Raiben has posted the Q&A

    Aug 30, 2013
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    So that is how you pronounce Schema. I thought it was Shee-mah.

    ...I hope those Mushroomfleet rumours aren\'t true, especially what gravypod posted about people getting b& for mentioning bugs. It would be a shame, this is a great game with great devs but maybe there was some context for it. Also I thought Calibri was just a mod not PR guy, fancy that.
    Oct 26, 2013
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    As far as I know, no one was banned, some people were timed out of chat simply because they kept spamming stuff that was annoying like \"FTL\" over and over, but I didnt ban anyone. again, if this individual would talk to me and we could get it sorted that\'d be nice, but I honestly dont know of this occuring from either me or the moderators I had that day (Schema and Calbiri)
    Jun 20, 2013
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    If you watch the stream, as I think you are doing now, you will come across a point where the topic of sector corruption via asteroid. I was told by my server\'s staff that during the stream it was claimed that \"asteroid cannot corrupt sectors or cause lag\"; at that point, I needed to chime in.

    Many server owners and I have been reporting this bug for months now. At random intervals, something happens to a sector, and its astroids, causing the sector to crash the server upon loading. To hear, in a public setting, that this was \"not a bug\" required a response. I connected to the stream and said something along the lines of \"I just would like to say, as an owner of a starmade server, I have experianced the sector corruption bug first hand.\" After brining up the topic, I heard someone on the stream say something similar to \"People are still going on about the asteroids in chat. Those are not a problem\".
    Jun 20, 2013
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    Theres a video when schema flies around in starmade and talks about the game on his youtube channel, there he pronounces it sckeema so yeah.
    Jul 3, 2013
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    I think some people are being a little ungrateful. Which is one reason I do not host a public server. I think the Q&A was awesome and I didn\'t submit any questions because everything that was posted on Reddit covered my question list.

    If you didn\'t like the way the Q&A was ran - than host one yourself. It takes some money and a lot of time to put on up - so if you didn\'t like it - then host one yourself.
    Jun 20, 2013
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    It was very epic! Especially that Raiben recorded it so we who don\'t stay awake all night could watch it! :D


    The Cake Network Staff Senior button unpusher
    Jun 21, 2013
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    I would just like to say, Infinite Havoc and the Lightning Sphere have hosted a Q&A with schema, and the same thing happened, it just collapsed as schema refused to admit to some of the bugs. Please bare in mind this is not just players in this community, but server operators and administrators. we give a lot of time and money to this game, we want to see it succeed more than most. I have invested a lot in this game, and I know gravypod has aswell, along with the team of people we have to help keep these servers running smoothly. Please when we complain about these things, look at it from the WHOLE community, not just the majority who play the game. we are fed up of being seen as the ass\'s that are ungrateful for everything schema does. we are not ungrateful, we are just fed up of being ignored.