The inside is very detailed and roamable as well, sub ether drive is highly detailed on the inside too. This beast fires off 140 missile volleys ( 24x BB per wing, 62x BB on the top turret bottom turrets a salvager but interchangable with more missiles for an additional 62x BB missiles, 15x Heat Seeking per wing), has 18 anti-matter cannons, maxed powergrid and shielding, full radar jammers and cloaking.
The ships components are broken up along the entire ship so a focused attack will not completely disable her, the turrets are interchangable I have made turrets for all missile types, antimatter cannons, repair cannons, and the salvage cannons. And to boot she sports 2 matching shuttles on either side that come complete with storage, small anitmatter cannons and BB missiles for quick hit and run shopping trips.
If there is enough interest on here I may just post up the blueprints for her and her supporting turrets + shuttle ^_^
All the parts in this pic are uploaded, I am working on putting shields on the optional turrets then those will be as well.