PvP Improvements (must-have)

    Jun 29, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
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    I think that no matter what you do in this situation, it will cause half of the community to be angry.

    The same problem occurs in the Minecraft community, and Mojang distanced themselves as far away from it as possible by not supporting any faction/clan system, and allowing third parties to take control of that aspect of the game.

    Obviously, it\'s a bit different from StarMade, but whatever happens, I hope Schema is wise enough to leave plenty of options to satisfy all of the server owners out there.
    Jun 7, 2013
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    Why play PVP then ?

    Because will to build some interesting things purely for aesthetic, personal satisfaction with no broader gameplay effect should not be restricted by need to employ full scale security detail or fear of losing the effect of ones work only because there was some jackass willing to destroy it for fun - no matter if builder of such would like to have occasional competition and space battle against fellow players or not.

    I firmly believe that extremes are rarely good. Having complete invulnerability and hand-holding is bad, but so is a gameworld where one\'s creativity, big and small has to be held back because there\'s hardly a way to protect what would be made.
    Jun 27, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
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    this topic is not about big vs small ships...


    blueprints maybe ?
    Aug 8, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    They should remove invulnerable bases and instead Make faction cores \"Upgrade\" themselves once transformed into home, giving for example instead of inmunity massive shields to a base. so the Home base would have masive and auto powerd shields making imposible the base to be destroyed in early stages of the game or by some random player roaming through the galaxy.

    I have played in a pvp server, and found an abandoned ship (still had a faction core on it) which had 1.600.000k shields and it took me and a friend over 40 minutes with lassers that made 1700dmg to breach the ship find the fc and take it down in order to take the ship for my faction. (and it had Just 1million 600K shields. It would be 10 times harder with a planetary base.. or even more as the shields would be massive it would have turrets (lots).. (Factions should and would be able to add more shields to the planet.. making it even harder.
    and you would still need to find the fc if wanted to take it for your faction or destoy it faster.

    I think that massive shields protecting the home base should be a posibility to consider.. its not a perfect idea I know.. If a faction is bored enough and plays 24/hs they could wait till you get offline and attack your faction home till its vanquished with siege ships... but well I find this a better alternative than INMUNITY,..

    Finaly I must add two things 1. that factions are intended to be formed by more than 1 player (or at least should) and if it is as a matter of fact composed by more than 1 player they would probably have at least 1 player online always. 2. I would like something like this to be used in a PVP server.. and for those that like building ships just for show (which im totally okay with) should go to non pvp servers or single player... side note= there are non pvp servers which hold small pvp events in arenas or small tournaments (or so i think I heard of).. instead of (I mean no offence whith this last coment, but it is what many people do) complaining about how their stuff would get blown up with inmunity removed.
    Jul 31, 2013
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    The faction situation right now has quite a few problems. I\'ll try and stick to that point, and suggest some solutions.

    1. Invincible Home Bases - Why is it a problem? Because players have no reason to ever build seige equipment, plan attacks, coordinate defenses, or anything else that makes defending in PvP servers fun.

    Solution: Make Home Bases so nothing can be directly removed/used by a non-faction member should be enough. Especially with AMC damage the way it right now, it\'s very realistically possible to have turrets that can down even the largest of incoming forces. (Although, it\'d be easy to add a config option for protecting Home Bases when all faction-members are offline)

    2. Home Base Coords - Why is it a problem? Because it removes the whole point of exploring from the game. Just look at the base coords, fly over, mess with any undocked ships, fly back home. And if Home Base Invincibility is removed, then it\'d be an even bigger problem.

    Solution: Easy. Remove them. \"But.. but, I\'ll lose my home base then!\" Well, then make it so only faction members can see the coords.

    3. Planet Size/Spread - Why is it a problem? Everything is too... smooshed together right now. It\'s caused an arbitray 50km/h speed limit to be set, which is terribly slow, and ruined any ships larger than 500m, because they crash into stuff. Really. A ship larger than 500m is just crashing into stuff - in the vastness of space. Good thing our oceans are considerably emptier than all of space, or else our aircraft carriers would have some serious issues. Anyway, the faction problem is that it\'s just easier to build a super-massive ship that can move, larger than a planet, then blow resources into a planet to make a weaker, stationary version of a big ship.

