Promoting Ship Interior Design (Not Using Power)

    Nov 5, 2013
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    There has been a massive amount of discussion around the new power system and it's impact on ship design. In particular, the new system's promotion of interior space. I have to be honest here, I have not played with the new system at all yet. From what I have read online however (both positive and negative) would indicate that just as with the old power system this one will have it's flaws that will be exploited much in the way death cubes were in early game.

    I think the solution to promoting interior design in ships shouldn't lie in the games base power mechanic, but in other aspects of gameplay.

    My suggestion: Implement crews.

    The devs seem to be trying to develop the power in such a way that it limits the scale and shape/design of ships which undermines the entire point to a game based around one's own creativity.

    Instead, make it so players cannot run large capital ships on their own. Have ai crews that need to be hired or created somehow that assist in balancing a ships systems. These crews should need to physically be able to access ship computers located near their relative system. Crews would also need crew space for living quarters (or recharging bays for droids, whatever). Connect these sections and fill them with an invisible "Interior" block that can be passed through by you or crew. When your system or ship reach a certain size, the number of crew members required to run that equipment increases.

    I am not a game designer or programmer, so I'm sure this would be difficult to create and implement, BUT it would be smoother for players trying to recruit crews for a ship that is already built instead of stripping and replacing systems.
    Jul 1, 2013
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    This is a pretty common suggestion that comes up often, and schine has already added crews to the list of features they intend to implement in the future last i saw of a dev list.
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    Reactions: Dire Venom
    Nov 5, 2013
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    This is a pretty common suggestion that comes up often, and schine has already added crews to the list of features they intend to implement in the future last i saw of a dev list.
    The devs have a lot on there list...
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    Feb 21, 2015
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    Given the ongoing state of AI, entity glitching, NPC desync, etc etc, I continue to feel 'Crew' should be very near the bottom of that list...if at all :/

    Anyway, I still prefer a 'Ship' more like an Ian M Banks Culture concept (ie humanoid passengers perhaps, rather than crew) - the idea of crew being necessary for a machine to function is so ... Trireme - Trafalgar :/ (ie ancient wooden ship-poking...)


    Cake Build Server Official Button Presser
    Jun 30, 2013
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    Given the ongoing state of AI, entity glitching, NPC desync, etc etc, I continue to feel 'Crew' should be very near the bottom of that list...if at all :/

    Anyway, I still prefer a 'Ship' more like an Ian M Banks Culture concept (ie humanoid passengers perhaps, rather than crew) - the idea of crew being necessary for a machine to function is so ... Trireme - Trafalgar :/ (ie ancient wooden ship-poking...)

    Crew would make ships feel a lot more alive and could add a lot to the game. Sure you might think old wooden ships have large crews but have you seen modern ships? Sure there are fewer crew onboard but there is still a lot of people needed to control and maintain those large machines, spaceships are no different
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    Nov 5, 2013
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    Crew would make ships feel a lot more alive and could add a lot to the game. Sure you might think old wooden ships have large crews but have you seen modern ships? Sure there are fewer crew onboard but there is still a lot of people needed to control and maintain those large machines, spaceships are no different
    Agreed. As of right now the universe is very stagnant and lifeless in starmade. All development focus is on power and combat. Though both are incredibly important as the foundation to the game, after YEARS of development I feel it should be getting close to the point where the game has something... More
    Aug 14, 2013
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    I would love a system that actually encouraged interiors. Sadly the current state of the game doesn't. Integrity punishes you for sandwiching your systems in between interiors/exteriors and shield bubbles punish you for spreading your ship out.