Recognized Paste issues in Adv Build-Mode


    Oct 30, 2015
    Reaction score
    Some of the most serious hang-ups and crashes happen on my server when the advanced builders use the PASTE command. Usually from from a moments inattention during a large build.

    1) Can we ditch the requirement to have a 'building element' in hand when using paste? This leads to the accidental placement of a giant cube of blocks when you forget to hit the PASTE button. Any builder will attest that it can be confusing switching 'Modes' constantly between: astronaut, build, advanced-build, free-look flight, camera, core-view and now....PASTE-MODE. So: let me use paste-mode with an empty hand...please...for the love of.....:eek: ( then my sorrows will be replaced by a harmless "click")

    2) Progress indication and OOPs buttons. Currently you hit paste and wait, frozen at 1 FPS for the large area paste to process. Given the rate of crash & failure during this process you may be prone to worry 'am I locked up?' or you may know the second you lift your finger that you made a mistake but you are committed. Re-logging is a common result sometimes with mayhem for your build. Could a 'Cancel' button be introduced to function as it would to 'cancel printing' ?