Orion Class Battlestar

    Nov 16, 2014
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    ===For Immediate Public Release===

    Construction crews are glad to announce the first major update of the year! Crews apologize, as it has been Way to freakin' long since we have updated this resource. The major update this time is the HANGAR BAY and two Viper Mk. III Launch Tubes, but the tubes can most likely be used for most Viper models. The hangar consists of two Raptors, and four Vipers in reserve storage. The vipers were generously loaned from Colonial Defense and Randomo
    To fit with this new universe, computer simulations have determined that more weaponry is needed to cover some obvious blind spots. To help cover some of them, four more Heavy Turrets have been installed, two fore and two aft. Two more CIWS turrets have been installed on the aft section to cover some anti-missile defense.
    Above the hangar deck, there is one large projection from the wall. That building is LSO/Launch Control. The Launch Signals Officer works there. The LSO is in charge of the Main Door Lockout, Condition One lights, Condition Three Lights, and Launch System Recovery doors.
    Not pictured here is a hidden Universal Serial Dock, secured by military lockout. It is not colored so as to blend in. It will not be pictured due to security reasons.
    The main corridors of the ship running Fore/Aft have been installed and lit. There are also stairs now installed from the hangar deck to the LSO room.
    Third and most important to the Tactical Prowess of this ship is the Launch Tubes. Two of Randomo 's vipers are installed, and set as "Alert Vipers". In the event of hostile contact these vipers can be quickly deployed to defend the ship without waiting for the hangar deck to be cleared. Each of the two Launch Tubes has room to it's interior side, with another LSO room. Each of those rooms must be manned to launch a viper, as a button must be pressed to seal the launch doors and open the doors to space.


    Contact your local Colonial Fleet Liaison for details!

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    Jul 19, 2013
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    ===For Immediate Public Release===

    Construction crews are glad to announce the first major update of the year! Crews apologize, as it has been Way to freakin' long since we have updated this resource. The major update this time is the HANGAR BAY and two Viper Mk. III Launch Tubes, but the tubes can most likely be used for most Viper models. The hangar consists of two Raptors, and four Vipers in reserve storage. The vipers were generously loaned from Colonial Defense and Randomo
    To fit with this new universe, computer simulations have determined that more weaponry is needed to cover some obvious blind spots. To help cover some of them, four more Heavy Turrets have been installed, two fore and two aft. Two more CIWS turrets have been installed on the aft section to cover some anti-missile defense.
    Above the hangar deck, there is one large projection from the wall. That building is LSO/Launch Control. The Launch Signals Officer works there. The LSO is in charge of the Main Door Lockout, Condition One lights, Condition Three Lights, and Launch System Recovery doors.
    Not pictured here is a hidden Universal Serial Dock, secured by military lockout. It is not colored so as to blend in. It will not be pictured due to security reasons.
    The main corridors of the ship running Fore/Aft have been installed and lit. There are also stairs now installed from the hangar deck to the LSO room.
    Third and most important to the Tactical Prowess of this ship is the Launch Tubes. Two of Randomo 's vipers are installed, and set as "Alert Vipers". In the event of hostile contact these vipers can be quickly deployed to defend the ship without waiting for the hangar deck to be cleared. Each of the two Launch Tubes has room to it's interior side, with another LSO room. Each of those rooms must be manned to launch a viper, as a button must be pressed to seal the launch doors and open the doors to space.


    Contact your local Colonial Fleet Liaison for details!

    ===End Transmission===

    Thanks for crediting me! Good luck, can't wait for the final result. What are the dimensions so far?
    Nov 16, 2014
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    The dimensions are constantly evolving, with the OP having the approximate dimentions still.
    Nov 16, 2014
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    Ummm Rixan? Thats not what the orion looks like
    Osiris - Battlestar Wiki
    What do you mean? I'm confused, that is what it looks like, (at least to me). I'm using that page and Orion Class Battlestar - Battlestar Wiki as my info, and building as close to screen accurate as I can. We never SEE the corridors in much detail, nor do we see the launch tubes or other parts of the ship, so I'm filling in what I would imagine it to look like with the materials at my disposal... What part of it is incorrect in your eyes? We also never see missile control, or anything but the launch bay (which I made as good as I can), or CIC. The exterior isn't quite done, but it's as good as I can make it.
    Jun 12, 2015
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    What do you mean? I'm confused, that is what it looks like, (at least to me). I'm using that page and Orion Class Battlestar - Battlestar Wiki as my info, and building as close to screen accurate as I can. We never SEE the corridors in much detail, nor do we see the launch tubes or other parts of the ship, so I'm filling in what I would imagine it to look like with the materials at my disposal... What part of it is incorrect in your eyes? We also never see missile control, or anything but the launch bay (which I made as good as I can), or CIC. The exterior isn't quite done, but it's as good as I can make it.
    I just thought that your ship looked more like a conventional battlestar than an orion. Wasnt the orion much flatter in appearance and smaller too?
    Nov 16, 2014
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    The Orion (Let's use Osiris as the basis) was only shown in one official BSG show, Blood and Chrome (really good movie btw).
    On shipschematics.net I was able to find a commissioned painting/blueprint of Osiris (http://www.shipschematics.net/bsg/images/colonial/battlestar_osiris.jpg), which I used to base all my build, with a ruler and the given scale. I can't verify the exact dimensions of the prop, as A) the prop was digital and B) no official record exists, this is just the author's best guess after examining B&C, namely the size of the known Valkyrie, MK III viper, and Colonial Raptor. The Orion that i'm building is significantly smaller than a conventional battlestar, with the Columbia class (Galactica), 1438.64 meters long and my ship, Osiris, being about 420 meters. That's almost 1000 meters shorter. Height wise, Galactica is 183 meters tall and Osiris is only 150, similar height but smaller still. That 150 is from the lowest part of the wireless antenna to the height of the observation deck, whereas for Galactica it's 150 meters from the launch pod to top of the ship, it's much longer and wider. The Osiris prop was actually only shown from a top favored view, giving the impression of a much flatter ship than it truly is, but it would be rounder in actuality, my little ship is a tad to pointed, but it's as good as I could get it. To compare to the Galactica again, the Galactica is 500 meters wide while Osiris is a bitty 140 m.
    Nov 16, 2014
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    ===For Immediate Public Release===

