*slow clap* finally... now I can really get to work with NPC factions on our server like I've been needing to for a year now.
Second, someone needs to do the talking on Starmade official videos besides Saber. He's too difficult to hear and understand. Advice to Saber, .... breathe.... put some actual breath and diaphragm behind your voice instead of trying too hard to growl into the mic as low as possible.
Third, NONE of this patch addresses possibly the worst problem behind NPCs ever since the start of the game - DIFFICULTY SPAWN GRADIENT!!!!
...right now, and after this patch, the same ships are going to spawn 1 sector from 2,2,2, as out in 100,100,100 or as in the NPC home system. Why has it been so hard for the community to communicate this simple concept to devs? We need a way to ensure weak NPC spawn near the center of the galaxy where newbs will encounter them, and strong NPC spawn farther out in the galaxy.
To answer a few questions (quoting doesn't want to work)
4: All galaxies will have factions in them from what I understand, or at least that is the plan... MP.
How about let us all focus on ONE galaxy, yeah? We the players have shown consistently that +1 galaxy fails, bad idea, no one goes there, and if they do it kills the server. ONE galaxy.
Chaining in from Shadow's post above, Will a ship be able to operate as a dual purpose? IE, a Scavenger with offence capability like long range missiles. Will it flee from all combat, or will it recognise it has both, and begin salvage operations at the end of battle, or flee when its among the last left in a fleet as per morale system that may come?
This is easy guys, just drop the same ship into the different blueprint slots under the NPC faction, so that the NPC will spawn the same ship when it "wants" each of the multiple roles. If you have a battle salvager... put it in both slots. If you want 1 fighter to spawn all the time, put it in all the folders of appropriate name.
its good to see this update comming.
I have a bomber ready and i'm working on a cargo but it won't be ready in time for the update.
here is a little pic (WIP)
View attachment 34186
Matey, I really really REALLY would love to talk to you about getting that beetle-insectoid cargo ship and your other fleet ships (if they are also insectoid) onto my server, because we have a fleet /NPC faction that uses insectoid ships. Table's totally open for negotiations at this point...
I noticed the NPCs were stocking Turret Docking Enhancers...
Can we finally get rid of those stupid things?
Seconded. Get rid of them if the game isn't going to use them anymore. They'll just spawn as empty spaces on old ships if loaded in. No big deal. Easy fixes. Otherwise, split the game into Classic Starmade (with old turrets) and New Starmade, and continue dev on the New.
Hopefully we get this update before my server runs out of players, the game population is pretty much waiting on this update.
Also is it possible to limit the game file to 1 galaxy?
Seconded, and SECONDED. Community is hurting for active players.
So, faction loses a territory when you destroy enough ships and take enough resources from them? Can we have a progress bar to how much damage needed to done for territory takeovers?
Right now NPCs have a big territory and a lot of stations. I think it is pretty hard to wreck them all. (wrecking 20 well made station is HARD)
Is it possible to lessen the amount of stations we have in a sector? (I think 5-10 stations/solar system is balanced)
What is the size of the fleet?
When do we have updated stations which works without docking modules?
So make your factions custom, with smaller, easier stations so they're easier for players, especially new players, to go destroy. Also, just go thru the stations, and replace old docks with new, mod the turrets (all the old ones sucked anyways), and redock. Might take a few hours, and then you get the honor of stamping your name on the new download pack

You're welcome for the build inspiration. Don't wait for someone else to fix it when you can.
There going to be a BP Roll for a turret? Since that'd be handy for the AI and players for that matter when trying to locate turrets in the catalog for use. Also it'd help in other ways, say a station spawns without turrets the AI would look up turrets it has use of in the catalog and ID what ones can be fit into the various rail turret spots. Maybe we could go further and mark areas for AMS, Normal, and AP turret types as well so the AI knows what to hunt for.
...you're ascribing way way way too much I to the AI... when they lose a turret, they're just going to sit there until a player or other AI overheats them and eats them. They're not going to spawn a new turret and dock it and start flying again. Nor... do I want them to, nor should you! Such level of AI would eat way too much server power that we already can't afford.
Will players be able to join the NPC factions or...
Matey, they already can. I admin-joined a player to -1 in our server that was really interested in being a pirate. He's loving it and doing well.
Neat. Can this also be done on a player faction level? That is, could a player-run faction be friendly or allied with an NPC faction, or is it just on a person-by-person basis?
...we can already do this, see above...
Criss any chance that we can change the number of galaxies or even the size of galaxies in the future?
We at craftau have tried to suggest all our players to stay in the main galaxy but we cant really stop players from flying into the abyss
SECONDED (again, for i think the third time)
Not sure if we will change the number of galaxies that show up ever...
wtf not???? How hard is it to code this in:
config.ini > numGalaxy=1
SERIOUSLY???? listen to your community!
Don't forget the turret role for the blueprints and the sub types for it. This way the AI can add turrets to stations and ships that don't already have turrets.
They don't need to do this.
1) dont put a blueprint in for the AI to use unless it has turrets like you want, and
2) if they get shotup and lose a turret, then they should just sit there and wait for another player or AI to come finish the job. We don't need more server power going into this. Performance is already bad enough.
Finally, and in closing, hopefully Schine crew test this on a "real" multiplayer server on a different continent from their own, and takes the time to see if a server will actually run and be functional and STABLE with this new AI system.