PvP Anti-Player Research

    Jul 27, 2015
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    Yeah block-pen/pun on bigger guns can be awesome, but does it not make you cry when you see a stream of projectiles exit the other side of an enemy ship? all those lost block killers :(
    This is where good weapon system building comes into play. For example, I try to make my anti-fighter (PD) using cannons so that they pierce 2 layers and explode, not as easy as one might think but highly effective against most if not all fighters.

    My anit-Capitalship weapons tend to go through 5-7 layers then explode as needed but that depends on what I am facing or think I'll be facing.
    Mar 31, 2016
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    How do you pull that off?
    Do you have multiple computers and emitters with different effects? If so, just have the main one blow up too, and the others as well. It'll cause more damage, and still stagger hits.
    Jul 15, 2013
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    This is where good weapon system building comes into play. For example, I try to make my anti-fighter (PD) using cannons so that they pierce 2 layers and explode, not as easy as one might think but highly effective against most if not all fighters.

    My anit-Capitalship weapons tend to go through 5-7 layers then explode as needed but that depends on what I am facing or think I'll be facing.
    It's the first time I hear of that mechanic how did you pull that off?


    Definitely not a skywanderers dev
    Apr 25, 2015
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    It's the first time I hear of that mechanic how did you pull that off?
    AI will fire multiple weapons computers which can of course have different effects on them, all at once, if you give it to them, so a cannon-cannon-pierce/punch output with a cannon-cannon-explosive output close behind it I'm guessing he means. Could go as big or small as you want with this I guess.


    Leads the Storm
    Jun 26, 2015
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    This needs to grow longer. Since the latest update we've got all new ways to murder each other.

    Any ideas for defense stations? Tempting an idea for repelling idiots and other for repelling the determined. :)
    Feb 25, 2016
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    It does.

    Defense stations are hard, because there's so many ways to troll them. The best way to make a defense station is to have absurd amounts of regen on decent shields. This will make it harder to alpha-strike the station down. Also, an undocked shield-supply drone in the center might be a good idea in order to prevent volleys of long-range missiles dropped from outside station engagement range from getting in.


    Leads the Storm
    Jun 26, 2015
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    Basically an idiot repelling one could be as cheap as possible but as dangerous for the cost as possible. That said a good one as you said could be good for taking hits and dishing them out.
    Aug 27, 2014
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    I have always been confused about missile/damage beam setup. Do you just need one damage module to turn it into a guided missile? What happens if you have 50/50 ratio of missiles to damage beam slave? Is it better?

    Top 4ce

    Force or Ace?
    Jul 25, 2013
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    I have always been confused about missile/damage beam setup. Do you just need one damage module to turn it into a guided missile? What happens if you have 50/50 ratio of missiles to damage beam slave? Is it better?
    You only need the beam comp for it to be guided. More modules makes it longer range and faster, but costs more power and has a longer reload time.


    Madman of the Girders
    Jan 31, 2013
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    In your StarMade/data/config folder there is a file named blockBehaviorConfig.xml. It stores a lot of the information related to the stats of blocks that... Well, do things. Like weapons and their support effects.
    Opening it up with any text editor will reveal a scramble of confusing text but opening it up with something that can read .xml files like Notepad++ allows you to freely look at the vanilla stats behind weapons, power, utilities, and even the nerfs that happen as you take structure damage.
    If you're looking to craft bigger, better, and more efficient PvP ships I would highly recommend familiarizing yourself with this file.
    Oct 8, 2016
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    Ship cores have an innate storage of 50000 which is in fact quite significant for one single block.
    So I did through to designs using a dock stack of ships that consists of one ship core and one rail docker and one rail and some powergen(enough for reloading the ship core in 45 seconds(15 per ship but less already fills it in 45 seconds)) for allowing to power a 100% autonomous damage beam supported missile turret in less space than just powergen and power storage.

    I made the calculations and discovered that it used way less blocks than power storage unless you used power storage groups of a size above 100000(if you want 15 powergen per ship core) and that you ignore the problem of filling them with energy.

    This also could theoretically allow to have autonomous compact turrets that deals quite significant damage.