    Construction crews are excited to announce the completion of three major rooms within Osiris.
    The Brig, Firing range, and Pilot Ready Room. The tentative crew listings for the first ship of the line come default on all Orion class ships and can be changed upon orders from fleet command.

    Contact your local Colonial Fleet Liaison for details!

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    Nov 16, 2014
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    PLANS! Rooms to Build!!

    -surgery rooms
    -main medical room

    Science Labs......PLANNED
    -containment rooms
    -science lab

    Engineering........IN PROGRESS
    -main engineering/FTL room
    -life support
    -maintenance tubes

    Cargo Bay...........COMPLETE

    Flight Ops...........COMPLETE
    -Main Hangar
    -Hangar Control
    -Launch Tubes
    -Launch Tube Control

    Command and Control.....PLANNED
    -Weapon Control
    -Damage Control
    -Helm Control
    -Weapons Control
    -Docking Control

    Transit...............IN PROGRESS
    -observation deck

    Crew Facilities...PLANNED
    -Crew Quarters
    -Duty Lockers
    -Mess Hall
    -Heads (Unisex)

    Other................IN PROGRESS
    -spare rooms
    -Disaster Pod
    -Ready Room.
    -Firing Range.
    -Conference Room.
    -Weapons Storage Lockers.

    If you can think of more rooms or facilities to add let me know!
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    Jul 19, 2013
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    Yeah maybe, maybe not, It makes sense to have them but maybe just disaster shelters which are rooms that are really just ships inside... Such as sickbay.
    Makes sense yeah. 100%. But, I don't think, as far as I know, that they had escape pods.
    Nov 16, 2014
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    Makes sense yeah. 100%. But, I don't think, as far as I know, that they had escape pods.
    Well Sickbay was designed as a disaster shelter in case the ship was lost in a non-tylium based explosion. Such as cylons venting the ship's o2, Sickbay would be self sufficient until the Cylons came along or until the Colonial Fleet could rescue them.
    Nov 16, 2014
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    ===For Immediate Public Release===

    Construction crews are overjoyed to announce the completion of one new major rooms within Osiris, and the external fuel reactors!
    The Sickbay is large enough to care for four bed-bound patients and one in surgery. The sickbay has four medical dispensaries that can keep the rest of your crew in top-notch health! The sickbay can also act as a disaster pod in case of emergency, which has it's own life support, power, and emergency facilities if the ship is lost.Please note that the disaster shelter is not meant to be a permanent habitat nor is it to be used as an escape pod from an armed enemy who has the brains to look for your DRADIS signature.

    Contact your local Colonial Fleet Liaison for details!

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    Jul 19, 2013
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    ===For Immediate Public Release===

    Construction crews are overjoyed to announce the completion of one new major rooms within Osiris, and the external fuel reactors!
    The Sickbay is large enough to care for four bed-bound patients and one in surgery. The sickbay has four medical dispensaries that can keep the rest of your crew in top-notch health! The sickbay can also act as a disaster pod in case of emergency, which has it's own life support, power, and emergency facilities if the ship is lost.Please note that the disaster shelter is not meant to be a permanent habitat nor is it to be used as an escape pod from an armed enemy who has the brains to look for your DRADIS signature.

    Contact your local Colonial Fleet Liaison for details!

    ===End Transmission===
    Love the small print
    Nov 16, 2014
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    Love the small print
    Thanks! It's more meant to be a safe location or quarantine in the event of total ship loss of atmosphere or life support, such as what the Cylons tried to do on Galactica.
    Nov 16, 2014
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    ===For Immediate Public Release===

    Construction crews are ready to announce the completion of one new major room within Osiris, and a refit of the current plans and hull, that, unfortunately, will require refitting of the external fuel pods. The hull is now following a different concave pattern that is more accurate to the design. The new room is the Docking Control, which is nearby the USD Dock. The room is to be manned at any time there is docking operations taking place.


    Contact your local Colonial Fleet Liaison for details!

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    Nov 16, 2014
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    ===For Immediate Public Release===

    Construction crews are ready to announce the completion of one new major room within Osiris, the Main Observation Room! This room sits high and proud upon the top of the ship, and can provide an excellent look at any celestial body in view, as well as being a good rest and relaxation room. In the rare event that this ship is used as a Flagship for a fleet or Battlestar Group, this room can be used to observe and coordinate the fleet.


    Contact your local Colonial Fleet Liaison for details!

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    Nov 16, 2014
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    ===For Immediate Public Release===

    Construction crews are ready to announce the completion of one the duty lockers! The duty locker is a crew quarters room with walls that have rows of recessed bunks (racks) for sleeping and several lockers between each set for personal effects and mirrors. Lockers are allocated 1 per person per bunk, and there are five per pod. There twenty-two duty lockers in the ship. The one hundred and ten enlisted personnel of the 150 crew. The other forty officers have their own quarters shared between them all, with less people per quarters.


    Contact your local Colonial Fleet Liaison for details!

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