paste improvement

    1. Durendal5150

      Advanced Paste

      Pasting things can be an enormous hassle because of how they're saved. Everyone knows this. Sometimes you want it like it is, but oftentimes getting a template into the position you want is a fiasco. Simple solution: Next to paste, we add advanced paste. Once you click with this, the template...
    2. B

      Build Mode Region Intangibility & Logic Stuff

      I have a few problems building a CPU in starmade. The first problem is that it's a CPU in starmade and is going to take forever to make (again, since I accidentally blew up most of the original design). One of the main problems is that I can't simply look at a logic block in a crowded...
    3. RogueXenoRenegade

      Read by Council Make Copy and pasted blocks link with selected controllers

      We have all been there, your building something on a large scale and your making the weapon battery or some other giant thing and then you need to slowly link each group separately. I propose that paste checks if you have a controller block selected with c and tries to apply both the master of...
    4. Lukwan

      Recognized Paste issues in Adv Build-Mode

      Some of the most serious hang-ups and crashes happen on my server when the advanced builders use the PASTE command. Usually from from a moments inattention during a large build. 1) Can we ditch the requirement to have a 'building element' in hand when using paste? This leads to the accidental...