Procedural Ambient Sound

    Jan 22, 2014
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    As promised, here's a new suggestion. This one is derived from my previous suggestion on Procedural Music which, admittedly, was very ambitious. Research in procedural music like in my suggestion is still in its infacy.

    So basically, this thread is based on two premises:
    1. There is sound in space.[1][2][3]
    2. Every star system should not only look different, but feel different.
    The suggestion is obvious: Add procedurally generated sounds like in the examples above. Those sounds are far easier to make than music (obviously). The most fancy thing I can think of is some kind of Doppler effect when moving towards a star, but we don't even need that.
    The game already has procedurally generated backgrounds, which relies on the same mathematical principles as procedurally generated sound.

    Maybe I should give @Omni a highlight here. Apart from the programming stuff he seems to be the one that could find out the parameters to make it actually sound cool.
    Sep 14, 2013
    Reaction score
    As promised, here's a new suggestion. This one is derived from my previous suggestion on Procedural Music which, admittedly, was very ambitious. Research in procedural music like in my suggestion is still in its infacy.

    So basically, this thread is based on two premises:
    1. There is sound in space.[1][2][3]
    2. Every star system should not only look different, but feel different.
    The suggestion is obvious: Add procedurally generated sounds like in the examples above. Those sounds are far easier to make than music (obviously). The most fancy thing I can think of is some kind of Doppler effect when moving towards a star, but we don't even need that.
    The game already has procedurally generated backgrounds, which relies on the same mathematical principles as procedurally generated sound.

    Maybe I should give @Omni a highlight here. Apart from the programming stuff he seems to be the one that could find out the parameters to make it actually sound cool.
    I very much support anything that involved adding more sounds to the game :) Sure, it may not be completely realistic, but I'd like to have some sound when flying around the universe. Silence will only lead to a universe full of crazed space pilots, lol. I like the idea of music even more, but at this stage in development, I'd be happy with just some background sound effects.
    Aug 30, 2013
    Reaction score
    I like the idea. You could even add some variety to it by changing what type of drone you have to the sounds by where you are:

    For example, enemy bases would have darker tones or more of a suspense/horror theme.

    Of course, we know the 'but muh SERVER' crowd will try to bury this.
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