Planet Core too big

    Aug 18, 2013
    Reaction score
    I know that the performant PCs will easily handle huge planets, but having the planets as they are and 1000 max segments, light quality 64 and everything else on minimum will have problems handling a planet as it is now and due to it's size it will have to constantly load and unload big parts of it, making flying around one kinda laggy. So, in order to solve that, I propose this:
    - Reduce the planet's core to 5%-30% of it's current size
    - Add a Minimum minimum layers (small planet's nr. of minimum layers), Minimum maximum layers (big planet's nr. of minimum layers), Maximum minimum layers (big planet's nr. of minimum layers) and Maximum maximum layers (big planet's nr. of maximum layers) as server.cfg variables
    - MAYBE have a Minimum core size and Maximum core size (as the options above) in the server.cfg, just in case someone wanys to have a tiny core for the planet or a ginormous planet of the size of half the solar system...

    Edit: I also think that there should be a variable to set the multiplier for the asteriods to spawn... maybe we like having tons of asteroids... or none... or one in a million planets...
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    Jan 19, 2014
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    • Legacy Citizen 4
    • Wired for Logic Gold
    • Thinking Positive
    There are already server settings for this. If you're in singleplayer or own the server you can change the settings yourself. If you're on someone elses server, they may have already changed it to what they want.
    Aug 18, 2013
    Reaction score
    No, you're able to change the "sea level" and the deviations, but there is no way to have both dwarf and gigant planets in the same world, if I'm not mistaken. And heck if I found the command to reduce the core's size !
    Feb 24, 2014
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    The deviation being really high would allow small and large planets, but most would still huddle around the middle
    Aug 18, 2013
    Reaction score
    The deviation being really high would allow small and large planets, but most would still huddle around the middle
    As it is in the reality? Well, that's the point. Why only have either big or small planets with huge deviations from low to high, all of them having around the same height, while you can have both tiny and huge planets at the same time, even next to eachother!
    Feb 24, 2014
    Reaction score
    As it is in the reality? Well, that's the point. Why only have either big or small planets with huge deviations from low to high, all of them having around the same height, while you can have both tiny and huge planets at the same time, even next to eachother!
    What I'm saying is the current setup has the capacity to do what you want, but I believe the way its coded keeps most planets towards the base size you mention. Basically it isn't truely random. Correct me if I'm wrong, as all I can reference is my own experience.
    Aug 18, 2013
    Reaction score
    And what I'm saying is that even if that is true, it doesen't matter if *most* of the planets are going to be around the same size, as long as there is a *chance* to have a big planet near a small one. And even of most of them will be "norma", there will be big differences between the big ones and the small ones, in terms of actual size!