Recognized New UI for Turrets (bobby - faction)

    What do you think about?

    • Good idea

      Votes: 14 93.3%
    • Game breaking (would make easy "spawn" of cruiser on fight, i admit. Have to think about limitation)

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      Votes: 1 6.7%

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    May 8, 2014
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    I play a lot in pvp, and one of the major problem i have is that when i have to respawn a capital ship, i have to manualy go on each turret for re-enable and configure bobby & faction modules. On some ships with 20+ turrets, it's a really anoying and time consuming action.

    Edit for answering Master1398 post below, i'm aware of the structure -> enable all turet, but that's still limited. Being able to, for exemple, disable the faction module for one turret, make her able to be used by a friend but not a faction member, is cool. Also, i personaly don't have every turret on "any", i ever have some front turrets who have order to fire at my own target, mainly with STOP and ION attack, leaving ennemy vulnerable to my main "manual" canon.

    My solution will be to make a new UI windows, accesible by the pilot of the ship itself, like the one with the weapon systems, where all docked turret are listed, and where you can on some click, enable all bobby + enable faction signature on the whole ship.

    Should be possible to activate each turret separatly, or all with a global setting.

    I have make a little draw... (yes ... xD) for make it clear.

    (turret 1, 2 etc.... should use the name of the turret, for more accurate configuration.)

    Additionaly, the hability to go in a turret for manual command, then return in core without disabling bobby (anyway, re-enable bobby when leaving the core) will be really nice too, especialy when you play with some players on board of the same ship.
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    Keep calm and quit raging
    Aug 19, 2013
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    You already can activate the AI of all turrets on your ship/station. Go to the "Structure" tab and click on "Turret Docking System Collective" > "activate all AI"

    And as far as i know the faction signature for a turret is set automatically to the one of the main ship when the sector the ship is in reloads (But i could be wrong here)
    Jun 15, 2014
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    you can activate all turrets on a ship at once I don't know about the faction modules I think they turn into the faction that the main ship is in.
    Are you new to starmade?


    Eldrich Timelord
    Jan 16, 2014
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    what I see here is the ability to switch "any" and "my target" configs on the turrets, and THAT is a MAJOR thing with spawning in new ships.

    double plus, massive likes. want to see.
    May 8, 2014
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    You already can activate the AI of all turrets on your ship/station. Go to the "Structure" tab and click on "Turret Docking System Collective" > "activate all AI"

    And as far as i know the faction signature for a turret is set automatically to the one of the main ship when the sector the ship is in reloads (But i could be wrong here)
    Not news to starmade nope, but just turning ai isn't much a problem as you say, the structure menu is there for it. But except if i mistake, it's not possible to easily make all turret switch between "any" or "target", not possible either to modify a faction bloc, it hapen for me for exemple to give perm to ONE of my turet by disabling faction module, for let a friend go inside, without him being in my own faction.
    Another thing impossible with structure, the ability to convert a turret in ship for bobby, who can be really usefull once the ship ai will be usable :p
    Jun 20, 2013
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    yes yes yes, this is a good idea, you can already activate turrets but the ui for it is crap and you can't even enter faction signature anyway
    Jun 28, 2013
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    Yes plz. This would enable me to turn things on/off without navigating the word labyrinth that is the structures tab.
    May 8, 2014
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    Haha yup that's the point i had in mind WaffulMann, plus it may help newcommers on starmade, witch with time became richer and better, but also a little complicated, the structure tab is actualy not the most user friendly ever :p

    Sorry for delay, let's consider this as a little "up" as some people seem agreeing and this post was created before council, so may be unnoticed, and can be a little more needed with the new fleet system and the multiplication of ships / turrets to deal with :p


    Building masochist
    Sep 26, 2013
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    Turret AI settings save with blueprints. So for example, turrets set to "anti-missile" will be saved with the blueprint, and be set to anti-missile automatically when the ship is spawned. It's possible that the function is bugged (don't think it is), if so, please report it on the bug tracker.

