More (Mostly Planet) Ideas

    Jun 21, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    While StarMade is a great game, I have noticed a few things that could be changed slightly and a few things that could be added. A few or even most of these have probably shown up on the forums before but please bear with me if this is the fiftieth post you've read concerning planets, I will try to keep short and to the point. Also, I do know that this is an alpha, but I still would like to point these things out.

    Planets: Changes

    • ?Bigger planets (obviously)
    • NPC's
    • Different amounts of gravity
    • Weather (detailed below)

    Planets: Additions

    • New types of planets (detailed below)
    • Exo-planetary variations (such as rings, debris, stripes and belts, moons)
    • Ruins variations
    • Caves with stalagtites/stalagmites

    Elaboration: Weather

    Weather on planets could range about as far as the variants of planets do. Some examples could include: clouds and rain on grass planets, blizzards and snow on ice planets, and dark clouds and ash rain on volcanic planets. There could also be never before seen types of weather, such as gravity distortions and etc on alien planets, making mining a very dangerous and risky business, thus adding to immersion.

    Elaboration: Planet Types

    New planet types could add all sorts of new aspects to the game. There might be more minerals with added capabilities, new types of crystals, special fauna worth higher amounts in shops than most others, and also different types of ruins, such as futuristic ruins on alien planets. Some new planets that I have come up with are:

    • Water planet - Has almost complete water coverage, underwater caves, and underwater ruins.
    • Gas/Wind planet - Has very thick astmosphere with above average gravity, very windy and low visibility, otherwise similar to desert planets. *Edit - Gas planets can also consist of having floating rocks and such in the atmosphere to build bases on, similar to the gas planet in the Star Wars movie, but they would have no bottom, instead they would drop the player into space through the bottom of the planet, since a killbox would likely be a pain for ships entering the planet's atmosphere from the bottom.
    • Moons - Consist of mostly rock and ash, lower than average gravity, and smaller overall size than regular planets, and also have deep craters, some with ruins underground.
    • Forest planets - Similar to grass planets, except they are almost completely covered in trees and it it practically impossible for ships to land without making a clearing first. Could provide new types of extraterrestrial wood, along with terrestrial.
    • Hollow planets - Have varying and normal surfaces, but larger than average cave systems and bioluminescent plants and crystals, which are very rewarding when found.
    • Lava planets - Uninhabitable on the direct surface, these planets can only be inhabited using platformed cities and bases, but can be mined for resources using mining lasers. They have a dark and thick cloudy atmosphere and higher than normal gravity.
    • Rock planets - Similar to moons except they have more caves and craters, are the same size as reglar planets, and have normal gravity. Also have minor and major mountain ranges.
    • Collided planets - planets that have distinct markings of hitting one or more other planets, ranging from huge craters to an egg-shaped planet or atmosphere.
    • Twin planets - Two planets in close orbit of each other when compared to others around the pair. This could also be increased to many more planets in the group.

    These are my ideas so far, if any of you out there have any other great ideas to add, feel free to comment!
    Jul 28, 2013
    Reaction score
    I have kept close eyes on the planet threads and so far this one has many ideas that were and weren\'t brought up. To see them I\'m compilation like this makes it spun that much more captivating. I absolutely loved the idea about the weather and atmosphere combinations, as well as the alien ruin ideas. All which have been brought up but none in which sounded good until now. Good brain storming Gamesis
    Sep 22, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    These types of planets exist:

    planet made of diamond

    planet on the drift/not in an solar system.

    those could be cool ingame as well though maybe diamond planet is op.
    Jul 23, 2013
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    They just need to be really rare. When a star dies, it has no more hydrogen to turn into helium. So it starts to burn what it has: Helium. Basically a lot of heavier elements, including Carbon, are created this way. So, theoretically, if a star were big enough and made enough Carbon, the pressure would in turn make a solid core of Diamond.....Once it blew off it\'s outer layers and cooled off of course.
    Aug 15, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen
    i like the ideas on the new and diffrent planets, i myself would most likely build a base on a volcanic planet, and with these variations you could almost recreate starwars on star made, wouldnt that be interesting
    Sep 13, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 6
    • Purchased!
    A dead sun would also explain a lone planetoid in the void of space, since it would likely fry and annihilate all the planets in its orbit during the process of dying, the only thing left would be its core. What about neutron stars? thats another stellar object with some interesting properties.
    Aug 2, 2013
    Reaction score
    Common in scifi is a scenario where a ship is getting chased or fighting in the upper atmosphere of a gas giant, wwith associated winds, lack of radar, damage to ship etc. Just pretty much any variation in the space you fly through like an anomoly that throws off navigation or looks cool.

    Rogue planets that fly through space are cool idea

    possible active planetary events such as meteor showers, aurora borealis, volcanos, earthquakes
    Jun 21, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Neutron stars would have to be treated similar to the star that is centrally located within each star system; as a hazard. Reason being is that they are relatively small, depending on the original size of the star, they have ridiculous amounts of gravity, since they are created similarly to a black hole, and also shoot out beams of light and x-rays. It would probably kill you and/or irradiate your ship before you even got close.
    Aug 15, 2013
    Reaction score
    Nice compilation,this could make planets a little bit less ugly and actually make them worth a look.

    I would love to get the possibility to settle on a sun though (not on the direct surface just so close that everything not specifially made for it melts)With some diversified suns which should be ridicoulusly easy to implement it would be really cool.