New Rating System


    Nov 14, 2013
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    I for one am basically just refusing to use anything other than the default "like" button that was perfectly adequate before.
    Personally, since it's here, I think I'll use the Agree button if it fits more than the Like button, but yeah...
    Jun 16, 2013
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    Personally, since it's here, I think I'll use the Agree button if it fits more than the Like button, but yeah...
    That's a fair enough reason to use it. The other 9 buttons are still pretty useless then :p

    rece ktore leczo, care to give your opinion as to why you disagree, instead of simply hitting a button?
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    Nov 25, 2013
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    Eelviny Sure. Only one response button in the form of "like" is not very informative way of giving our feedback to the post. With more options we can more detailed explain why we like or dislike specific post and i don't think it's a change for worse.
    Currently we may have too many ratings like "optimistic" which i don't know if it was ever used, but we could use more disagreeing/negative responses like mentioned by der_Scheme "Flamy", "Disturbing", "Provocative". Maybe not all three of them, but something could be used in a place of "insane" rating.
    Also my guess is that DukeofRealms is telling the truth that similar rating systems give postitive effects on the forums and their functioning.

    "Destroying" reputation by trolls argument isn't a strong one as it's clearly visible when some posts are senseless rated.

    And from my experience - sometimes i'm just reading the posts, without the will to write comments but i'm giving ratings as it is easier and faster, so i really prefer current system, over the older one.
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    Mar 2, 2014
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    I rather have the problem that I can't use more than one rating for a single post. I also miss the possibility to rate ratings, for example to disagree with a post being funny or old.


    Count Duku
    Sep 4, 2013
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    I can understand the complaints, but the statistics so far and research that has been done shows otherwise.

    Features are not added without thought, if you wish you can stay in your dark caves back in Africa without ever making the first step towards improvement and change "If it ain't broke, don't fix it."

    Otherwise if this system fails to work, we will have learnt one more feature that does not work in this forum environment.
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