Radar jamming, cloaking and scanning is broken af in the meta, and needs a change. However, logic is not that change, it would break shit to an absurd level.
This is one thing my friend
Heillos made to show off how retarded this would be. It would take up 24x3x3, in other words, 'bout the same size as a chaindrive (cough, cough, most popular download on the logic section of CC by any metric. Don't think people wont use it for its size or complexity if they use my ankle-slapping slab of logic.) It could reduce the time ANYTHING in its vicinity could be cloacked/jammed to five seconds, max. Cloaking would be 100% worthless at that point, as it literally wouldn't matter.
Logic Scanner Concept
Additionally, this thread was made really recently, and was met with one side antagonizing the idea, because of their in game knowledge and expertise, and another side agreeing, whilst failing to back their ideas up.
Scanner Computer activation via logic
Finally, I have my own suggestion on this. I think it's p. balanced, allows automation, and doesn't seem to piss people off.
Recognized by Council - A Way to Relate Jamming, Cloaking and Scanning With Modules.