Random crashes when inside the athmosphere of a planet

    Feb 25, 2013
    Reaction score
    Hello, the title says it all.
    When iam inside of the athomsphere the whole planet begins to flicker, and after some time the game and java crashes.


    Problemereignisname: APPCRASH

    Anwendungsname: javaw.exe


    Anwendungszeitstempel: 5061386e

    Fehlermodulname: StackHash_35de

    Fehlermodulversion: 6.1.7600.16385

    Fehlermodulzeitstempel: 4a5be02b

    Ausnahmecode: c0000374

    Ausnahmeoffset: 00000000000c6cd2

    Betriebsystemversion: 6.1.7600.

    Gebietsschema-ID: 1031

    Zusatzinformation 1: 35de

    Zusatzinformation 2: 35decfb9a75d2c55e251e4187e3bc4fa

    Zusatzinformation 3: 5822

    Zusatzinformation 4: 5822e928cd1ec090308fcc3acd0157ff

    And from the log -

    [11.03.2013 13:42:45] STDERR: [ERR] [COMMAND] WARNING: WRITING OUT NT COMMAND RequestSegmentSignatureUnblocked[void] ON Client(9) TOOK: 116

    [11.03.2013 13:42:45] STDERR: [ERR] java.lang.NullPointerException: DEBUG

    [11.03.2013 13:42:45] STDERR: [ERR] at org.schema.schine.network.Command.writeAndCommitParametriziedCommand(SourceFile:245)

    [11.03.2013 13:42:45] STDERR: [ERR] at org.schema.schine.network.client.ClientToServerConnection.sendCommand(SourceFile:273)

    [11.03.2013 13:42:45] STDERR: [ERR] at org.schema.schine.network.client.ClientToServerConnection.sendCommand(SourceFile:228)

    [11.03.2013 13:42:45] STDERR: [ERR] at x.a(SourceFile:992)

    [11.03.2013 13:42:45] STDERR: [ERR] at P.i(SourceFile:263)

    [11.03.2013 13:42:45] STDERR: [ERR] at P.d(SourceFile:945)

    [11.03.2013 13:42:45] STDERR: [ERR] at org.schema.game.common.controller.SegmentController.updateLocal(SourceFile:1536)

    [11.03.2013 13:42:45] STDERR: [ERR] at jb.updateLocal(SourceFile:411)

    [11.03.2013 13:42:45] STDERR: [ERR] at iA.updateLocal(SourceFile:1116)

    [11.03.2013 13:42:45] STDERR: [ERR] at iE.updateLocal(SourceFile:350)

    [11.03.2013 13:42:45] STDERR: [ERR] at x.update(SourceFile:1534)

    [11.03.2013 13:42:45] STDERR: [ERR] at uU.a(SourceFile:735)

    [11.03.2013 13:42:45] STDERR: [ERR] at uU.a(SourceFile:726)

    [11.03.2013 13:42:45] STDERR: [ERR] at x.f(SourceFile:1165)

    [11.03.2013 13:42:45] STDERR: [ERR] at in.run(SourceFile:744)

    [11.03.2013 13:42:45] STDERR: [ERR] at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)

    [11.03.2013 13:42:45] STDERR: [ERR] [CLIENT][SEGMENTPROVIDER] WARNING: doNTSegmentSinaturesRequests of Planet(5516)[s5515] took: 118; requests: 5

    [11.03.2013 13:42:45] STDERR: [ERR] [SEGMENTCONTROLLER] Client(9): Planet(5516)[s5515] Provider update took: 118ms

    [11.03.2013 13:42:45] STDERR: [ERR] [CLIENT] WARNING: UPDATE OF Planet(5516)[s5515] took 119

    [11.03.2013 13:42:45] STDERR: [ERR] [CLIENT-CONTROLLER][WARNING] state update took 120ms

    Sys specs:
    Intel i5 760 @ 2,8ghz
    Nvidia GTX 580
    Creative Xi-Fi Fitality
    16gm ram
    I hope that helps.

    Greetings Lifeforce87


    Cat God
    Feb 17, 2012
    Reaction score
    • Schine
    The Nullpointer is just Debug info I forgot to take out.
    Java actually hard-crashed, which is probably a graphics driver issue.

    Try to deactivate the athmosphere drawing to see if it is caused by the shader (in the advanced options on startup)