Read by Council Pocket Stations

    Oct 11, 2015
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    This idea is somewhat based on Onyx from the Halo Universe. It introduces the ability to put stations/ asteroids/planets/shops/maybe capital ships into a form of 'permanent warp space' without actually moving anywhere. In this state, the entity is completely immobile, and almost entirely untouchable.

    Downsides to this system:
    1. It requires one or more stations to automatically send supplies to maintain that state.
    2. These stations require to be in the system, and near an asteroid/ planet and/or near a shop/trade route.
    3. The only way in is a man/slightly larger warp-gate.
    4. About a fourth of the supplies can be made on the entity, or the entire amount. However, if the entity produces it all, there will be an ever-increasing power cost until it either switches or leaves warp-space.
    5. If one destroys a supply station, it will display the entity's location to the attacker for a short time.

    Upsides to this system:
    1. The entity cannot be detected at all, even on the star map while in warp-space.
    2. It is possible to build and have the entity produce new ships, albeit at a heightened cost.
    3. Objects in the entity's original location will reappear elsewhere (couple sectors away)
    4. If the entity, say, was docked to a object as opposed to the object being docked, the object will have increased shields and damage per weapon (only about 1/5).
    5. There doesn't have to be a way in (the supplies come in through inter-dimensional storage blocks).
    6. The entity stays in warp-space about 2 minutes after supplies stop coming in.

    Thank you for reading, and of course this idea is not perfect [maybe too OP], so feel free to comment what you think below.


    Dec 31, 2013
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    • Wired for Logic
    • Thinking Positive
    • Legacy Citizen 5
    Something similar to Eve-Online's Space-Pockets which you can enter only through an Acceleration-Gate which can have custom permissions on ship type and owner?

    It would be fun if a station can have indestructible satellites which shoot at attackers before they come into range (with a mass limit based on the stations size)
    They would be similar to sun damage to enemies only.
    Oct 11, 2015
    Reaction score
    I was thinking more like the gate having be only slightly larger than the size of a character, that way enemies can't just send in a massive battleship to destroy the entity in warp space. And, to balance it, the entity, which, cannot be seen, or detected in any way, cannot see or attack nearby enemies, but maybe be able to detect them so they can prepare.
    Feb 22, 2015
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    • Purchased!
    • Legacy Citizen
    iirc, I believe the devs said they don't want instances/alternate dimensions. It's why 'hyperspace' is done the way it is. I'm not sure if that is relevant to this idea tho. The shipyard test area is sort of an exception.
    I'm not sure how I feel about this idea, needs to be fleshed out a bit more.