    (theoretically for having more power storage per block with power storage blocks than with a stack of four blocks ship(rail docker ship core rail and one powergen) you would need more than 1000000000000000000000 power storage blocks in one group and in this case the comparison ship stack will have energy production per second. Good luck in reaching that with auxiliary power gen)(text in parenthesis can be ignored most of the time)

    However the huge problem is that it is absurdly vulnerable when compared to power storage.(one single broken block will generally break the whole system)
    It is also more expensive and more complex to build but you know that having small size have its uses(many servers says "no ships above X size" and many pvp competitions are based on ship size)
    Basically it is a way to have huge alpha damage on ships that are not as huge as real scale death stars(since those can fit 100000 power-storage with ease but it still can not have 1000000000000000000000 of them(only around on the metrics of the death star)) but not a way to have sustainability(since it gets broken really fast because one single broken block in the chain can make it stop working at all)
    Last edited:


    Maiden of crashes
    Oct 15, 2013
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    I'd say missile/beam/pierce turrets with 100% beam slave are a must on stations. Its the only way to make sure people can't simply attack it from outside its engagement range.
    Feb 25, 2016
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    That's the thing----they can, and do. They just slide into range, fire, and get out before return fire reaches them. Only disadvantage is if you have to rely on missiles to hold the range. LRM fire is vulnerable to PDTs.
    Jul 1, 2013
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    The same would be true for defending your station; if they want to attempt to pick off your station at range, they're going to want to use LRMs. Therefore, part or most of their assault can be mitigated with PTDs. To make it as difficult as possible, invest in those extra PDTs.
    Feb 25, 2016
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    If it's not got 6 PDTs per 10k mass, you're doing it wrong!

    (Seriously though, my 50k or so mass cruiser has over 30 PDTs....maybe even as high as 50+. I don't really remember)


    Eldrich Timelord
    Jan 16, 2014
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    Ship cores have an innate storage of 50000 which is in fact quite significant for one single block.
    So I did through to designs using a dock stack of ships that consists of one ship core and one rail docker and one rail and some powergen(enough for reloading the ship core in 45 seconds(15 per ship but less already fills it in 45 seconds)) for allowing to power a 100% autonomous damage beam supported missile turret in less space than just powergen and power storage.

    I made the calculations and discovered that it used way less blocks than power storage unless you used power storage groups of a size above 100000(if you want 15 powergen per ship core) and that you ignore the problem of filling them with energy.

    This also could theoretically allow to have autonomous compact turrets that deals quite significant damage.

    (theoretically for having more power storage per block with power storage blocks than with a stack of four blocks ship(rail docker ship core rail and one powergen) you would need more than 1000000000000000000000 power storage blocks in one group and in this case the comparison ship stack will have energy production per second. Good luck in reaching that with auxiliary power gen)(text in parenthesis can be ignored most of the time)

    However the huge problem is that it is absurdly vulnerable when compared to power storage.(one single broken block will generally break the whole system)
    It is also more expensive and more complex to build but you know that having small size have its uses(many servers says "no ships above X size" and many pvp competitions are based on ship size)
    Basically it is a way to have huge alpha damage on ships that are not as huge as real scale death stars(since those can fit 100000 power-storage with ease but it still can not have 1000000000000000000000 of them(only around on the metrics of the death star)) but not a way to have sustainability(since it gets broken really fast because one single broken block in the chain can make it stop working at all)
    dun forget the "free" 220 shield capacity, @ 0 regen. 75% of that goes "up chain" problem is...nav-swarm.


    Leads the Storm
    Jun 26, 2015
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    hmm I wonder how useful internal docked hull sections could be in shielding systems and key areas? Anyone ever test this?


    Madman of the Girders
    Jan 31, 2013
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    hmm I wonder how useful internal docked hull sections could be in shielding systems and key areas? Anyone ever test this?
    I did a few tests of that a few months ago. It wasn't really that impressive.

    If you want to provide a reasonable amount of protection for a specific group of blocks you would need a large volume in docked shield capacitors and generators. Or you could use armor which is much better for protecting a specific location... But then why have the armor part of a separate entity in the first place?

    Granted, you could screw over 100% pierce beams/cannons by having some small amount of shield capacity on your internal bulkhead, but that seems to be a very niche use.


    Maiden of crashes
    Oct 15, 2013
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    Jut try and build all your systems outside the 65.5km load area, its not like its going to tear a hole in space and fuck up the server or anything...


    Leads the Storm
    Jun 26, 2015
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    Jut try and build all your systems outside the 65.5km load area, its not like its going to tear a hole in space and fuck up the server or anything...
    *Stares at Atra* Yep nothing could possibly go wrong with that. XD