Question about turrets

    Sep 3, 2012
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Is it possible to make automated turrets on a moving spaceship? I saw the video of the AI Modules mounted on a Space Station with lasers firing at the player, but I'm not sure about a few things...
    Can the player attach turrets to a ship?
    Is the BOBBY block the AI Module, or is the AI something else?
    Can turrets (Or weapons in general) be compacted in any way? For the lasers to be powerful, these would be some pretty damn big turrets...
    And on the note of AI, can the BOBBY block be told to repair the player's ship?
    Jun 9, 2012
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    As of now the AI(BOBBY block) does not have any code for repairs or any other automated behavior. It can only act as a seperate ship or a turret that always aims for the core of bad guy ships.
    in later versions there should be added in Ai modes. personally i'm hopping for one that follows beacons(another planned feature) so you dont have to pilot the ship. instead you could mess around in a turret.

    currently turrets work by having a docking module on the main ship and a secondary ship that acts as the gun part. the gun part shares the energy when docked with the main ship so you could just focus on putting weapon blocks on the gun part and power blocks on the main ship. Also it is important to note you can switch from the main ship view to the docked gun part view by using the directional keys. kinda like switching from your core view to a cokpit view.
    if you dont mind the gun part flailing around you could put multiple docking modules on one main ship. Then attach multiple gun parts with 2 or 1 laser modules on them. the idea is little power for bigger force. This would work better considering you'll have less chance of missing anything that comes your way.
    Sep 3, 2012
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Thank you very much, just a few more questions...

    Which block is the "Docking Module"? Or is that just the Docking Beam thing in the options of the Core?
    Does each turret need its own weapon computer?
    Can turrets use missiles? (Homing missiles)?

    EDIT: I feel like an idiot for asking all these questions, but I'm loving this game and want to know more about it :P

    How does one use the ships downloadable from the website? Can't seem to figure out how to use the .SMENT files... Opening them with WinRAR shows that they have the same SMD files as in the Blueprints folder, but moving those SMD files into the Blueprints folder doesn't work.


    Cat God
    Feb 17, 2012
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    • Schine
    The docking module is currently deactivated from shops, because I first need to fix it as it has been to buggy lately, but you can still get it with an admin command: /give_category 10 ship

    To import a downloaded file from the webside, you have to do that in the startup dialog (where you enter your login name). Click on Tools->open ship catalog manager. Here you can import/export/upload and manage your ship catalog. To upload you have to first login via Uplink (also in the Client StartUp)
    Sep 3, 2012
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Thanks guys, that should be all for now :3

    I won't bother spawning Docking blocks if they're buggy, I'll let you fix 'em first. Cheers!
    May 9, 2012
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    nop, it just delete any entities in the game and build back planets and asteroids. Your character's savings and inventory are also erased if i remember it right.


    Cat God
    Feb 17, 2012
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    • Schine
    You can keep your spawn, invetory, and credits, if you make a backup of your ENTITY_PLAYERSTATE_yourname.ent from the /server-database, and put it back in after the reset.
    Maybe I'll include an option, not to delete the player.
    Sep 8, 2012
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Hey, wanted to let you know that new docking blocks have been added. So far they seem to work well but I have not added any AI.