The shape of the ship is very good, I think, and I like how you made the engines. The use of wedges on the outside is well-done and not over-done.
In terms of criticisms, I would only really say that the white blocks make the ship entirely too bright. I know that isn\'t your fault cause they just racheted up the brightness of them. I would say maybe the \'backbone\' of the ship make hardened black (too much red would probably be too bright with all the white). The contrast would look good, I think. Some other splashes of color like the blocks closest to the engine changed to red could look good too. Maybe some colored lights in the docking bay. The white looks intentional so I wouldn\'t say get rid of it all :P
The room with your core is nice and big, and the power-blocks running down is a nice touch. I would suggest some wedges in the corners of the room and maybe a square of colored blocks around the central pillar.