Questions and Suggestions

    Jun 30, 2015
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    First of all, I don't know if I am in the right section, so excuse me if I am not...

    My question is - few DEV versions ago (I think it was in 0.19321 or 0.19322) there was a torchlight beam coming out from the player's view. I was happy about that, but I don't see it anymore in 0.19323 build? Many planets can be really dark and there's no other light than lava glowing which is too faint. OFC I could place few light blocks, but still... Is that thing aborted ?

    Second question - is there some parameter in config files which could be tweaked to get bigger planets on stronger CPUs (as I could change explosions number , max speed and similar stuff) I found one but it's just about size representation of the distant planets. Not the planet chunks themselves...

    Suggestion - take out shadows completely out, they are unnecessary piece of code anyway, IMHO.
    As they may bring a degree of realism, they just ruining things out now, because they are partly functional, they slow down the game and so on. Not real benefit from them, at this stage of development - again - IMHO.

    The second suggestion is - could you make chunks check themselves if they are in one piece, so the cubes which are orphaned could be their own chunks ? It would be useful for asteroids - if I split asteroid in half, the two halves would become entities or chunks themselves, adding a lot to the realism and playing experience...

    And one combined question/suggestion - If I remove computer which has modules connected to it, how can I reconnect those modules to the newly placed one ? They became orphaned after the removal of the original computer, and I have to manually connect them using V, when I place the new computer... Ofc, build functions like replace the modules with something else, then place the computer, then replace something else with the modules - works, but it's too tiresome to do so, I think we should have something which does this automatically.
    Last edited:


    Cake Build Server Official Button Presser
    Jun 30, 2013
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    The flash-light is now an entity you need in your inventory, you can buy it off the shopkeeper at shops like the one in 2 2 2.

    Try to look through your starmade folder and find the file named "sever" then look through that and look at all the cool stuff you can change to your liking.

    Shadows add a whole lot to the game, I doubt anyone would l´really like them removed. Besides it is possible to turn the off in the second launcher.

    That is already in the game but it is off by default, Breakoff is not enabled since it is too unstable and too demanding.

    To add multiple blocks fast can use shift+V, this will only connect blocks that touch other similar blocks though

    Hope it helped
    Jun 30, 2015
    Reaction score
    The flash-light is now an entity you need in your inventory, you can buy it off the shopkeeper at shops like the one in 2 2 2.
    Great ! I kinda hoped it would be made like that...

    Try to look through your starmade folder and find the file named "sever" then look through that and look at all the cool stuff you can change to your liking.
    Hm... Do you happen to know which particular setting do I need to change ? Because I have tried some "planet size" setting, and like I said, it's only about distant planet appearance (planet atmosphere size)

    Shadows add a whole lot to the game, I doubt anyone would l´really like them removed. Besides it is possible to turn the off in the second launcher.
    Yea I know, but maybe shadows are broken only at my side ? Because when you are in the closed spaces - like in tutorial missions, you can't see the character, as it is all blacked out (I guess there was a lot talk about this, I am still a newb player) Further more, shadows black out the whole object when it's distant, like an asteroid. As you get near it, it becomes lit and shadows get rendered...

    That is already in the game but it is off by default, Breakoff is not enabled since it is too unstable and too demanding.
    The dev team thinks one step ahead of me, again :D Good job! I will try the option. Maybe my computer will handle that...

    To add multiple blocks fast can use shift+V, this will only connect blocks that touch other similar blocks though
    Hope it helped
    Thanx for the response, it helped a lot!


    Jan 19, 2014
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    Yea I know, but maybe shadows are broken only at my side ? Because when you are in the closed spaces - like in tutorial missions, you can't see the character, as it is all blacked out (I guess there was a lot talk about this, I am still a newb player) Further more, shadows black out the whole object when it's distant, like an asteroid. As you get near it, it becomes lit and shadows get rendered...
    Turn off shadows. Come back with the result.
    Jun 30, 2015
    Reaction score
    Turn off shadows. Come back with the result.
    Yeah, it only happens with shadows on, even on BAREBONE settings... That's why I don't use them at all...
    BTW, switching BREAK_OFF value to true, met me with a missage "ArrayIndexOutOfBounds" error, when I try to slice an asteroid and then move away the piece I've sliced off... Well, too bad...