Yea to command the NPC to do things you just buy them then hold \"LEFT Ctrl\" click the place on the floor you want them to stand and they will go there... note not having enought room to get around will cause them to stop the command after a while. After you have set a location for them you can now see the excat point they are assigned to if you traget them then press \"L\" to open the AI menu you can change a bunch of their individual settings from then like how many block \"X,Y,Z\", they can roam around also argession and so on... I\'ve ran into a few bugs when buying them and flying around them coming back because they started to float around my ship saying \"I will not follow you!!!\" when i got back to the loaction I bought them they were my friends again... still testing... also I dont know how to assign them to their own space craft or to use specific modules on the ship (it would be nice to tell the AI either the ship itself or an NPC piloting a ship to follow and protect me or to add the ability to automactly return to a set \"Home dock\" and other missing but needed AI features, but only if an NPC is in control of the ship) Just play around with it and do so on a new universe as not to destroy whatever you have started so far.