The faction situation right now has quite a few problems. I\'ll try and stick to that point, and suggest some solutions.
1. Invincible Home Bases - Why is it a problem? Because players have no reason to ever build seige equipment, plan attacks, coordinate defenses, or anything else that makes defending in PvP servers fun.
Solution: Make Home Bases so nothing can be directly removed/used by a non-faction member should be enough. Especially with AMC damage the way it right now, it\'s very realistically possible to have turrets that can down even the largest of incoming forces. (Although, it\'d be easy to add a config option for protecting Home Bases when all faction-members are offline)
2. Home Base Coords - Why is it a problem? Because it removes the whole point of exploring from the game. Just look at the base coords, fly over, mess with any undocked ships, fly back home. And if Home Base Invincibility is removed, then it\'d be an even bigger problem.
Solution: Easy. Remove them. \"But.. but, I\'ll lose my home base then!\" Well, then make it so only faction members can see the coords.
3. Planet Size/Spread - Why is it a problem? Everything is too... smooshed together right now. It\'s caused an arbitray 50km/h speed limit to be set, which is terribly slow, and ruined any ships larger than 500m, because they crash into stuff. Really. A ship larger than 500m is just crashing into stuff - in the vastness of space. Good thing our oceans are considerably emptier than all of space, or else our aircraft carriers would have some serious issues. Anyway, the faction problem is that it\'s just easier to build a super-massive ship that can move, larger than a planet, then blow resources into a planet to make a weaker, stationary version of a big ship.
Solution: Vastly increase the distance between planets, then vastly increase the size of planet. Then, without heavy blast support from Siege Dreadnoughts, planetary bases can be build deep enough to be fairly safe, and hidden, since even if you find your enemies base, you still have to find their base in the planet. Also, this will prevent heavy siege ships from just floating up on the planet and drilling whole point blank. Gravity radius would be increase+strengthened, so large ships would be at a disadvantage attacking planets.
4. Griefing - How is it a problem? Players join a faction, and automatically have full access to everything built by every other faction member? Uh, how about no.
Solution: Add another personal module that can be placed on 1 ship per person. This personal module will \"lock\" the ship upon logoff, so it cannon be damaged or interacted with. Players will always at least have their ship, regardless of who might join a faction with bad intent. \"But, but then players will log off during combat!\" Add a cooldown timer, 5 minutes or so, to prevent abuse. \"But, but I\'m going to complain because big ships can be kept safe when you are offline, becauase they can\'t be docked, and it\'s not fair because now I can\'t steal every single big ship I find!\" If it would really bug you that much (and there are those of you), then go make a mod that only allows the personal protector to activate under a certian mass.