Quick, Very Biased, Possibly Humorous/Insulting Overview of Factions on Illusive.

    Jul 3, 2013
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    Since a few others have posted about the whole "war" thingamajig and weighed their opinions about the various sides in it; I figured I might as well throw in my own 2 credits about how things are on the server it's taking place on.

    Then I remembered that no one cares about anything other than the drama and those involved usually twist the facts about what happened in order to make themselves look better.

    So instead I just went with my view of the factions, you're more than welcome to have your own opinions of course; but I feel that there might be some interested in the opinion of someone who doesn't have much to gain or lose from this "war". And more importantly, one that is actually active on the server; hurr.

    Plus, a bit more publicity for Illusive isn't bad. (That's btw)

    More publicity = More people
    More people = More targets
    Targets + BOOM = :)

    Enough wanking, let's start with the larger factions. And by larger I mean louder; not necessarily having more members.

    Let's start with everyone's favorite targe-- I mean faction. The DFN


    How do they even begin to manage this POS?

    70+ members, yet most of them inactive most of the time. Massive amounts of resources available, used to buy decorated but tactically inferior ships, Near non-existant leadership system, Creeper_God's the only one I see actually getting anything done. Debris hasn't logged in for ages (For computer problems but still) and the only time he speaks is to talk smack. THE FEW MEMBERS THEY DO HAVE ONLINE JERKING THEMSELVES OFF AT THE HOMEBASE DOING F-ALL BECAUSE THEY DON'T HAVE THE MENTAL CAPACITY TO DO SOMETHING WITHOUT ORDERS OTHER THAN BREATHE AND WHINE ABOUT GETTING SPAWNKILLED

    *Deep Breaths*
    *Cute Pictures*
    *Amplified Relaxed States*


    If you're thinking of joining this faction, let me brief you on what you're going to need:

    To join the faction:
    An application, all information can be located on the first post of their thread.

    To actually BE in the faction:
    Bring your own ship, for your own good.
    Be your own leader, don't wait for orders.
    l33t 5killz.

    That's right, what may possibly be the largest faction in Starmade history is the game's hardcore mode.

    Now WHY would you want to join them?
    DFN members tend to be lambs, if you've got the plans for glory, they'll bring the guts (To be splattered).
    Massive resource pool (Though most of it in the hands of a select few).
    Since many (active) players in the faction aren't very skilled, a decently skilled player will go up ranks very quickly.

    For all the problems it has, they have a lot going for them. They just need someone to pull it all together.

    Don't bother following their rules, they pretty much hire every bum off the street who can fill in an application, so they don't even know the rules. Since they're still in; they probably stopped caring.

    The key to this is being a leader without sounding like a leader. When a higher up does talk, just smile, nod, and pay lip service and you'll be fine.
    When you mention something and you see others working to see it done; you'll know who the real leader is.

    Alternatively, if you can be that guy that helps bring it together, you could possibly be the most powerful person in Starmade.

    While we're at it, let's talk a bit about the DFMC.
    It's a great theory really, create a subfaction with its own autonomous leadership and resource base in order to better both factions as a whole (and more importantly have a second invulnerable homebase).

    And wow, how they did it entirely wrong.

    Let's see what we have here:
    - They assigned their more active subordinates along with the also more active newbies to another's command.
    - They gave them pretty much no orders or plan of action to lead to the aforementioned "betterment of both factions".
    - They let them run off to another server.
    - They let them accept "aid" from someone who obviously has ulterior motives and is tied to their most bitter enemy.
    - Oh, did I mention the guy who gave the aid also said something along the lines of "We have no allies" and "The only real peace is dependency"?

    What *might* have been done was to use the subfaction as a screen and training ground; allowing them to train newbies with other newbies and sniff out any undesirables. With proper care and training they could maintain their "Open to (almost) everyone" stance without risking their base. Too late for that now.

    Hey, the next time you want to give away members, can you send a few my way? I could always use more targets.

    Anywho, that went on long. I promise the other factions will be much shorter. They have fewer things to rant about.

    Void Templar are next on the list.
    And they are gr8 (Hai Guiz!)

    The VT are arguably the most active faction on Illusive. Why?
    - Active members result in more active members.
    - Promotions are open to everyone and is done by accomplishing a set amount of goals that are clearly outlined. None of this "Oh I think you deserve a promotion so here".
    - The core base of VT is made up of experienced players. Some, like Claru, are former Calderon Republic members (I miss those guys, they actually shot back and drove me off a few times instead of dying without me even firing my main guns.).
    - Said base is not above coming to the aid of one of its members (Learned that the hard way I did).
    - Their ship designs are solid (Also learned that the hard way, though I think it would've helped if I could see it without lagging out; probably a lot bigger than the ship I was piloting at the time).

    As a leader, Claru doesn't talk much, but has the guns to back his talk and then some. That's a huge plus in my book.

    Join them, learn loads, and have fun with it. Without all the penis-waggling done in so many factions. I *might* have joined them if it wasn't for the fact that they don't have a lot of enemies and wouldn't take kindly to me fixing that.

    That, and Claru is an admin, so I might not get off with just a slap on the wrist.

    The Rebel Alliance, is well... I can't really say much about them as their presence on Illusive was short and fleeting. At most I saw ObiShawnKenobi being tagged by spawnkillers and he did what he does best. Talk.

