My list o' ideas

    Jun 26, 2013
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    Well hi... no time for introductions

    1: Handheld weapons, the game is mostly based on space warfare I get that but we should also get weapons to fight back with.

    2: Fire, ships should catch fire if hit by certain powered missiles.

    3: Better planets, Make them more of a sphere /oval shape with terrain on both sides.

    4: Planetary control, allow factions to lock a planet from other people breaking stuff with fist (COSTS LOTS OF CASH So no spamming it)

    5: Planetary Combat: Perhaps allow planetary vehicles to travel around faster and to take over a faction planet(SEE #4)

    6: Drop pods, launch them at an enemy flagship and it will cause an explosion and land them into the ship's hull for people to get out and take over the ship

    7: AI entities, Not just for turrets and ships but real AI people that can be armed or be engineers who will take from your inventory/chest to repair a block that was destroyed.

    8: Ramming, if a large ship hits a little ship the little ship should go BOOOOOOM

    9: Debris, Leave a few blocks from wreckage in a ship instead of destroying it completely

    10: Core Overheating shockwave, pushes your ship back (Varies on size and weight)

    11: Colonies, little cities with people when you build a certain block (Like ship core, but for a colony)

    12: Better enemy spawn rate, I can never find pirates.

    13: Escape Pods, if your core is overheating you can shoot an escape pod out (Docking and leaving isn't really working for me)

    More coming later.
    Jun 21, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Number 12 can\'t find any pirates HA I have TOO MANY pirates, every 5 minutes a gang of pirates attack me I don\'t have time to build anything. My mining rig looks like swiss cheese.

    I like the planetary combat idea, that can go well with a faction war, two fleets can be fighting one defending the planet while the other is trying to either take it over or destory it in space. A drop ship can land on the planet and a group of soldiers/enemy players can run out of the ship and start blasting the defending soldiers. It would be awesome if the drop ships also carried tanks and such, a player could be in the tank and when its close to the ground, he would undock and the planets gravity would affect it. Instead of looking like a tank it would probably be a hover tank, hovering a block high since everything is well....a block.
    Jun 21, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    #2 - You do realize that there is very little oxygen, nitrogen, carbonated, or any other potentially combustable gas in space (and what little there is is strewn about in massive gas clouds, nebulae, and between star systems in the interstellar space). Unless, of course, you have life support and a sustainable atmosphere aboard you ship. But, unless atmosphere can be coded and calculated, I would find fire to be a horribly out-of-place feature in Starmade. But, that is my opinion.

    #3 - That would be nice, but I think Schema made the planets flat because of issues in calculating multidirectional gravity field body forces and the fact that spherical planets would require a good amount of elbow grease to approximate non-cubical blocks to form a perfect ovaloid/ellipsoid/sphere.

    #8 - You know, you can build out a prow on your ship and then load it with the dis-integrator block to make \"the little ship go BOOOOOOM\"

    #11 - With the exception of living colonists, you already have the build block that allows you to build your own space stations and planetary bases

    #12 - Look harder.

    Although it would have to wait until the game left alpha (or perhaps even beta), I\'d love to see larger planet. Being able to see both dropoffs is quite limiting for large-scale base-building
    Jun 21, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    The escape pode idea is good and all but if you are in your ship defending against enemies and your ship goes overheated, it cause the core got damaged and most likely you\'re dead, so the escape pod idea doesn\'t really work in that situation. And if you are walking around your ship and your core gets damaged and starts overheating the first thing you would probably think of doing is to go to the core and get inside cause that would stop the overheating. And besides, the whole function of an escape pod is to undock and leave, if you are looking for a quick escape i think a warp drive would be better.
    Jun 26, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    it would be cool if planets rotated so they can have day night cycles. also would like to see alians on planets that try to kill you if you land there.