Content - Bronze 2
    • Purchased!
    I'd give us a solid 8.

    The community seems to be much more focused and constructive than it is distracted and nonconstructive. I also generally feel that it's at least okay to disagree with a point rather than be shut out by a massive circlejerk of certain members, and you'll usually get constructive criticism where needed. Also the fact that the dev team actually posts here every once in a while and listens to the community in a professional manner instead of just coming to pal around for dev worship is a massive plus. (seriously though, some of the dev worship is creepy)
    Jul 21, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Hardware Store
    seriously though, some of the dev worship is creepy
    Tbh, I think that's more on the lines of RP.
    Believe it or not, random RP-ing in the chat and among the forums(mostly in the chat though) has created a "hidden" RP-universe in the midst of us all.
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    Oct 11, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Competition Winner - Stations
    • Master Builder Bronze
    • Thinking Positive
    Tbh, I think that's more on the lines of RP.
    Believe it or not, random RP-ing in the chat and among the forums(mostly in the chat though) has created a "hidden" RP-universe in the midst of us all.
    Nah it's creepy as fuck and really annoying at a certain point. I mean, it's just not RP in the slightest.


    Jun 20, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Purchased!
    • Community Content - Silver 1
    • Legacy Citizen 8
    Man, compared to the old site it's a 7/10. The old site was like internet mogadishu

    • Generally friendly attitude
    • Lack of IRL drama being dragged to the forums
    • Generally civil faction interaction
    • Circlejerking in general is a common theme
    • Dev hero worship (although this shit happens everywhere)
    • Certain mods can be incredibly overbearing at times
    Compared to other game forums I've been on (BL forums, Wargame forums, WT forums) I've had really good experiences here. I've never seen anyone banned just because, there is always a justifiable reason behind it. Which is nice.
    Nah it's creepy as fuck and really annoying at a certain point. I mean, it's just not RP in the slightest.
    How dare you both doubt in our lord and savior almighty Schema the grey?


    I got N64 problems but a bitch ain't one
    Oct 18, 2013
    Reaction score
    Community in general; 6/10 - I tend to frequent nicer communities but better then average internet.
    Starmade Dock; 3/10 - still full of personal vendettas/ bickering and pointless opinions - case in point. Also suggestions is crap.


    Aug 30, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen
    • Top Forum Contributor
    Why are you rating a community as if you're generalizing an entire person.

    Communities are practically composed of many different people: trolls, kids, assholes, noobs, metalheads, furries, nice and helpful people, yet you're still rating communities with numbers like they're supposed to represent one thing.

    If someone on the forums pisses you off, take it up with them. That's not to say communities have their fair share of their majority being twats like in CoD or WoW, but i'd like to share something I've always held true: a person does not represent a community, nor does a majority.

    Sure this may be true when it comes to a religion or a political party where people abide to an established doctrine or follow the same belief, but when you speak of a community that shares only an interest in something material or intrinsic such as say, a game, sometimes it's best to ignore the annoying, bigoted, arrogant child that comes in occasionally just to derail discussion or incite argument and let the others do what they actually came here to do, play the game.
    Of course you can rate entire communities. It's generally which "group" is more prevalent. Your point is basically saying all communities are the same because each one has different groups inside it.
    Mar 9, 2014
    Reaction score
    • Arrrty Gold
    Of course you can rate entire communities. It's generally which "group" is more prevalent. Your point is basically saying all communities are the same because each one has different groups inside it.
    No mate, my point was that "a person does not represent a community, nor does a majority." If someone's first impression of the community is terrible because someone was being an asshole, it shouldn't automatically mean that the rest of the community is terrible as well.

    When you rate something, your objective is to give a generalization of that entire thing based on opinion or experience. a 1/10 obviously means you think it's shitty, but does that hold true for all aspects of the community, like say, the game itself?

    What you're doing is throwing numbers without criteria or context as if a community is a singular body that only does things one at a time when in fact, it's composed of different people from all walks of life. Because when you start giving scores without proper context or even constructive criticism, it's hard your rating system seriously.

    Also don't shove words in my mouth. The proper response is: I believe you're implying that all communities are the same because each one has different groups inside it.


    Aug 30, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen
    • Top Forum Contributor
    I'm really not sure why you think I am rating a single person. I never said that, my entire post is directed towards the entire group of people. Of course one person doesn't represent an entire community.

    You can definitely rate a community on a 1-10 scale. You are basically rating the general experience you've had with the community. If you choose to base your opinion on the entirety of the community using a single incident, that is your problem.

    And that last correction was entirely unnesecary, you are being overly sensitive.
    Mar 9, 2014
    Reaction score
    • Arrrty Gold
    Yeah well, I just think rating a community is a stupid idea.
    Aug 30, 2013
    Reaction score
    So then, has it turned into a fight yet? Pirex and SNK seem to be fighting already...
    Feb 1, 2015
    Reaction score
    everyone has been friendly and helpful and starting out during alpha gives us a chance to shape how new players see the game and the community!
    I look forward to working with other players. As long as they don't try to take my asteroids. *hisses and clings to her orange asteroid* my shinies
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