    That being said, the fact that the RA still a thing here is a testament to how loud he is. It goes down and comes back like a Nintendo boss. Dr Wily and Sigma got nothin on the RA. You can bring it down and they'll still be there.

    Like actual rebels, get it?

    Or a herpes outbreak.

    The RA have their own server, you'll probably have to see it yourself to get a real opinion.

    Next up, we have Argos Rho, aka Lillymu Mercenary Co.

    Violence and Profit. The two hallmarks of modern society, wrapped in a convenient package.
    - The requirements to join are quite high (meaning they actually say no sometimes :V), which implies a higher quality of individual members.
    - Their designer(s?) has a very good grasp on game mechanics, and their ships reflect that (though a bit pricey due to hard hull; can't stand the stuff myself), but more importantly THEY HAVE BIG GUNS. They also have the most visible lead in jammer technology.
    - They do come off as snobbish. As it's a BLOCKLAND forum, you can expect quite a bit of that drama to spill over but THEY HAVE BIG GUNS so it evens out.
    - They conduct regular drills to keep their members up to speed; they seem to be rather centralized, though their scheduling lacks a bit even if their combat capabilities are solid.
    - You can expect going up in rank to be rather difficult (Compared to other Starmade actions) as you'll have more competition.
    - Lately they haven't been very active, as mentioned by Purgatory who went and started his/her own faction. Must be that real life stuff I hear so much about (No idea what it is, is it edible?)
    - T.H.B.G.

    If you join, prepare to have fun, possibly at everyone else's expense. And enjoy it!

    I *might* have joined them, but they don't like box ships; so attempting to join will just hurt my fragile feelings. :'(
    Jul 3, 2013
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    But on my server, the largest ship that is AI will be the 1600m long Imperial Star Destroyer, and if we can take that down, then we do have big guns. ;)
    Jul 1, 2013
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    For what reason did you not mention the NLR? We exist, you know. We may not flap our gums as much as other factions, but we certainly are as powerful as them.
    Jul 3, 2013
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    Well if you haven\'t gotten my notice that really isn\'t my fault is it?

    I don\'t really think kindly of special treatment and when I went in a raid attempt and saw that your sector protected I kinda lost all interest in you.

    Never actually saw your members since, though I think one person who\'s name starts with an R pops up every now and then.

    That can always change though.
    Jul 22, 2013
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    I agree with literally everything you have said, especially about DFN

    In the short week it took to defeat DFN on Nass, I noticed many of the core aspects you mentioned in your comments about them.

    The truth is here.
    Sep 29, 2013
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    >list of factions on illusive

    >The Euro-Corp Syndicate gets a mention

    Jul 1, 2013
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    How long has it been since you were at our sector? Yeah, it was protected for about a day around a month ago, but that was because of an issue with some people who were later banned. As for members, we routinely have multiple members on. I can\'t think of anyone that begins with an R, but Psy, Demon, Sheila, Nero, Flutters, and I are on quite frequently.
    Jun 26, 2013
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    \"So... what are you doing?\".
    \"I\'m a trader\".
    \"Aren\'t traders supposed to be lightly armed?\"
    \"Are they?\"
    Jul 3, 2013
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    You did mention that your network has \"Spies Everywhere\" after all, so it may not be a physical presence but a presence is there.

    Also, any chance you can make that pic smaller? It kinda ruins the page format.
    Jul 3, 2013
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    Whether it was protected for more than a day, I can\'t really prove. However, looking at what DFN went through; yet never even thought of asking for sector protection. I can\'t really see a case of it being necessary.

    By the by, any relation to the Equestrian Sentinels? Was it a breakaway faction? (Though it\'s defunct now)


    Madman of the Girders
    Jan 31, 2013
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    Whoever that trader is, deserves a medal. They personify the perfect Starlander.

    I also like how the OP doesn\'t conveniently skip the positives or negatives of some factions based on his opinion of them. Yes, he does share his opinion, but that doesn\'t stop him from giving credit where it\'s due.


    Chronic Troublemaker
    Jun 23, 2013
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    Most of this faction overview is good.

    As for Tartaran Empire? All I can tell you is that we are similar to Void Templar. Staying quiet about our faction is a must due to the nature of TE itself.

    And about the \"distinct\" quality the lot of us have. Most of us are war veterans and long time players. We don\'t take shit from anyone.

    Hardened is the best description.
    Apr 21, 2013
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    I can tell you right now LMC would be a hell of a lot more active if the admins would spawn our base back in.

    Just saying :mad:
    Nov 15, 2013
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    we also need our factory spawned back in

    it had more than 100 million L5s and was on a loop creating infinite blocks lol
    Jul 24, 2013
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    almost everything you said about the DFN is, as much as I hate to admit it, probally 99% true. the exeption to this is the Ships. me and the other most active person in the faction, MrTargareyan have been refiting ships and building new ones quite quickly. the iridus has become more powerful than before but is still as you said a show ship. the typhoon and allatoona are however quite efficient and powerful as well as looking good (for the most part). we have a new recently completed ship that has 3mil + blocks. with turrets it does over 1,133,000 DPS. the lytra refit is almost done and has also become much more powerful. i have a calibri class (100k mass) nearing completion on Saturn, and we have a 1.5km superbattleship in the works. :) so yeah we have powerful ships.