I\'ve made a lot of changes to the turret layout, which has been my focus over the last few days. Turrets now run down the length of the ship (dorsal) rather than across the width of the ship (lateral). Turret coverage is now divided into zones. Here is a list of zones and their coverage areas:
Broad Zone(Starboard/Port, aft of the ship): This is the zone of coverage offered by the internal broadside turrets. The zone is a series of cones extending laterally from the broadside turret ports and extends to ~ 500 meters laterally.
Point Zone(length of ship, port/starboard): This zone of coverage covers from hull of port/starboard to about 200 meters .
Flight Zone (top of ship): Entire top of ship. Covered by combination of light, medium and heavy turrets. Extends to ~ 700 meters away from the vessel.
FriendZone(Top/bottom of ship, midships port/starboard): This is the coverage area of the utility/repair turrets. It\'s a small zone, designed to be a boost to escort vessels and triage damaged vessels.
Fire Zone(Fore of ship): This is the area covered by the bow guns and forward turret batteries to about 300 meters forward. It\'s designed to provide covering fire for vessels leaving the carrier via the flight tubes, and discourage hostile vessels from entering.
Aft Zone(Aft of ship, dead rear): This is the coverage zone of the rear turret arrays, which are the only turret banks arranged laterally rather than dorsally. They cover the receiving tubes as well as the rear of the ship.
Wide Zone(10 degrees starboard/aft top/bottom to 70 degrees top/bottom): this is the coverage zone offered by the medium and heavy turret banks situated futher back from the edge of the ship.
Bottom Zone(Bottom of ship): This zone covers the bottom of the ship with heavy and medium turrets, and one extra-large turret.
Span Zone( Top/bottom of ship): This is the coverage zone of the side-mounted turrets, which extends to about 700 meters above/below the ship.
Furthermore, I\'ve completed decking on two more decks, and started positioning more access ramps. Decking for the conning tower is almost complete save for one level, and only three decks remain in the main section of the ship.
I\'ve started adding long corridors running the length of the ship. Long Corridors HOOOOOO.
Oh, and I\'ve been working on the engineering deck, and going to open up the shipworks sub-level.