    Solution: Vastly increase the distance between planets, then vastly increase the size of planet. Then, without heavy blast support from Siege Dreadnoughts, planetary bases can be build deep enough to be fairly safe, and hidden, since even if you find your enemies base, you still have to find their base in the planet. Also, this will prevent heavy siege ships from just floating up on the planet and drilling whole point blank. Gravity radius would be increase+strengthened, so large ships would be at a disadvantage attacking planets.

    4. Griefing - How is it a problem? Players join a faction, and automatically have full access to everything built by every other faction member? Uh, how about no.

    Solution: Add another personal module that can be placed on 1 ship per person. This personal module will \"lock\" the ship upon logoff, so it cannon be damaged or interacted with. Players will always at least have their ship, regardless of who might join a faction with bad intent. \"But, but then players will log off during combat!\" Add a cooldown timer, 5 minutes or so, to prevent abuse. \"But, but I\'m going to complain because big ships can be kept safe when you are offline, becauase they can\'t be docked, and it\'s not fair because now I can\'t steal every single big ship I find!\" If it would really bug you that much (and there are those of you), then go make a mod that only allows the personal protector to activate under a certian mass.
    Jul 12, 2013
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    The day my homebase becomes vulnerable to attack is the day I stop playing StarMade!

    Not everybody plays this game just to build ships and attack other players. Personally, I spend most of my time building large elaborate structures that would be impossible to rebuild from memory and if I logged on one day to find my base blown to smithereens, without a doubt I wouldn\'t come back to the game. I class my base as artwork, not just somewhere to keep my stuff and park my ships!!
    Jul 3, 2013
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    \"When it\'s destroyed by another faction it could give faction points which could be used to, purchase blocks giving your faction different privileges, or just to have a faction ranking (this way you encourage FvF).\"

    That would be better for a mod probably.

    \"Remove blocks from the shop or make them a lot more expensive\"

    Removing makes credits and selling useless, which can hurt roleplay. Making stuff more expensive just inflates credits, not making it harder to buy blocks.
    Aug 30, 2013
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    Currently, when a base or ship is loaded, it needs to charge shields. (starts at 0) This would have to be fixed.

    Turrets can be unreliable/easily fooled. I had someone trolling my base, each time attacking in a throwaway faction (initially neutral), causing some damage (currently homebase protection does not carry through chain docking), running off, making a new throwaway faction (neutral again) and attacking. Somehow he managed to destroy a ship with 6m shields (only one undocked) in a far smaller ship, in LOS of about 300k dps worth of turrets. Probably abused the shield loading glitch.

    Moral of the story, turrets are easily fooled, anything not docked will be killed by trolls, homebases should stay invincible. (I\'m not setting neutral is enemy, way too harsh on the newbies)
    Nov 14, 2013
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    First of all why a faction home can\'t be attacked ? This system prevent any faction war and promotes solo player factions which have no sence (yay free invincibility!).

    How is this Pro-PvP? Are stations considered \'players\' now?

    Making a homebase vulnerable isn\'t Pro-PvP, in fact it is very anti-PvP. Why defeat your opponet in PvP combat (for example in ships) when you can just wait until 3am and kill their entire base with not a single person around? If bases are invincible you have to wait for the person to be on, or else you can\'t PvP them.

    And remember that only HQ\'s are invincible, all other bases you build are vulnerable. This is a genious idea as it allows for faction warfare and domination but means that a lone player can still enjoy themselves with their single station.

    And Honestly I have no will nor desire to stay up 24-7 to watch my imaginary stuff. I don\'t want to be dragged away from my real friends, job, or family because some guy is attacking my imaginary stuff. This is a video game. Games are fun.

    Plus ships are much funner to destroy anyway :)

    - Give players a reason to fight, this can be done by fixing the economy system so once they win a fight they will be able to recycle the enemy ships (If you make weapons, shields, etc... more expensive this will be very interesting to do), giving the killer the victim\'s lost money, etc...

    Erm? Salvage Cannons? I think prices need to be rebalanced, but making cannons/shields/power more expensive will only inflate the price of ships all around. Having no positive effect on the economy.

    - Remove blocks from the shop or make them a lot more expensive, so you must craft them, this way you\'ll stay more time at base giving other players the oportunity to attack it. We also could introduce power dependent machines (like the feed the beast minecraft mod) instead of factories to craft advanced blocks, for the same purpose.

    Such a system would hinder new players. What we need is more basic hulls, but less less hardened hulls. That way you still need a station eventually to produce better stuff, but a new player isn\'t hindered that much. 1M is a lot of credits to spend if you don\'t know what you\'re doing. I do support a more intricate factory system though.