new ship designed for PvP

    Sep 30, 2013
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    Like you i love PvP, latest ship are so powerfull, but majority of them are made for look nice, and no one is fully designed for battle againt powerfull player ship.

    That why i decided to create the most adapted ship for fight, first ther is some problem and tell u some thing about the project when answer to problem ;) :

    - a little ship can't fight too long against a big ship

    so i decided to make a big ship (actually 600 000 block, but maybe 900k/1M when finish), it will be costfull, and hopefull, cuz its bad if everyone can have it.

    -problem with big ship is there, first they can fight agaist many little ship without spend a looot of time for finally destroy it, cuz move too fast.

    i decided to create ~20 turrets on the ship witch can shoot on any direction arround the ship, no blind ;)

    -aaand .. turret are not enought powerfull for big ship

    that why the turret will be very big, and ship shield very high (actually only 2M, but will be 5M/10M when finish)

    I also think this turret will be helpfull for shoot the shipcore of ennemy when shield down : accuracy is more big, and we all know when we fight big ship, shipcore is difficult to found.

    -what about missile and AMC ??

    i choose to be full AMC, why ? because misssile is use for good accuracy (BB missile) , problem is resolved with big turret, and for make big hole, its useless against a player because when shield down he flee, so it's useless to shoot him AMC or other thing, we have to kill him fastly, that why a full AMC ship is better, the shipcore is the only target

    -AMC is difficult to manage, have to see the DPS and the total damage (if have 500 000 DPS but can shoot only 3 second before energy is all consummed it's useless)

    i make many test, actually DPS of ship is 202 000 (will be maybe 250 000) on 4 canon only (i dont count turret sure) it can shoot 20 second before energy is end, so we can say it cause a total of 4.040.000 damage

    second : energy managing, i choose to make energy first (6 000 000 energy/second actually, will be more) and than adapt energy tanker for be recharged in 30 second (so 180M of energy on total actually). Why 30 second ?? i think its the best time managing : when u sop shoot for move, if energy come back too fast (5/10 second) all the time when energy is full is wasting, u dont product anything, and if it too slow (over 45second) u have to flee battlefield before charged, because u probably cant wait 45 second underfire p ;)

    how to use the minimum of bloc for design, without make a naked ship ?

    i only make a external body, with a single bloc over the inside, no more, for save bloc. for the inside, i make little fonctionnal room : the shipcore room, two corridor wich use gravity of ship for make u come inside or outside very fast, aaand my only concession to playe who RolePlay is a little room where is a table with six place. i dont make a room for drone or other thing because it take too much space inside the ship, and take many bloc

    big ship is so slow

    i always test moving speed of ship when add block, and i add thruster when it start to be slow, this ship will be very fast to move, but sure, it'll be slof for turn, so that why i make many turet like i said.

    For anny question, feel free to ask here :)
    Oct 8, 2013
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    Is a cube. It has the best turning speed, fits multiple box generators, houses an insane amount of firepower and has no discernible weak spot. People make ships look nice because cubes are frowned upon.
    Sep 30, 2013
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    nice idea, ingame i agree cube can be the best, but everybody prefear get something look a ship lol. My ship is more long, it open space for turret can shoot around more easy and compensate the lack of turning speed.

    and like i explain, cube not make the power, but it\'s the inside of ship wich make it ;)

    Reilly Reese

    #1 Top Forum Poster & Raiben Jackpot Winner
    Oct 13, 2013
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    Can you use at least decent grammar and pictures?
    Sep 30, 2013
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    sry for grammar, i\'m french (that explain all lol)

    for picture, i\'ll try again, but with screenshot of keyboard, it dont take the game ..... any help for how to take a screenshoot ?
    Sep 30, 2013
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    i added pics of the finish outside ship, inside still not finish, and it miss the turret (turret design already finish, but docking module not made


    Jul 1, 2013
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    you are hurting my eyes!

    can\'t you fight with some actual ship, I mean not a dumb cube??


    Building masochist
    Sep 26, 2013
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    • Thinking Positive Gold
    If it\'s 100% combat oriented you should have gone with a cube.
    Sep 30, 2013
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    no turret version is now out :

    cost : 373,5 M

    General description :

    Mass / thrust : 101 439 / 291 141

    lenght : 400 height :43 weight : 83

    Shield : 3 800 000

    Energy :

    tank : 766 964 000

    production : 8 813 000/second

    Docking equipment :

    2 ship slot

    10 turret slot

    Offensive equipment :

    4 antimatter canon

    DPS: 213 000

    continual shoot : 80 second

    total damage until battery finished : 17 000 000

    Defensive equipment :

    Shield : 3 803 000

    recovery : 63 611

    0C cloaker, 8 second until battery finished


    I got N64 problems but a bitch ain't one
    Oct 18, 2013
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    Cube ships are not the most efficient due to how turning speed is calculated.

    Everyone just assumes this it seems without any actual testing.
    Apr 25, 2013
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    That thing is hideous. You can\'t just slap a bunch of AMCs inside a spam-box and call it a battleship.
    Jun 9, 2012
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    I couldn\'t help but read your post with an Italian accent.

    To answer your question...

    \"F5\" takes a screenshot in game.
    \"F6\" takes a screenshot without the GUI in game.

    These are saved in your \"Starmade\" folder as PNG files.

    If that doesn\'t work send in a bug report.
    Jul 7, 2013
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    For PVP, assuming you want to keep then in front of you, the low profile cylinder is better than a cube. Ignore everyone coming into the Post complaining its hidious, I dont think they understand the post, thats its for PVP and not rp, keeping it simple makes it easy to repair as well as replace. And Im assuming you are making pretty hefty turrets for this? With 10 slots available for turrets, are you going to make a good all around turret for them, or goin to mix Shotgun style with some longer range turrets?
    Mar 9, 2014
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    • Arrrty Gold
    I just make a medium-sized ship that shoots 300 missiles at once. Very combat effective.