Yes, if the game itself accepts some textures players make, and put it in the build, it would already have and offer a dozen of blocks texture pickable for factions on every server. Then, the server admin (of each server) could accept more blocks textures from players after \"checking\" them and make sure they are \"ok\", to be used on that certain server.
So Factions like Calbiri swarm could use ship parts where the hull blocks look like being alive/organic/out of meat, where each color is just another meat/flesh/organic texture ment to be combined with other \"colors\" to make complex live organic spaceships. Some \"legal\" and \"diplomatic\" factions would make several types of white /light colored hull blocks to make nice shiny ships. And such stuff, imagine the possibilitiies. It would bring a nice diversity to Starmade, but I feel like mentioning again that the natural blocks should not have different versions, at least not in the official build. If server admins wanna add such stuff, up to them. If a dog see everything in black and white, that does not change how the world/blocks really look like, so different races is not a reason for changing how natural blocks look like. There can be higher res or nicer texture pack for natural blocks, but keeping that texture as common for all the rest texture packs :D
At players skin, there is no abusable detail, if he wants to make himself invisible, that\'s ok, he\'s still in middle of a big rhomb/diamond shape to select him and it\'s not fun, not nice, not a big deal, so later he will use some nicer player skin. So each faction could use any player skin they want to represent their faction, or even race as there are more than just humans in space.
As some know, beetlebear did a great job making the current texture pack, maybe he has more ideas for ship parts that never got the chance to exist :D And other people with imagination and time.
This would first need schema to make the idea possible within the game engine itself, to have like a catalog of block skins you can pick. So that\'s why it\'s eventually up to him ^^