I am attempting to update my Clone Trooper Skin Pack (http://starmadedock.net/content/clone-trooper-pack.737/) but everytime I try to upload the .zip it stops uploading anywhere from 27% to 29% (give or take). The error I receive is that "There was a problem uploading your file" so I assumed it was the internet (I am currently visiting future family-in-law in Belize) however they actually get the same internet speed I do in Canada (admittedly slow). So I checked out the "inspect element" button on Chrome to see if I could get any hints as to what the problem was, and all I found was that the little loading bar stopped every time at about 27%-29%. The error does not say the file is too large, but it is triple the size of the last one, so I am not sure (it is currently a .zip of 3.07MB).
Here is the loading bar I found, the width increases with the upload (probably not very helpful, but who knows!)
<div class="Meter" style="width: 28%;"> </div>
Here is the loading bar I found, the width increases with the upload (probably not very helpful, but who knows!)
<div class="Meter" style="width: 28%;"> </div>