    You can turn on all turrets at the same time by going into the structure tab -> rail docking (name might not be exactly that, I'm unsure, but it's similar), and pressing the "activate all turret AI" button.
    May 8, 2014
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    Hi, thanks for your reply, as i have writen on green oon the first post, i'm aware of the structure -> enable ai thingie, but i though it can be interesting to have an ui making the thing easier and who make small tweaks "on the go" possible without leaving the core (like changing targent type of turets, enabling / disabling the faction module for let a friend / passenger use a turret in a fight, etc...)
    Jan 25, 2015
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    I see what you mean here Lemdoran, kinda like it to change it on the way, could give a tactical advantage to those who would use it.
    May 8, 2014
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    Yup that's it, witch can be pretty usefull i think, especialy on pvp between 2 big ships, and adding a little more management / possibility to the fight :p


    Social Media Director
    Jun 25, 2013
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    There are talks to make changes to the UI and the user experience in order to better facilitate needs like this. Ship - wide turret control was also considered. We will need to discuss this in order to determine the simplest solution.
    Oct 4, 2015
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    • Legacy Citizen 4
    I hope this does happen, i would love to see it. My capital ship has over 50 turrets........SO yea


    Wizard/Developer/Project Manager
    May 11, 2015
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    There are talks to make changes to the UI and the user experience in order to better facilitate needs like this. Ship - wide turret control was also considered. We will need to discuss this in order to determine the simplest solution.
    Have you also talked about allowing multiple pilots used the interface?


    Social Media Director
    Jun 25, 2013
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    Have you also talked about allowing multiple pilots used the interface?
    I imagine that would create a number of problems unless it was delegated to some sort of control computer. That's very specific however and single pilot control will be the priority before we think about multiple pilot turret control.


    Join the Dark Side
    Aug 21, 2015
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    On one hand, I completely agree with this thread, but on the other hand, there is more than one way to implement this kind of functionality. But more on that later in my response. One of the things I think about when deciding whether something should or not be implemented is if it would actually be possible in the StarMade universe, and I can see this as a totally viable option. There is "wireless logic" and fleets, yet we cannot change the settings of turrets that are docked to our ship?

    This would also help if you'd like to give a ship to someone but you spawned it in as your faction. A lot of my ships have 100 entities apiece, and trying to reset the faction permission for everything is.. yeah, not going to happen.

    This would also introduce some interesting gameplay where players could turn on and off turrets which serve different purposes. For example, maybe there are ION missile turrets that you turn off mid-combat once your enemy's shields are down. Perhaps you have a docked power reactor that is dual purpose. You can either have it supply the main ship with power OR you use turrets attached to it to attack the enemy.

    As much as I like your idea, I have a somewhat different concept about this, which I posted a few months back (but which is now buried deep within someone else's thread). I don't think my idea is necessarily mutually exclusive to yours, but if I had to choose only one, I'd prefer to have a system that creates a physical manifestation of the control system that is logic controllable. My idea was to allow remote editing of a bobby AI module on a ship. You place a "Bobby AI Console" block onto the main ship. You then press C on that block and V on the bobby AI module on a turret to connect it (like a wireless logic block). Then when you press "R" on the Bobby AI Console on the main ship, you're able to set the settings for the remote turret. You could also connect logic to these blocks to turn the turret's bobby AI module on and off. Additionally, if you press C on Bobby AI Console block and V on an activation block, then the activation block will turns ON when the turret is enabled and off when disabled. Players could then turn turrets on and off using activation modules or inner ship remotes or other creative logic systems. Now, we could have both your idea and mine implemented but if the developers were to only implement one, I would prefer the more concrete method of control (accessable via hotbar and logic) over a more abstract menu. However, my idea lacks the ability to change the entity's faction settings, so ideally, I'd like to see both implemented. I like options. What do you guys/gals think? :)
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