New Inventory limit cause resource loss

    Jun 21, 2015
    Reaction score
    I just experienced, several times, trying to move too much from a factory to my inventory, and only a fraction would lend in my inventory, but the rest would just be lost; not back in the factory, and not floating next to me. Maybe it has something to do with me being in build-mode? Luckily, it was just a few 100k of cargo space, which is cheap. I will probably need to add well over 1M of the cargo just to hold the resources of my base.
    [DOUBLEPOST=1449329949,1449329352][/DOUBLEPOST]Strangely enough, it is not by every factory, only the biggest one, that makes 10k per tick, and was itself upgraded with some cargo space to be able to produce so much. I was thinking that the rest might be "sucked in" by some connected storage, but firstly cargo space is new, so no existing storage is pulling it, and secondly, if there was a pulling storage, it would not wait until I pulled *part* of the stack, to pull the rest.
    [DOUBLEPOST=1449330107][/DOUBLEPOST]I just discovered "personal cargo". I did not use that when the bug happened.
    [DOUBLEPOST=1449330840][/DOUBLEPOST]OK. It looks somewhat different as I thought; I had something like 630k Cargo Space blocks, I put down 15625 blocks (25^3, the maximum supported by the server), and then I only have 44737 blocks left, and lost again something like 580k blocks! Not cool.


    Leads the Storm
    Jun 26, 2015
    Reaction score
    • Community Content - Bronze 1
    hmm good thing I'm waiting to update my main directory. Time to go bug smashing and also items ending up lost should result in them being ejected into space and the default setting for that is off right now so something is diffidently up.